Monday, 11 November 2019

Prof who fled communism quits 'communist' university in America

Gave up tenured Ivy League
post amid 'social justice' demands

A professor who grew up in communist Romania has revealed that he quit his tenured position at Columbia University in New York City because the Ivy League school is "on its way toward full blown communism."

Prof. Andrei Serban, an award-winning director who taught in the theater department, recalled the "social justice" demands that prompted his move in a Romanian TV interview translated by a Romanian-American immigrant, the College Fix reported.
In one instance, he was told as the chairman of a faculty hiring committee that he could not chose a heterosexual married man like himself, even if that person was the most qualified for the job.

"I felt like I was living under communism again," he said in the interview on Romania's TVR1 on Oct. 26.

The TV host expressed incredulity several times in the interview at the state of the American higher education system.

In another instance, he was said he was pressured to admit a male-to-female transgender applicant who auditioned as Juliet in "Romeo and Juliet."

Serban said his colleagues expressed displeasure with him stating that this person could not become Juliet.

It was the last straw, for me, he said, and he resigned, explaining he could not violate his principles.

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