Thursday, 12 May 2022

Farm attack, farmer tortured with boiling water, family chocked, Newcastle


South Africa: Farm attack, farmer tortured with boiling water, family chocked, Newcastle

Oorgrens veiligheid

Farm attack, farmer tortured with boiling water, family chocked, Newcastle
Farm attack, farmer tortured with boiling water, family chocked, Newcastle

A farm attack took place on 11 May 2022, at 16:40, on a farm 12km outside Newcastle, in the KwaZulu-Natal province of South Africa. Four armed attackers arrived at the farm under the pretence of wanting to purchase some items. When the farmer said they were closed one attacker asked for a glass of water.

When the farmer entered the home to get some water the one attacker pointed a firearm at him and forced him into the house.

The other attackers then also entered the home and the farmer and his family were overpowered, severely assaulted and tied up.

The attackers were demanding money and valuables and during the assault the farmer (67) was tortured with boiling water and other family members were choked and beaten.

The attackers then fled the scene with some cash and cell phones.

Police are investigating but there have been no arrests.

There is no other information available at this stage.

Read about more farm attacks here

Information supplied by Oorgrens veiligheid

South Africa Today – South Africa News