South Africa: Farm attack, woman (67) robbed and kidnapped by ex-farmworker, Clocolan
A farm attack took place on Sunday 18 October 2020, at 11:00, at Goewerneurskop farm in Clocolan, in the in the Free State Province of South Africa. A woman, Magaretha Groenewald (67), was robbed and kidnapped by a known African male Lebohang Rooi (23).
However at about 10:30 the victim’s daughter drove to her own farm and the victim remained alone at her farm. After a few minutes the victim heard someone at the door and she went to check and found out that it was Lebohang again. She was still relaxed and then suddenly Lebohang pointed her with a firearm, demanded money and instructed her to open the safe. He took R400.
At that moment the victim managed to make a call to her son who is staying at another neighbouring farm. She loudly asked Lebohang if he wanted to kill her. The son noted that the situation was unusual and called the Police as well as other neighbouring farmers for assistance.
The suspect further ordered the victim to get into her vehicle and drive him out of the farm towards R708 Clocolan Marquard road where he will get a hike to go back to his home in Botshabelo.
Roleplayers were activated and all the roads were closed. The suspect was traced and arrested at the hiking spot at R708 Clocolan Marquard road where he was already in a vehicle which gave him a lift. He was interrogated and further pointed out where he was hiding his firearm under the small bridge at R708. The firearm and R260 cash were confiscated and handed in to the police. LCRC was contacted for fingerprints on the firearm.
Captain Mbele was contacted for confession statement of the suspect. The investigation continues.
The victim was severely traumatised and was taken to Hospital for medical attention and then later went to the Police station to open the Case docket.
There is no other information available at this stage.
South Africa Today – South Africa News