South Africa Farm attack, couple seriously injured by axe wielding home invader, Marquard
Crime Correspondent
A farm attack took place on Sunday evening 24 October 2021, on the farm Willowslope, in Marquard, in the Free State province of South Africa. A couple had to fight for their lives when they were attacked by a single black attacker who started to hit them over their heads and bodies with an axe without saying a word or issuing any demands.
Wally Worthman (62) and his wife Bernadine, who have been farming for a long time, were watching television when Bernadine heard a noise in the house.
Shortly afterwards the couple was attacked.
Wally was attacked from behind and beaten over the head with the axe. He sustained serious head injuries. The attacker also hit Bernadine over the head with the axe.
The couple fought back against the attacker until the attacker eventually fled the scene.
The Worthman couple then managed to phone some of the neighbours.
The neighbours had to carry Mr Worthman when they arrived to help. The couple is now being cared for in hospital where they will have to spend a few days.
The Police confirmed the attack but said no arrest has been made.
This attack was a typical terrorist attack against farmers of which there has been so many in South Africa. The attacker said nothing, just attacked. Clearly the attack was not to rob, the aim and motive of the attack was to hurt and attempt to kill.
There is a clear ongoing attempt in South Africa to drive white farmers from their land. This is also called ethnic cleansing. A black against white ethnic cleansing campaign.
Yet the liberal establishment media in South Africa won’t acknowledge this fact and calls farm attacks mere ordinary crime although thousands of white farmers have been murdered by black attackers since the ANC took over and thousands more maimed or raped.
Please share reports like this on social media as the liberal English medium media don’t report on incidents like this.
Read about more farm attacks here