Tuesday, 22 October 2019

The Troll from Utah


Mitt Romney is a Troll – an anonymous Twitter troll who set up a second Twitter account under the nom de twitter Pierre Delecto.
Pierre Delecto. Hey, it could’ve been worse. He could’ve used Carlos Danger.
Romney decided to set up this alter ego so he could anonymously defend himself on social media while retweeting all the people who defend him by attacking his critics.
The man of integrity — that stalwart defender of principles who stands up and faces down his adversaries – is really just an anonymous Twitter troll.
I’m thinking his actual alter ego is Mitt Romney — the guy who just pretends to be so strong, principled and tough.
Pierre Delecto is the true face of the Troll from Utah.
By way of Massachusetts.
There are so few stories that make me laugh until I snort.
But this was one of them.
Of course once the Pierre Delecto persona was revealed and folks started combing through his timeline, brave fighter and tough stander-on-principles Mitt Romney set the account private so nobody but his followers can see his tweets.
Naturally conservative Twitter is having a field day with this.  And, really?  Who can blame them?
Okay, everybody: what's your political figure internet pseudonym, in the mode of Pierre Delecto and Carlos Danger?

FIRST NAME: common... among people of an ethnicity or nationality that is not yours

LAST NAME: starts with D, sounds ridiculous
412 people are talking about this
I myself will be Charlotte Diptheria.
It really is amazing that President Trump’s staunchest enemies always end up shooting themselves in the foot, isn’t it?
Here’s this milquetoast member of the Never Trump caucus who sanctimoniously scolds President Trump for his use of Twitter.
And in reality, he’s just a foolish little prat who secretly set up a Twitter account to act as a Romney-fluffing troll.
You have to admit, there’s a level of Schadenfreude here.
At least President Trump has the balls to put his name to every single tweet.

The Troll from Utah was too much of a coward to do the same.