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Monday, 1 August 2022
France Crime: Muslim Youths Torture, Behead Cats, Kick Them Around Like Soccer Balls
FRANCE: ‘Violent Muslim youths’ torture cats, kick them around like soccer balls
Last month, violent Muslim youths were observed torturing cats and using them as ‘soccer balls’ by horrified witnesses, according to reports. The disturbing incidents unfolded between June 27th and 29th in Torcy, a large migrant commune in Seine-et-Marne.
Infowars Europe (h/t Theresa B) Residents in the Résidence du Vilet district say ‘youngsters’ ranging in age from approximately 8 to 17 years old carried out “incredible cruelty and violence” against the helpless animals. “A bunch of kids who live in the neighborhood grabbed a kitten to play soccer. I didn’t think I’d ever see that,” one local told Le Journal de Saône-et-Loire.
“There were about ten of them,” explained the source, who chose to remain anonymous for fear of retaliation (from Muslims). “I couldn’t intervene because they were violent.”
The president of Les Chats du Pilon, an association dedicated to helping stray cats, says the group plans to file a formal complaint. Mobs of ‘young people’ of foreign descent are wreaking havoc across Europe with increasing intensity and frequency.
While there appears to be no video of the above cat abuse, recently, another group of Muslim migrant-background youths filmed themselves abusing a fish at a water park near Ghent.
A clip of the animal abuse (below) which was posted on TikTok shows the youths throwing the large carp up in the air before pushing it down a water slide. Most of the individuals shown in the video appear to be of North African or Middle Eastern appearance.
Police are now looking for the culprits after numerous complaints about “animal abuse” were made by the public.
“On Saturday, a number of altercations and disorderly behavior by Muslim youths led the police to shut down the recreation area at 3:30 p.m,” reports Remix News.
“According to the ACV police union, lifeguards had to take refuge in a nearby tower after being attacked when they decided to close one of the slides due to a lack of staff for supervision.” The hot weather in Europe also led to a number of other altercations at outdoor swimming pools, including in Berlin where groups of migrant men were seen involved in a huge brawl.
One of the reasons you no longer see young German women at public swimming pools.
And you thought Muslim animal abuse was only about their hatred for dogs?
10 NEWS In Denmark, Muslim migrants have been caught beheading cats and kittens, then cutting up their abdomens and pulling out their intestines. A woman working with the Danish Animal Protection describes some of the horrible treatment of animals in the Muslim dominated area of Vollsmose, a suburb of Odense, the third largest city in Denmark.
“I’ve seen cats being played football with. I have seen cats with their legs torn off and their eyes gouged out. We see cats that have had their heads torn off, and ones that had skin ripped away, or had their legs and back broken.”
“The worst thing I saw was a bunch of kittens crawling around with their bowels hanging out because they had their bellies cut open,” she says.
Therese. S. Wilbert, Director of the Danish Cat Protection agrees that the area is unsafe, especially for cats:
“In Vollsmose, the degree of abuse for cats is worse than elsewhere in Denmark. It is usually migrant children below ten years of age who abuse the animals,” she says. Wilbert says that in 2016 alone Cat Protection received 20-25 reports about animal abuse in Vollsmose, “but many cases are not reported, so the amount of animal cruelty is probably far greater.”
Muslims show how they beheaded, then skinned a cat, posting it on Facebook and Twitter
It is difficult for authorities to help the animals, since the area is very unsafe. When a volunteer from the Danish Animal Protection agency entered the area to save an abused cat, she was attacked by local residents of migrant backgrounds. Coincidentally, the assault was filmed.
A group of young men attacked a female worker from Animal Protection services when she entered Vollsmose to pick up a cat that had been injured. The attack on the animal ambulance in Vollsmose was filmed, showing locals attacking the woman, tearing at her uncovered hair, and forcing her to leave the area.
The young men stopped the animal ambulance, opened the ambulance door, stole the ignition key, tore at the woman’s hair and shouted in her face. The car’s taillight was smashed and the car was bumped .” The woman had to leave the cat and flee for her own safety.
Since this attack the Danish Animal Protection agency no longer sends people into the Muslim area to help abused animals.