Maxwell was romantically involved with Jeffrey Epstein, and then became his 'right-hand woman', managing his property empire and his trafficking of minors

Ghislaine Maxwell with Prince Andrew and Virginia Giuffre

Prince Andrew and Epstein strolling through Central Park

Prince Andrew center and Ghislaine Maxwell (in green dress) at the Royal Ascot

Prince Andrew and Ghislaine Maxwell at Ascot

Maxwell meeting Princess Diana in 1984.

Maxwell at Chelsea Clinton's 2010 wedding

Maxwell and Bill Clinton on the Lolita Express - Epstein's private jet that was used to ferry underage girls to his private island in the Caribbean and his ranch in New Mexico

Clinton is lounging on the jet, smoking a cigar and reading a newspaper

An air-stewardess on the jet at the time, Chauntae Davies, then 22

Davies, left, with Clinton

Kevin Spacey with Clinton on the plane

Maxwell with Spacey

Clinton with Kevin Spacey

Bill Clinton is accused of having an affair with Ghislaine Maxwell during trips they took on pedophile Jeffrey Epstein's private jet

FREQUENT FLYER: Bill Clinton took far more rides on convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein's 'Lolita Express' airplane than has been previously disclosed

Bill and Hillary Clinton stayed at Jeffrey Epstein's notorious 'baby-making ranch' almost every year after they left the White House

Bill Clinton (left) was seen sitting with Jeffrey Epstein (right) on the convicted sex offenders' island

Clinton poses with Jeffrey Epstein's NYC housekeeper Jun-Lyn Fontanilla (left) and another staff member inside Epstein's home

Jeffrey Epstein claimed that Bill Clinton told him he slept with Monica Lewinsky because she was the 'only girl in the White House' during the 1995 government shutdown

Maxwell with model Naomi Cambell in 2002

Maxwell and Campbell at the supermodel's 31st birthday party in St Tropez

Epstein and Maxwellwith actress Carol Mack in 1995 in NYC

Deborah Blohm, Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell and Gwendolyn Beck