After a segment on Tucker Carlson tonight I feel pretty confident when telling others the fix is in on this election already, Kelly Loeffler will sail to victory. In the past few days I've told people if the dems don't cheat to steal it or the fix is in and it's already been predetermined "you deliver us the presidency and we'll give you the senate" that technically they've lost their constitutional right to vote and determine who wins either way. If you listen to what Tucker says, consider that Loefflers husband isn't just the president of the New York Stock Exchange but actually owns it this GA election is predetermined and the fix is long as GA delivers Biden the electoral votes. It's as clear as the nose on your face. Right now, seriously, there's nobody down in GA whose mind isn't made up already so it's basically futile to be sending them money, it's fixed. The only chance you stand to change any of that is to crush the Republican Party financially, STOP sending them money. DON'T DO IT! We need to crash it faster than a stock market crash on a black Friday. Time is running out for you to take back control.