Thursday, 14 March 2024

Extinction Rebellion Plays Dead


Climate change protesters have triggered a tense stand-off with police after they played dead on the streets of Melbourne's city centre.

The Extinction Rebellion members caused a second consecutive morning of chaos in the rain-soaked CBD on Wednesday.

Activists marched up Bourke Street before police moved in and forced the group onto the footpath.

Officers cordoned the group who relocated to the front of State Library Victoria, where more than a dozen protesters sprawled out across the entire footpath and pretended to be dead.

The defiant activists were surrounded by almost as many police officers.

Climate change activists in Melbourne sprawled out across the footpath and pretended to play dead on Wednesday

Climate change activists in Melbourne sprawled out across the footpath and pretended to play dead on Wednesday

At least one arrest was made on Wednesday after a woman allegedly refused to move off the road near the intersection of Latrobe and Russell streets.

The Northcote woman, 61, since been released with an intent to summons at a later date.

'We respect the right for individuals to protest peacefully, however we will not tolerate those who intentionally block roads or major arterials and not only disrupt the lives of the community and impact our economy, but also our emergency services who need to respond to urgent incidents,' a police spokeswoman told Daily Mail Australia.

More than a dozen activists laid on the footpath in protest after being forced off the road

More than a dozen activists played dead on the footpath after being forced off the road

The latest protest comes a day after activists brought traffic to a standstill in the CBD sparking massive chaos for thousands of frustrated commuters trying to get to work.

A heavy police presence forced protesters off the roads and onto the footpath on Wednesday

A heavy police presence forced the eco-morons off the roads and onto the footpath

Victorian Police Commissioner Shane Patton has renewed calls for officers to have extra powers to deal with unauthorised protests.

He told Seven News that 7,000 officers have been pulled off general duties to patrol more than 300 rallies solely in relation to the Middle East conflict since October.

'Do I want them tied up on that? Can I use them better than being at public order protests ? Absolutely,'  the commissioner said.

'That's why we're looking at across Australia and seeing what the jurisdictions have so we can go back to the government and talk with them.' 

The latest climate change protests comes a week after a truck blockade on the West Gate Bridge caused major traffic delays and forced a young mum on her way to hospital to give birth on the side of the freeway.

Three eco-lunatics were arrested and charged. 

Deanna 'Violet' Coco, 33, from NSW and Bradley Homewood, 51, from Williamstown are currently serving 21-day stints behind bars while Joseph Zammit will face court in April.

Roshni Lad gave birth to her baby boy on the side of a freeway during Tuesday's traffic chaos

Roshni Lad was forced to give birth to her baby boy on the side of a freeway during traffic chaos caused by Extinction Rebellion

Protestor Joseph Zammit (pictured) has apologised for the inconvenience caused to a Melbourne mum forced to give birth on the side of the freeway

Protestor Joseph Zammi who forced Melbourne mum to give birth on the side of the freeway

Deanna Coco livestreamed part of the protest as Extinction Rebellion members blocked the Westgate Bridge

Deanna Coco livestreamed part of the protest as Extinction Rebellion members blocked the Westgate Bridge

Climate activists brought traffic on Melbourne's West Gate Bridge to a standstill, sparking 30km long traffic jams

Climate retards brought traffic on Melbourne's West Gate Bridge to a standstill, sparking 30 km long traffic jams

Two Extinction Rebellion protestors have been sentenced to 21 days in jail for blocking traffic

Two Extinction Rebellion protestors have been sentenced to 21 days in jail for blocking traffic

Climate protestors have promised to cause peak-hour traffic in Melbourne's CBD every day until Saturday when about 200 people are expected to wreak havoc (pictured)

Climate imbeciles have promised to cause peak-hour traffic jams in Melbourne's CBD every day

The event's organiser, Brad Homewood of Extinction Rebellion (pictured), told Sunrise that about 200 people are prepared to sit on Melbourne roads and block traffic on Saturday until they are arrested by police

The event's organiser, Brad Homewood of Extinction Rebellion (pictured), said that about 200 people are prepared to sit on Melbourne roads and block traffic until they are arrested by police

Climate change protesters have caused more disruptions, this time blocking Collins Street in the Melbourne CBD

Climate change protesters blocking Collins Street in the Melbourne CBD

Activists caused traffic chaos along Collins St, forcing police to block off a busy intersection

Activists caused traffic chaos along Collins St, forcing police to block off a busy intersection

It's the second time within a week activists have caused traffic chaos in Melbourne

Activists caused traffic chaos in Melbourne

In April last year, six Extinction Rebellion protesters were cleared of causing criminal damage to Shell's London headquarters despite the judge directing jurors they had no defence in law

Six Extinction Rebellion nihilists were cleared of causing criminal damage despite the judge directing jurors they had no defence in law

Amy Pritchard, pictured, was among five Extinction Rebellion activists found guilty of criminal damage after they attacked a JP Morgan building in London with hammers and chisels

Amy Pritchard, pictured, was among five Extinction Rebellion activists found guilty of criminal damage after they attacked an office building in London with hammers and chisels 

A Police officer carries a smoke canister confiscated from an Extinction Revellion activist today

A Police officer carries a smoke canister confiscated from an Extinction Rebellion activist

More XR protestors pictured outside the Walkie Talkie building in London

More XR protestors in London

A woman takes part in the march with a purple flare

A woman takes part in the march with a purple flare

A woman protester poses with a flag and a drum

A woman protester poses with a flag and a drum

Extinction Rebellion's Red Rebels perform during a protest against plans to increase private jet flights

Extinction Rebellion's Red Rebels

The Red Rebel Group protesting in Westminster today

The Red Rebel Group protesting in Westminster

Extinction Rebellion protesters lie down across a street during a demonstration in Parliament Square on Tuesday

Extinction Rebellion loons lie down across a street 

Extinction Rebellion protesters lie down across a street during a demonstration in Parliament Square. Police officers form a line along the pavement

Extinction Rebellion half-wits lie down across a street. The Metropolitan Police said 90 eco-morons had been arrested for offences including assaulting an emergency worker, obstructing police and public order breachesA group of hippies out protesting as part of the Extinction Rebellion rally in London this afternoon

A group of hippies out protesting as part of an Extinction Rebellion rally in London

Women taking part in the Extinction Rebellion protests in central London on Tuesday
Women taking part in the Extinction Rebellion protests in central London on Tuesday

Women taking part in Extinction Rebellion protests in central London

A woman in a multi-coloured hat and wearing a pink face mask is carried away by police after blocking a road by Parliament today

A woman in a multi-coloured hat and wearing a pink face mask is carried away by police after blocking a road by Parliament

The group are hoping to use the two weeks of protest to refocus the political agenda on global warming

More eco-fatties

The banner was held above three red sports cars that were covered in black paint. Of the dozen, four of the activists sat on the floor with their hands glued to the hoods of the cars, pictured

Extinction Rebellion infiltrated the Paris Motor Show. Pictured are red sports cars that were covered in black paint. Four of the eco-donks sat on the floor with their hands glued to the hoods of the cars

A group of eco activists glued themselves to the floor of a Porsche showroom in Germany and vowed to remain there until their demands to decarbonise the German transport sector were met. They were yesterday removed by police

A group of eco-dum dums glued themselves to the floor of a Porsche showroom in Germany

An activist from just stop oil sprays orange paint on an Aston Martin Store on Park Lane as other members of Just Stop Oil block roads near Park Lane

A dumbbell from Just Stop Oil sprays orange paint on an Aston Martin Store on Park Lane as other members of Just Stop Oil block nearby roads

Italy's 'Ultima Generazione' (Last Generation) climate activists block a motorway to highlight the need to combat the climate crisis, in Rome on October 17

Italy's 'Ultima Generazione' (Last Generation) climate feather brains block a motorway in Rome

Last Generation activists unfurled large banners protesting fossil fuels and called for an end to oil and gas

Last Generation dodoes unfurled large banners protesting fossil fuels and called for an end to oil and gas

Eco-vandals in Italy are set to be fined up to £50,000 under a new bill that came into law on Thursday in a bid to stop environmental protests

Eco-vandals in Italy are set to be fined up to £50,000 under a new bill that came into law in a bid to stop environmental protests

'Just Stop Oil' protesters block a road in London. The Home Secretary will bring in laws to overturn a controversial Supreme Court human rights ruling exploited by groups such as Just Stop Oil and Extinction Rebellion . The judgment slows down officers’ attempts to remove ‘human roadblocks’

'Just Stop Oil' protesters block a road in London