Democrat Congressional leaders Sen. Chuck Schumer and Rep. Nancy Pelosi |
President Donald Trump's second impeachment trial, which began
Tuesday, could provide the turning point for his and his opponents'
legacies -- though not in the way many might think
Trump and his lawyers could use the trial to prove conclusively the
existence of nationwide fraud in last year's Presidential election.
Trump thus not only would ensure acquittal in the Senate and begin his
second term. He would disgrace and destroy his enemies for all time.
Ironically and unwittingly, the House of Representatives put itself in such an untenable position. The impeachment resolutionstated
that for two months, Trump "repeatedly issued false statements
asserting that the Presidential election results were the product of
widespread fraud and should not be accepted by the American people or
certified by State or Federal officials."
The resolution also stated that on Jan. 6, during a rally while
Congress met to certify Joe Biden's ostensible election, Trump
"reiterated false claims that 'we won this election, and we won it by a
landslide.' "
In demanding impeachment, the resolution claimed Trump
incited protesters to breach Capitol security -- despite evidence to the
contrary, as FrontPage Magazine reported in "The Ultimate Betrayal" and "Capturing the False Flag."
Then on Feb. 4, Maryland Rep. Jamie Raskin, the lead impeachment
manager, alluded to Trump's accusations of voter fraud in a letter asking the president to testify. Raskin wrote that the president, in his lawyers' response to
the impeachment resolution, "attempted to put critical facts at issue
notwithstanding the clear and overwhelming evidence of your
constitutional offense."
Since those "critical facts" concern election fraud, Trump's lawyers
have the chance to make their case. But how can those lawyers succeed
if meticulous research from Sidney Powell, Mike Lindell, Peter Navarro
and Jovan Hutton Pulitzer, among others, apparently failed to get
national traction?
Simple. The military would have to collect irrefutable evidence of
tampering, especially from foreign parties. As commander-in-chief, Trump
would have the ultimate military clearance -- and Trump was
commander-in-chief during the election.
So how would the military collect such evidence? One way would be
through the United States Space Force, which Trump made a separate
military branch in December 2019.
Ten months earlier, in a policy directive for the proposed branch, Trump delineated the
Space Force's responsibilities. Duties included "deterring aggression
and defending the Nation ... from hostile acts in and from space."
Fulfilling that mandate would mean engaging in cyber security. As a report from the Modern War Institute at West Point statedin July:
"The Space Force has an opportunity to pioneer safeguarding the
infrastructure security of the United States, and it resides in fusing
its responsibility for the hardware component with a consolidated cyber
capability. Specifically, it is time to transition the national security
cyber domain architecture from a combatant command into the operational
mechanism of space warfighting."
If other countries manipulated vote totals in Biden's favor, those
nations would do so by using internet connections to hack into voting
machines or data repositories in the cloud. In his report,
Pulitzer wrote that adjudicated ballots "can be sent off site,
downloaded to Excel spreadsheets, manipulated and then re-introduced
into the system" electronically.
FrontPage Magazine explored that
likelihood in "The Serbian Connection." Serbian tech specialists
working for Dominion Voting Systems wrote the software for Dominion's
voting machines. The software included an algorithm that could reduce
Trump's votes, which could be manipulated from Serbia's capital,
Belgrade, where Dominion has an office.
Powell also asserted foreign
interference Nov. 20 when she said on Howie Carr's radio show in Boston
that Serbia, China, Iran and Liechtenstein played key roles.
So the Space Force's satellites and tech specialists would be able
to explore the cloud and various servers, find suspicious activity,
decipher the accurate vote totals and determine who acted when, where
and how.
Moreover, as a separate military branch, the Space Force could work
with other federal agencies without interference from other branches. As
the Space Force's proposed policy directive stated:
"The Secretary of Defense and the Director of National Intelligence
shall create and enhance mechanisms for collaboration between the
Department of Defense and the United States Intelligence Community in
order to increase unity of effort and the effectiveness of space
Trump then could view the cyber evidence in real time in a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility, as FrontPage Magazine suggested in "Beijing Is Called For Biden," which also reported how Trump tried to repel foreign interference.
Trump made federal election tampering a national security issue, and
gave oversight authority to the Department of Homeland Security, which
would work with the Department of Justice. In November 2018, Trump created the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) within the DHS to keep civilian networks from being hacked.
Two months earlier, Trump declared a national emergency because "the
proliferation of digital devices and internet-based communications has
created significant vulnerabilities and magnified the scope and
intensity of the threat of foreign interference," stated his executive order.
That order amplified his ability to gather information through the
Secretary of Defense and the Director of National Intelligence, among
other officers in the executive branch.
Last Nov. 2, the DOJ announced it would monitor voting and tabulating in 44 counties in 18 states with the National Guard's help.
The announcement included jurisdictions in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan,
Minnesota, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, sites of the
biggest disputes.
But if malevolent parties hacked voting machines and software, that means all the safeguards failed, right? Not necessarily.
What if Trump allowed the hacking to take place so he could trap the
responsible parties and their benefactors, foreign and domestic?
Why would he do that? To deal the ultimate death blow to the "deep
state," the collection of entrenched politicians and bureaucrats who
sacrifice the nation's founding principles on the altar of personal
ambition. Trump has based his entire approach to politics on that goal.
So if cyber evidence shows that Biden or any other American colluded
with foreign governments to rig the election, they risk being charged
with treason and sedition.
If such an idea sounds like it came from a bad spy novel or crime drama, consider the following.
First, neither of Trump's impeachment lawyers, Bruce Castor and David Schoen, are experts in Constitutional law. Castorspecializes in civil cases while Schoen deals
in violations of civil rights and voting rights. Schoen even consulted
with former Vice President Al Gore's legal team in the controversy over
Florida's votes in the 2000 Presidential election.
Second, Trump expressed an unreserved resolve to punish theft in his 1987 book, "The Art of the Deal":
"My philosophy has always been that if you ever catch someone
stealing, you have to go after him very hard, even if it costs you 10
times more than he stole. Stealing is the worst."
If the Space Force has irrefutable evidence of electoral fraud, and
if Trump's lawyers present it during his trial, he not only would have
survived impeachment for a second time. He not only would have started
his second term and devastated his political enemies.
Trump would have directed the most extraordinary and vital sting operation in American history.
Sputnik One says: The very idea of impeaching a president who has already left office is something that only the sick minds of the leaders of the Democrat party could have come up with, an exercise in futility, time wasting, money wasting, Soviet style disinformation & propaganda with the cooperation of the hard left US Globalist media and is obviously based on the Stalinst "Show Trial" concept that a party that has been hijacked by the Marxists will attempt to get away just because they control Congress by fraudulent votes.
The American people deserve better than Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, Clinton, Kerry, Rice, Jarrett , Obama Soros, AOC, Sanders & all the other billionaire Marxist and criminal elements that now govern America. I pray that Biden will be a one term president & that either Donald Trump or another Republican is elected POTUS in 2024 because if Biden & Harris are not ousted then America is finished as a free nation under God!
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