Saturday 16 March 2024

Instant Karma: Meth head vandalizes temple, slips, falls, impales himself on statue of Buddha


Instant karma: Vandal rampaging through Buddhist temple in Thailand dies after slipping and impaling himself on a statue of Buddha

  • The 49-year-old man named Ek assaulted a monk and smashed holy statues 

A man was killed after falling from a large Buddha statue and being impaled on another following a meth-fuelled rampage inside a temple, according to reports.

The 49-year-old man assaulted a monk and smashed holy statues at the site at the end of February.

The man, named as Ek, allegedly took drugs with the monk before attacking him with a fluorescent tube.

He then locked all the doors and windows of the main hall and started smashing up religious statues. 

Police on the scene were concerned that he may be armed and initially waited outside the temple doors.

The man plummeted onto the sharp end of a smaller Buddha statue situated below it, killing him at the scene. Pictured: A smashed up statue in the Temple

The man plummeted onto the sharp end of a smaller Buddha statue situated below it, killing him at the scene. Pictured: A smashed up statue in the Temple

They tried to get him to surrender before the sound of destruction inside the temple fell eerily silent.

Officers then forced their way into the main hall and found the man lying in a pool of blood.

A Buddha statue had pierced his chest and lungs at the temple in Chon Buri Province, Thailand.

Following a preliminary investigation, it was revealed that he climbed up the large Buddha statue in the temple but apparently fell while trying to vandalise it.

The man then plummeted on the sharp end of the smaller Buddha statue situated below it, killing him at the scene.

Police forced their way into the main hall and saw the man lying in a pool of blood

Police forced their way into the main hall and saw the man lying in a pool of blood

According to local reports, the assaulted monk, named Best, admitted to the police that he had taken meth with Ek earlier that day.

Apparently, under the influence, Ek hit the monk before running into the temple.

Best has since left the monkhood for his misconduct.

A marble slab found propped up against a fireplace in a country cottage has sold for a staggering £554,000 - after it turned out to be an ancient relic. The stele - an engraved stone or marble carving - stood for decades in the living room of the woman vendor's humble home in south west England

A marble slab depicting Buddha found propped up against a fireplace in a country cottage has sold for a staggering £554,000 - after it turned out to be an ancient relic. The stele - an engraved stone or marble carving - stood for decades in the living room of the woman vendor's humble home in south west England

The stele, which had not been seen on the open market in almost a century, sparked a bidding war at auctioneers Woolley & Wallis, of Salisbury, Wiltshire

The stele of Buddha

The vendor, who was watching online, was 'absolutely delighted' with the sale result

The vendor, who was watching online, was 'absolutely delighted' with the sale result

In 1913 the stele was exhibited in Paris at the Musée Cernuschi as part of an exhibition of Buddhistic art

Buddhistic art

Friday 15 March 2024

Jizya: Tax Extorted From Infidels, Which Supports Muslim Gimmegrants

Jizya: The Return of Muslim Extortion

The Stream

Jizya is back in the news, driving Muslims to murder.

Last month, jihadists attacked a passenger bus in Mozambique’s terror-stricken province of Cabo Delgado. The driver was abducted and later executed. Terrorists left two handwritten notes — one in English and the other in Portuguese — at the scene.

The contents of the English note follow (thanks to Aymenn Jawad al-Tamimi for locating the original; flawed grammar is its own):

We declare war on all Christians in the world for three things: either to be a Muslim or pay Jizya. If you haven’t pay Jizya it’s a war until final earth, Qiyama. [In other words, war to the ends of the earth until Resurrection Day.] To Muslims we announce peace to all the world. Let’s work together to defend the religion of Allah together. If you [Christians] refuse [to convert to Islam] then you will pay Jizya and if you refuse to pay Jizya you will be killed.

Two days later, the terrorists stopped another bus and forced its Christian passengers to relinquish all their money on pain of death.

But what, exactly, is jizya?

The word jizya appears in Koran 9:29: “Fight those among the People of the Book [Christians and Jews] who do not believe in Allah nor the Last Day, nor forbid what Allah and his Messenger have forbidden, nor embrace the religion of truth [Islam], until they pay the jizya with willing submission and feel themselves subdued.”

The root meaning of this Arabic word is simply to “repay” or “recompense,” basically to “compensate” for something. According to the standard Arabic-English dictionary, Hans Wehrjizya is something that “takes the place” of something else, or “serves instead.”

In the hadith, Muhammad regularly calls on Muslims to demand jizya of non-Muslims:  “If they refuse to accept Islam, demand from them the jizya. If they agree to pay, accept it from them and hold off your hands. If they refuse to pay jizya, seek Allah’s help and fight them.”

The second “righteous caliph,” Omar al-Khattab, reportedly said that any conquered “infidel” who refuses to convert to Islam “must pay the jizya out of humiliation and lowliness. If they refuse this, it is the sword without leniency.”

This theme of non-Muslim degradation appears regularly in the commentaries of Islamic authorities. According to the Medieval Islamic Civilization Encyclopedia, Muslim “jurists came to view certain repressive and humiliating aspects of dhimma as de rigueur. Dhimmis [subjugated non-Muslim Christians and Jews] were required to pay the jizya publicly, in broad daylight, with hands turned palm upward, and to receive a smart smack on the forehead or the nape of the neck from the collection officer.”

Some of Islam’s jurists mandated a number of other humiliating rituals at the time of jizya payment, including that the presiding Muslim official slap, choke, and in some cases pull the beard of the paying dhimmi, who might even be required to approach the official on all fours, in bestial fashion.

Simply put, conquered Christians and Jews were to purchase their lives, which were otherwise forfeit to their Muslim conquerors, with money. Instead of taking their lives, the Muslims took their money. As one medieval jurist succinctly put it, “their lives and their possessions are only protected by reason of payment of jizya.”

None other than Eastern Roman Emperor Manuel II Palaiologos (1350–1425), who regularly challenged Muslims about their teachings — once notoriously asserting, “Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached” — also took the logic of jizya to task.

First he described what Islam imposes on non-Muslims:

[1] They must place themselves under this law [sharia, meaning become Muslims], or [2] pay tribute and, more, be reduced to slavery [an accurate depiction of jizya and dhimmi status], or, in the absence of wither, [3] be struck without hesitation with iron.

In the context of proving that irrational teachings cannot emanate from God, he then argued that these three options are “extremely absurd.” After all, if being a non-Muslim is so bad, why should jizya allow one to “buy the opportunity to lead an impious life?” argued the emperor.

At any rate, past and increasingly present, Muslims profited immensely by exacting jizya from conquered peoples. Moreover, many if not most of today’s Muslims are descendants of Christians and other dhimmis who chose conversion over payment.

Related to the idea of institutionalized jizya is the notion that non-Muslims are fair game to plunder whenever possible. The jizya entry in the Encyclopaedia of Islam states that “with or without doctrinal justification, arbitrary demands [for money] appeared at times.” Even that medieval traveler Marco Polo (1254–1324), whose chronicles appear impartial, made an interesting observation concerning the Muslims in Tauris (modern-day Iraq) in the thirteenth century:

According to their doctrine [Islam], whatever is stolen or plundered from others of a different faith, is properly taken, and the theft is no crime; whilst those who suffer death or injury by the hands of Christians [who defend themselves during the course of a plunder-driven raid], are considered as martyrs … . These principles are common to all Saracens [Muslims].

All this is echoed in modern times by Egyptian cleric Abu Ishaq al-Huwaini (b.1956) concerning what the Muslim world should do to overcome its economic problems:

If only we can conduct a jihadist invasion at least once a year or if possible twice or three times, then many people on earth would become Muslims. And if anyone prevents our dawa [invitation to conversion] or stands in our way, then we must kill or take them as hostage and confiscate their wealth, women and children. Such battles will fill the pockets of the Mujahid [holy warrior] who can return home with 3 or 4 slaves, 3 or 4 women and 3 or 4 children. This can be a profitable business if you multiply each head by 300 or 400 dirham. This can be like a financial shelter whereby a jihadist, in time of financial need, can always sell one of these heads.

And so it was for well over a millennium: Muslim rulers and mobs extorted money from “infidels” under their sway as a legitimate way to profit.

Much of this financial fleecing came to an end thanks to direct European intervention. Beginning in the mid-nineteenth century, one Muslim region after another abolished the jizya and gave non-Muslims unprecedented rights — originally to appease Western powers, later in emulation of Western governance. The Ottoman Empire’s Hatt-i Humayun decree of 1856 abolished the jizya in many Ottoman-ruled territories. Elsewhere in the Muslim world, the jizya was gradually abolished wherever Western powers were present.

Today, however, as Muslims reclaim their Islamic heritage — often to the approval and encouragement of Western leadership — jizya, whether institutionalized as under the Islamic State and its offshoots in Mozambique and elsewhere, or as a vigilante rationale to plunder infidels, is back.

One of the most memorable examples was voiced in 2013. Then, Anjem Choudary, a British-born Pakistani cleric who was receiving more than 25,000 pounds annually in welfare benefits, referred to British taxpayers as “slaves,” and explained:

We take the jizya, which is our haq [Arabic for “right”], anyway. The normal situation, by the way, is to take money from the kafir [infidel], isn’t it? So this is the normal situation. They give us the money — you work, give us the money, Allahu Akbar! We take the money.

The 'tax', known as 'jizya', was found to be enforced by some Islamist extremist prisoners in four of Britain's largest prisons, including Belmarsh prison (pictured)

Islamist prisoners in Britain's prisons, including Belmarsh prison (pictured), force non-Muslim prisoners to pay Jizya. Muslims are proportionally the most represented population group in British prisons.

Pictured are the Muslim extremists who killed Lee Rigby -  Michael Adebolajo (left) and Michael Adebowale

The Muslim extremists who killed Lee Rigby -  Michael Adebolajo (left) and Michael Adebowale

Choudary, jailed five years ago for supporting the Islamic State terror group, was banned from speaking in public following his release

Muslim hate preacher Anjem Choudary, jailed five years ago for supporting the Islamic State terror group, says non-Muslims must pay Jizya, the infidel tax.

Swedish people have previously held demonstrations, pictured, in solidarity with refugees fleeing Syria

Swedish people have previously held demonstrations, pictured, in solidarity with refugees fleeing Syria. Now Muslims threaten to behead anyone in Sweden who does not convert to Islam or pay Jizya.