Monday, 18 May 2020

Company creates mechanical face mask to allow wearers to eat without taking it off

Finally, a mask is coming for those who plan to do more than just drink their meals.

Meir Gitelis, co-developer of an Israeli company, eats while wearing a mask fitted with a mechanical mouth that opens to enable diners to eat without taking it off.
Meir Gitelis, co-developer of an Israeli company, eats while wearing a mask fitted with a mechanical mouth that opens to enable diners to eat without taking it off.
Avtipus Patents and Inventions has developed a mechanical face mask that would allow the wearer to open and close the mouth in order to eat food without having to remove it.
The Israeli company created the protective gear, which would be powered by a hand-controlled lever attached to the mask, as a way to allow diners to eat out while potentially limiting the risk of contracting coronavirus.

“The mask will be opened mechanically by hand remote or automatically when the fork is coming to the mask,” Asaf Gitelis, vice president of Avtipus Patents and Inventions, said on Monday as he demonstrated the device, Reuters reported.

“Then you can eat, enjoy, drink and you take out the fork and it will be closed, and you’re protected against the virus and other people sitting with you,” he continued.
The slit in the mask appears large enough to fit a fork or other utensil through. However, some handheld foods – like hamburgers or ice cream — may be more complicated to consume while wearing the mask.

The company is planning to begin manufacturing the specialty masks in the coming months.