Saturday, 21 May 2022

Interesting Video Transcript Showing Pally Gunmen Firing Wildly Killed Journalist

The video shows the actions of the Palestinians on the day that they shot and killed Shireen. The Arabic has been translated into Hebrew subtitles which in turn have been translated into English subtitles below:

1. Scene: Wild, indiscriminate gun firing by an Arab in an alley: “This is the moment that the Palestinian shoots the female journalist who is located on the other side of the same alley at the side of the road.”

2. Scene: The side of the road where the journalist, Shireen Abu Akleh, has been shot and killed: “A Palestinian by the other side of the road comprehends what has occurred and shouts and warns the other female journalists.”

3. Scene: Shireen’s body on the ground: “Now a female friend of the journalist bitterly cries over the wounded journalist.”

4. Scene: The second female journalist next to Shireen’s body: “Here we see the second female journalist shouting to the Arabs on the other side of the road, “You have killed her. She is not a soldier!”

5. Scene: Shireen’s body in the alley: “Now they are listening to an Arab in the background who explains to the shooters on the other side of the road, “What did they do? Now the journalist is dead from them.”

(I guess you have to go to the source Article to See the Video)