Thursday, 22 April 2021

Faked Moon Landing


Faked Moon Landing?

Hello, fellow peasants.

I'm on the fence here.

Up until a few weeks ago, I didn't question the moon landing and laughed at anybody who did. Then something strange happened.

I decided to challenge what I thought I knew, by looking at the counter arguments, which I won't go into right now. But here's something to think about.

Why do you believe that man landed on the moon?

Do you believe it because you saw it on YouTube, knowing that NASA "lost" the original footage?



Or do you believe it because the flag waved in a non-existent wind?



Or do you believe it because the shadows are not parallel despite the sun being the only source of light?



Or do you believe it because, in every photo, not one star can be seen anywhere?



Or do you believe it because the backdrops from various Apollo landings are identical in spite of NASA claiming they landed at different locations between 1969 and 1972?



Or do you believe it because the astronauts flew safely through the deadly radiation belt between Earth and the moon? The Van Allen belt is so dangerous that NASA openly stated, in 1996, that it doesn't have the technology to send humans safely through it. 



Or do you believe it because of the reflection on the helmet?



Or do you believe it because the moon lander made absolutely no impact on the surface of the moon (complete with rocket thrusters), despite Neil Armstrong leaving a famous footprint and stating that the surface is like "a fine dust"?



Or do you believe it because the lunar module was held together with scotch tape and tinfoil?



Like I said, I'm undecided.

And yes, you are welcome to label me a "denier" or "conspiracy theorist" or whatever else, but calling people names is shallow and what toddlers do. It's what you do when you are incapable of conversation.

I simply delete such emails.

If there's something I've learnt during this fake pandemic, then it's that we should not believe everything we're told by the media and government.

Truth matters.