Thursday, 31 December 2020

World News: Muslims Torching Cars in France


For several years now, French media have been banning stories, videos, and photos of the annual New Year’s Eve car torchings by Muslims in the suburbs of Paris. Considering how upset Muslims are with President Emmanuel Macron due to his approval of the publishing of cartoons of the prophet Mohammed as expressions of free speech, there could be many more car arsons this year than in the recent past. If I can find the tally, I’ll let you know in a few days.
The Local Every New Year’s Eve nervous car owners across France cross their fingers in the hope they can start the New Year with their vehicle intact. That’s because of a longstanding French tradition that sees “youths” in certain parts of cities (Muslims from urban ghettos) torching scores of cars.
The number of vehicles set alight on the night of December 31st 2018 climbed to 1,031 compared to 935 the previous New Year’s Eve, while arrests rose from 456 to 510, the interior ministry said on Monday.

New Year’s Eve is the most popular occasions for Muslim car burnings, but closely behind are July and August, particularly on Bastille Day on July 14th when Muslim youths mark the annual fête nationale with their own firework shows.
Nevertheless stats released last year by France’s official crime data agency ONDRP reveal that the number of cars burned each year has fallen by 20 percent since 2010. That was the good news for car owners and insurance firms. The bad news is that tens of thousands of vehicles are still burned across the country.
The main reason for the fall according to the ONDRP is that the media take less interest now in the mass burning of cars, which means there may be less of a thrill for the arsonists.

Authorities have previously refrained from reporting on the number of torched cars on New Year’s Eve after it was discovered that a district-by-district breakdown was fuelling destructive competition between rival Muslim gangs.
Added to that is that extra police are regularly deployed in sensitive areas on specific nights of the year to try to prevent the blazes.
The stats also showed that the departments most affected by the phenomenon were Haute-Corse in Corsica, Isere to the south east which includes Grenoble, and Oise, to the north of Paris.

The car owners most affected are generally in the more hard-up neighborhoods.
The custom of setting vehicles alight on New Year’s Eve reportedly began in the east of the country, around Strasbourg, in the 1990s, in the the city’s poorer neighbourhoods. It was then quickly adopted by Muslim youths in cities across the country.
In 2017, French authorities were accused of a cover-up after claiming New Year’s Eve “went off without any major incident” despite more than 1,000 cars being torched in arson attacks.

Cars are often set ablaze whenever there is an outbreak of social disorder, as seen in the 2005 riots when hundreds of vehicles were torched. The ONDRP’s Christophe Schulz told Le Parisien newspaper that there are diverse reasons that Muslim youths burn cars.
“Vehicle fires are often associated with a context of riots and urban violence. It can also be a ‘game’ to break the monotony, or it could be motivated by vengeance after a violent arrest. Or it could just be to get rid of a car used in a crime or as an insurance scam.”
So while car owners might welcome the fall, they still face a few sleepless nights this summer and  of course, New Year’s Eve.

Media Watch : Newsmax sees web traffic surge after 2020 election


Newsmax sees web traffic surge after 2020 election

By Keith J. Kelly, New York Post , December 30,2020

AP Photo/Chris O'Meara

Upstart right-wing media outlet Newsmax saw its web traffic triple in November as the contested election played out, but it still only garnered 10 percent of the traffic generated by its larger rival Fox.

Newsmax traffic jumped 330 percent last month to 13,378,000 over the previous year — catapulting it to second place among right-leaning websites, according to an analysis by The Righting, which tracks conservative sites.

“Its strategy of positioning itself to the right of Fox News appears to be working in the post-election environment,” said TheRighting CEO Howard Polskin.

Still, remained the most visited conservative website with 129,851,000 unique visitors in November, a rise of 37 percent, according to The Righting, which crunches numbers supplied by comScore. Fox News was founded by media mogul Rupert Murdoch, who also owns The Post.

Newsmax CEO Christopher Ruddy on the future of conservative media, CNBC TV, 17 Nov.2020

Both right-leaning sites trailed, which generated 174,772,000 unique visitors in November. The New York Times pulled in 128,474,000 unique visitors while the Washington Post saw 113,685,000.

Newsmax has attracted many of the more ardent supporters of President Trump, who has refused to concede the election to Joe Biden and has pushed unfounded theories of widespread voter fraud. The US Senate is set to meet on Jan. 6 to formally ratify the Electoral College results that gave Biden 306 votes to Trump’s 232.

Newsmax, which has continued to push the line that the election is still up for grabs, is not the only right-wing website to score big by pushing theories of a stolen election, despite numerous courts ruling otherwise. Radio host Dan Bongino has seen traffic to his rise 619 percent on the month. He is also a backer of social media website Parler, marketed as a conservative alternative to Twitter, which attracted 13,484,000 unique visitors in November.

LIVE NOW: Newsmax TV Live Stream

NewsGuard, a media watchdog that worked with social media intelligence company NewsWhip, found that traffic to all sites rose dramatically during 2020. Website engagement — which NewsGuard took to mean likes, shares or comments — jumped to approximately 16.3 billion, up from 8.6 billion a year earlier.

Sites that NewsGuard rated as unreliable had four times as many interactions in 2020 — or 2.8 billion compared to 700 million a year earlier for a rise of 305 percent. Sites that NewsGuard rated as green for reliable also saw engagement rise, but only by 69 percent in the first 11 months of 2020.

“Facts did not always flourish in 2020,” NewsGuard said in its year-end report. The three sites with the most engagement that NewsGuard said published misinformation on COVID-19 and the contested election were led by, followed by and anti-China website the Epoch Times.

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Wednesday, 30 December 2020

Escape from Egypt🐪🗻 moment on the Coconut Whisperer : Swan in mourning brings German trains to a halt for nearly an hour


Swan in mourning brings German trains to a halt for nearly an hour

By David Meyer, New York Post, December 29, 2020

It was a cygnet failure.

A broken-hearted swan mourning its dead mate recently brought trains to a halt for almost an hour on a high-speed rail line in central Germany, according to reports.

The sad swan refused to abandon the tracks for 50 minutes on Dec. 23 after its companion flew into the overhead electric line above and died, the Guardian said.

Swans typically mate for life, according to Agence France-Presse — making the partner’s death all the more crushing.

Swan in mourning brings German trains to a halt for nearly an hour, Flash News, Dec.29, 2020

The grieving fowl “sat beside the body in mourning, resisting attempts by officials to lure it away,” according to the French wire service. Twenty-three trains were delayed as a result.

Firefighters eventually caught the bird and released it into the Fulda River.


🐪🗻This has been an "Escape From Egypt  moment" on the Coconut Whisperer in honor of the former Escape from Egypt channel on the Disqus channel  network 2018-2019 with 34K followers and was the absolute weirdest, wackiest and strangest news channel ever on Disqus !🐪🗻

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USA Politics: Vote Rigging, from Stalin to DNC


What a Stalin Quote About Rigging Elections Reveals About the 2020 Election

How the media tried to suppress a quote about Stalin using the media to rig elections.


Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

As Republicans began pushing back against the rigged election, a quote about voting from Joseph Stalin began circulating on social media. "The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything," is how variations of it went.

As soon as the quote went viral, the media’s fact checkers tried to suppress it.

USA Today's fact checker rated it as false, claiming that Stalin had never said it based on speaking with two history professors at Vanderbilt University who vowed that they never heard of it. One of the professors, who serves as the Director of Undergraduate Russian and East European Studies, ranted that it was, "an example of American right-wing paranoia, active manipulation of public opinion, or outright and fascism". Truly a quote worthy of Stalin.

But had the ‘fact checker’ and the professors just checked Oxford's Essential Quotations, they would have found it. You don’t need a PhD or a fact checker title: just a modicum of integrity.

Politifact was more ambitious about humiliating itself by contacting the Stalin Digital Archive with the Russian State Archive of Social and Political History. The quote wouldn't be there because it comes from Stalin's former secretary, Boris Bazhanov, who fled the USSR and wrote a memoir exposing the crimes and corruption of the Soviet regime. Asking the Russian State Archive for that quote is like asking the cosa nostra to fact check a mafia informant’s recollections.

The men who were party to that conversation were the ‘Troika’ of Central Committee leaders, Kamenev, Zinoviev, and Stalin, who temporarily governed the USSR after Lenin. Since Stalin had Kamenev and Zinoviev killed, his secretary was one of the few to hear him say it.

J. Arch Getty, a history professor at UCLA, told Politifact that, "I am not aware of any original source for this, and in my extensive archival research in Stalin’s personal archive, I found nothing like this."

As Jacob Heilbrunn at the Weekly Standard had previously noted, “Getty exemplifies the new revisionism that has taken hold in Soviet studies; rather than deny outright Stalin's crimes, it seeks to justify them. This kind of revisionism would be condemned… if its subject were Nazism, but it continues to be rewarded and acclaimed in the field of Soviet studies.”

The sort of person who writes that the “social goals that are commonplace today, including women's rights and racial integration, were planks of the Communist party platform long before mainstream American parties took them seriously”, might not be the best person to ask to verify a damning quote about a Communist dictator. Unless you’re a Politifact fact checker.

There is of course a very good reason for suppressing the Stalin quote because it does apply all too well to the election. And there’s a profound sense of history repeating itself in the media trying to suppress a Stalin quote about using the media to suppress an election.

Because that is exactly what Stalin did.

Boris Bazhanov had worked as Stalin's private secretary and, unlike most of the murderous Communist dictator's associates, survived by escaping before he could be killed. Still a young man in his twenties, Bazhanov had seen too much and enough to know what was coming. On New Year’s Day, he fled across the border from Turkmenistan to Persia, then through India, surviving several assassination attempts along the way, before finding refuge in France.

Bazhanov's memoir about his time with Stalin had several titles, it's named Bazhanov and the Damnation of Stalin in English, but all of the versions lay out the damning story of how Stalin took over the Soviet Union by manipulating the system and ruthlessly purging his rivals.

What’s more remarkable than the quote related in Bazhanov’s memoir is its context.

The Soviet Union had arrived at a crucial moment. Communist economics had managed to fail in a matter of years. The Troika were overseeing a collapsing economy that had married socialism to the Czarist bureaucracy and its police state with terrible results leading to a surge of discontent from local labor and political organizations against Moscow’s centralized control.

If the Troika didn’t get the peasants and workers under control, the regime of the peasants and workers would be in trouble. The three members of the Troika met to discuss the crisis and the possibility that they could be ousted by their own membership if the uprising gained momentum.

"And you, Comrade Stalin, what do you think of this question?" Kamenev asked Stalin.

"What," Stalin replied, "of what question?"

"Of the question of capturing the majority of the Party," Kamanev said.

"Do you know what I think about this?" Stalin replied, "I believe that who and how people in the Party vote, is unimportant. What is extremely important is who counts the votes, and how they are recorded."

The quote, despite the attempts to suppress it with Stalinists fact checking Stalinism, is indeed real. But what’s more important is what Bazhanov relates happened after this conversation.

Before this, Bazhanov recalled that, “in most of the Party organizations the majority was not for the Central Committee. I know that in the huge cell of the Central Committee itself, the majority voted against the Central Committee… the Central Committee had lost the majority in the Party organization of the capital city, the most important in the country. The provincial organizations were falling into line with the Moscow one."

Stalin's response was to take control of Pravda and fake the results of the votes.

"If a certain cell had 300 votes for the Central Committee and 600 against," then Pravda flipped the voting totals so that they read, "For the Central Committee 600, against 300."

I’ll let Bazhanov tell the rest of the story without any more interruptions.

“Naturally, a cell whose election results were erroneously reported protested, phoning Pravda and asking for the section ‘Party Life.’ Nazaretian would politely respond and promise to verify immediately. The verification would show that ‘you are perfectly right, there was a regrettable error, the printers made the mistake. They're overworked, you know. The Pravda editors apologize. We will print a retraction.’ Each cell thought that its error was unique, for that cell alone, and was unaware that it had happened to most of them. Meanwhile, little by little the impression went around that the Central Committee was winning all along the line. The provinces became more prudent and began to follow Moscow, i.e., the Central Committee.”

Much like all the clerical errors and bad polls that began piling up during the 2020 election.

What Stalin meant was that the actual vote didn’t matter, when controlling the news also gave him control of how the election was reported. The actual votes could be tallied somewhere out there, but Pravda would report that there was a consensus in favor of the Central Committee.

Pravda would even pretend to be transparent by printing occasional corrections to create the impression that it was trustworthy, while the big lie of the election rolled on. That’s where the Soviet Pravda was ahead of the American Pravda which rarely even bothers with corrections.

When Stalin said, “who and how people in the Party vote, is unimportant,” but “what is extremely important is who counts the votes, and how they are recorded”, he was referring to the media.

Some might call it a historical irony or tragedy for a leftist media to try and suppress a quote whose import was that a leftist media can manufacture an election consensus by printing lies.

But it’s just destiny.

Stalin understood that elections without safeguards were merely procedural. The results of the election didn’t matter. All that mattered was what people believed because they had read it.

The New York Times, the Washington PostUSA Today, CNN, and the rest of the tottering infrastructure of the media exist to manufacture partisan narratives to secure political power. Like their Stalinist counterparts, they invert the meaning of terms so that ‘fact checking’ becomes suppressing facts, and the more they lie, the more they claim to stand for the truth.

But, Pravda was there first.

The 2020 election was rigged in multiple ways, but the most obvious one was messaging.

Big Tech monopolies and the media collaborated to spread Democrat narratives and suppress Republican ones. In the crucial pre-election period, the media’s lies, smears, and hit pieces against President Trump and Republicans became the only thing most people saw anymore. Scandals involving Hunter Biden were suppressed, ironically, as Russian disinformation, while the media shamelessly propagandized for Biden the way that Pravda had for Stalin.

The media was instrumental in claiming victory for Biden and in helping Democrat governors and secretaries of state orchestrate the illegal election rigging that changed election rules.

The trouble with the Pravda approach is that it only works for a limited amount of time. Stalin only needed it to work for a brief period until he had consolidated his power over the system. Pravda’s credibility only needed to last long enough for Stalin to be able to freely kill his rivals.

America’s Pravda has shot its credibility. Every time public trust in the media hits a new low, the media doubles down on the propaganda, the smears and the lies. In under a generation, the media has destroyed its business model and the credibility that it took centuries to build.

Now it whines about “right-wing echo chambers” and demands harsher social media censorship when it’s nothing more than a left-wing echo chamber trying to wipe out the opposition.

If the media knew anything about history, it would not only have been able to verify the Stalin quote, but it would also know that what it’s doing is a bad idea that can only end badly. .

Nazaretian, who had been assigned the task of doing Stalin's dirty work, rigging the election at Pravda, was killed along with the two members of the Troika, and much of the old Bolshevik establishment in The Great Purge, for being a propagandist who knew too much.

The media might want to learn a lesson from Nazaretian’s example as they lie for their radicals.

World News: China army to test Shandong aircraft carrier in three-day drill


China army to test Shandong aircraft carrier in three-day drill

The exercises will also feature China's Type 075 amphibious assault ship.

 , DECEMBER 30, 2020

China's aircraft carrier Liaoning  16 ( sister ship of the Shandong 17 ) takes part in a military drill of Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy in the western Pacific Ocean.
(photo credit: STRINGER/ REUTERS)

China will hold a 10-day military exercise in the South China Sea, just off the southern Chinese Coast, in the waters surrounding Hainan.

The drill will begin on Wednesday, according to the South China Morning Post , which cited China’s maritime safety divisions.

Three simultaneous exercises, aimed at bolstering China's military presence in the contested waters, will feature one of the country's newest aircraft carriers, the Shandong, which entered into the Chinese navy last year that will be combat ready within the next few months.

The Shandong 17 aircraft carrier shortly before the commissioning ceremony. (Photo: CCTV1)

The exercises will also feature China's Type 075 amphibious assault ship fitted with a helicopter landing dock and "test new equipment which had joined the service over the past year."

“These exercises are arranged according to the PLA’s annual training plan signed by Xi Jinping, Chairman of the Central Military Mission, in January," a People’s Liberation Army (PLA) source told the South China Morning Post.

The drills, which have been in the works for over a month, were postponed earlier in the year due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. China states that out of its 2.3 million personnel, that there are currently no reported coronavirus cases within the military.

The Shandong carrier group sailed through the Taiwan Strait a day after a US warship transited the same waterway. China's military said it tailed the ship.

China's navy said the Shandong and its accompanying ships had "smoothly" transited the sensitive and narrow Taiwan Strait on Sunday, heading for exercises in the South China Sea, where China has extensive and disputed territorial gains.

The drills are part of "normal arrangements made in accordance with annual plans," it said. "In the future, we will continue to organize similar operations based on training needs."
The Shandong 17 aircraft carrier towed to the dock at the end of a sea trial campaign. (Photo: Chinese Internet)

Taiwan's Defense Ministry said the Shandong was accompanied by four warships and had set out from the northern Chinese port of Dalian on Thursday. Taiwan said it sent six warships and eight air force aircraft to "stand guard" and monitor the Chinese ships' movements.

The Shandong is China's second carrier, and was formally commissioned almost exactly a year ago.
Since then, it has successfully completed tasks such as carrier-based aircraft take-off and landing and use of its weapons, the Chinese navy said.

"The combat capability of the formation system has been continuously improved in experimental training," it added, referring to the group of warships which accompany the Shandong.

China has been working to hone its carrier operations, but has little experience compared to the United States, which has operated integrated carrier battle groups with multiple vessels for decades. 

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US Politics: President Trump is most admired man in 2020, Gallup poll reveals


President Trump is most admired man in 2020, Gallup poll reveals

By Mark Moore, New York Post, December 29, 2020

President Donald J. Trump.  Getty Images 

President Trump tops the list of the most admired man for 2020, according to a Gallup poll released Tuesday.

The annual survey asked respondents which man and woman living anywhere in the world they admired most this year — and 18 percent said Trump and 10 percent named former first lady Michelle Obama, with Vice President-elect Kamala Harris coming in second with 6 percent.

Trump’s first-place finish unseated former President Barack Obama from atop the list — a place he held for the past 12 years.

The president and his predecessor tied last year.

Rounding out the top 10 most admired men are President-elect Joe Biden at 6 percent, Dr. Anthony Fauci at 3 percent, Pope Francis at 2 percent, with Tesla founder Elon Musk, Sen. Bernie Sanders, Microsoft’s Bill Gates, NBA star LeBron James and the Dalai Lama finishing with 1 percent each.

Both Fauci, who is on the president’s coronavirus task force, and James broke into the list for the first time.

Trump ends Obama's reign as 'most admired man in America', Fox News, Dec.29, 2020

First lady Melania Trump came in third among most-admired women with 4 percent, followed by media mogul Oprah Winfrey with 3 percent, and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Queen Elizabeth II with 2 percent.

US Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett and environmental activist Greta Thunberg both finished with 1 percent.

Republicans chose Trump as their most admired by 48 percent, and no other public figure got more than 2 percent of Republicans’ votes.

Among Democrats, Obama was selected by 32 percent — down from 41 percent last year.

Fauci was named most admired by 5 percent of Democrats but only 1 percent of Republicans.

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Wednesday, 23 December 2020

What You Need to Know About the Latest Coronavirus Stimulus Package

In the midst of the ongoing novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, which has killed more than 300,000 people in the U.S. and disrupted large swaths of the economy, Congress on Monday night passed the latest in a string of stimulus packages this year.

President Donald Trump is expected to sign the bipartisan bill, which includes some $900 billion in relief, sometime this week.

After months of gridlock — with the House of Representatives' Democratic majority passing a $3 trillion bill in May (later trimmed to $2.2 trillion) that was ignored by Senate Republicans, who likewise did not engage with the White House's $1.8 trillion proposal — House and Senate leaders reached an agreement on Sunday for both a pandemic relief package and a $1.4 trillion deal to fund the government through next September.

The coronavirus stimulus is meant to ease the financial pain caused by public health efforts to slow the spread of the pandemic, such as shutdowns and restrictions on indoor dining and events.

Politico reports that the new deal includes $166 billion in direct payments that will take the form of $600 checks to people making less than $75,000 (some people making more will get reduced amounts) as well as $120 billion in enhanced unemployment benefits and $325 billion for the businesses most hard-hit by the pandemic, including live venues that have been closed for months on end.

The legislation also extends a moratorium on evictions and earmarks billions for COVID-related funeral expenses as well as COVID testing and vaccines.

The sweeping bill combines the government funding and coronavirus relief and runs to more than 5,000 pages. It includes provisions far afield from the pandemic, such as tax breaks and other measures.

The newest wave of aid also come with plenty of criticism, rolling out eight months after Congress approved a more generous $2.6 trillion in emergency assistance money, known as the CARES Act. (Congress has passed various other coronavirus-related relief measures as well, including further funding in April for small businesses.)

Here is how the newest package all shakes out and, given its scope, how it has been both praised and criticized.

Stimulus Checks

Like the first bill, the latest package includes cash payments that will be sent directly to Americans.

Just how much individuals get depends on their income. According to text of the bill, single taxpayers who made up to $75,000 in 2019 will receive $600. Married couples who earned up to $150,000 will receive $1,200.

Payments are reduced for those with earnings above that threshold, and phased out entirely for those who earned more than $87,000 (or married couples who earned more than $174,000).

Families will receive an additional $600 for each household dependent under the age of 18.

As CBS News reports, couples who include an immigrant without a Green Card will also qualify for the checks.

The payments are not taxable.

In an interview with CNBC, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said that Americans can expect checks or direct deposits from the federal government in a matter of days.

“The good news is this is a very, very fast way of getting money into the economy. Let me emphasize: People are going to see this money at the beginning of next week,” Mnuchin told host Jim Cramer.

He continued: "People go out and spend this money, and that helps small business and that helps getting more people back to work.”

Unemployment Benefits

The package also includes enhanced unemployment benefits of up to $300 per week for 11 weeks, which will expire in March.

A $600-per-week unemployment enhancement included in the first stimulus bill ran out in July.

CNN reports that the package also extends two unemployment programs that were created with the CARES Act: the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance program, which expands jobless benefits to freelancers workers, independent contractors and the self-employed; and the Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation program, which provides 13 weeks of additional payments to those who exhaust their regular federal or state benefits.

Small Business Support

The latest relief package reopened the Paycheck Protection Program so that small businesses can apply for a second loan.

As CNN reports, the bill also includes a provision that specifically allots $15 billion for live music venues and cultural institutions, many of which have been particularly hard-hit by the pandemic.

RELATED: IRS Warns That Texts Promising $1,200 Stimulus Checks Are a Scam

Rental Assistance

The moratorium on evictions from the first bill, set to expire at the end of 2020, will be extended through January. At that point, after the Biden-Harris administration begins, it may be extended again.

The legislation also provides $25 billion in emergency rent assistance. As CNBC explained, those funds will be administered by the U.S. Department of the Treasury, which will disperse them to specific states. Tenants will be able to apply for rental aid through state and other relief organizations.

Public Health

The legislation sets aside $69 billion for public health measures. That includes $22 billion for state tracing and testing efforts; $20 billion for vaccine procurement and distribution; and $9 billion for the the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's vaccination efforts.

The package also mandates that healthcare providers negotiate with insurance companies directly when it comes to COVID-related medical bills, rather than passing the full cost on to the patients.

In a move that was hailed by advocates, the bill ended the practice of so-called "surprise medical billing," that typically results when someone is treated by an out-of-network physician at a hospital that otherwise accepts their insurance. (The new ban has some exceptions, however.)

Non-COVID Measures

Among the bill's 5,500-plus pages are multiple non-pandemic related measures, such as the establishment of two Smithsonian museums: a Smithsonian American Women's History Museum and a National Museum of the American Latino.

Business Insider notes that the package also contains a number of more unusual provisions, such as $2 billion for the Space Force; $35 million in sexual abstinence programs for kids; and a tax break for those who own racehorses.

Among the more controversial measures is a so-called "three martini lunch" tax deduction for those writing off business lunches. The White House has said the deduction could help revive the struggling restaurant industry, though its critics (like Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders) say it's akin to "corporate socialism for the rich."

What Was Lawmaker Reaction?

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Republican, and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi posed praised the latest relief bill in different ways. McConnell framed it as the opposite party finally ceding to the good sense terms of conservatives, who had sought less money overall, while Pelosi described it as a "first step" of what she hoped would be more aid under President-elect Joe Biden. (Pelosi also noted this week that Democrats had been unable to secure as much funding for local governments but hoped to return to the issue.)

“In a few days of hard work, we’ve assembled another historic, bipartisan, rescue package. Just under $900 billion of relief targeted toward our fellow Americans who need help the most," McConnell said Monday.

Pelosi, meanwhile, told reporters that "what I'm excited about in this bill — and it is really the Democratic difference — is what it does for America's working families."

Nonetheless, the long-overdue bill has dissenters on both sides of the aisle: Six Republicans voted against it in the Senate and 53 lawmakers voted against it in the House, including Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib who called it "woefully inadequate."

Republicans critiqued the size of the stimulus for the reverse reason, arguing that it would worsen the debt crisis. Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul targeted conservatives who supported the bill during a speech on the Senate floor.

"When you vote to pass out free money, you lose your soul and you abandon forever any semblance of moral or fiscal integrity," Paul said, as quoted by Fox News.

Even those who voted in favor of its passage have offered criticism of the package, which was largely a compromise from earlier Democratic positions (such as the push for a larger direct payment and increased assistance for renters and small businesses). Sanders, for instance, has told reporters the $600 in direct payments isn't enough and that more aid is still needed.

Biden will likely push for more relief upon taking office. The Washington Post reports that he has said the newest stimulus package is merely a "down payment" that will set the stage for more negotiations come January, when Democrats may have control of the Senate following the Georgia runoff elections.

Lawmakers were also critical of the rollout of the legislative text, the printing and posting of which were delayed due to technical errors.

Republican Sen. Ted Cruz backed up the criticism of the rush to vote on the bill when lawmakers hadn't yet had the time to read it.

"It's ABSURD to have a $2.5 trillion spending bill negotiated in secret and then—hours later—demand an up-or-down vote on a bill nobody has had time to read," he tweeted.