Monday, 13 February 2023

Chiragh Chiragh accidentally shoots his friend Mohamed Muhyidinhis with a submachine gun

Gunman, 39, accidentally shot his friend with a submachine gun while sitting in a car and dumped his body by roadside

  • Mohamed Muhyidin was found in a ditch near Heathrow with a gunshot wound
  • He was accidentally shot and killed by Chiragh Amir Chiragh
  • Associate Mohammed Shakeel was found guilty of perverting course of justice
A gunman accidentally shot his friend with a submachine gun while sitting in a car then dumped his body by the roadside

Chiragh Chiragh, 39, gunned down Mohamed Muhyidin, 28, as he sat in the front passenger seat of a car parked outside a flat in High Street, Harlington, west London

He then drove the victim's body round the corner and dumped it by the side of the road near to Heathrow Airport, where it was found by a taxi driver.

The shooting happened in a car park outside a block where one of the flats was used as a base for drug users and dealers to meet, police said.

Chiragh and Muhyidin, along with another man - Mohammed Shakeel, who had a fake firearm, went to the flat the previous evening, where an argument broke out with rival gangsters.

Chiragh Amir Chiragh (pictured), 39, unintentionally killed 28-year-old Mohamed Muhyidin by blasting him in the back as they sat in a Toyota Prius on HalloweenIN 2021

Chiragh Amir Chiragh (pictured), 39, unintentionally killed 28-year-old Mohamed Muhyidin by blasting him in the back as they sat in a Toyota Prius 

Mr Muhyidin's (pictured) body was then driven and dumped in a ditch near Heathrow Airport where it was later discovered by a taxi driver

Mr Muhyidin's (pictured) body was then driven and dumped in a ditch near Heathrow Airport where it was later discovered by a taxi driver

Just before 5am, Chiragh left the flat with a submachine gun and got into a car with Muhyidin, who was sitting in the front passenger seat.

But as he climbed out of the back door of the vehicle, the gun accidentally went off and Muhyidin, who was sitting directly in front of Chiragh, was shot through the chair.

The silencer fell on the floor and the submachine gun was fired another two times while Chiragh was holding it, police said.

Chiragh then drove the car to nearby Sipson Lane and Muhyidin's body was left by the roadside, with the other members of the gang trying to cover up what happened.

At Isleworth Crown Court on Friday (Feb 10), Chiragh was handed a 20-year jail sentence with an extended five years on licence. Two thirds of his sentence must be served before parole is considered.

A jury found Chiragh, of Harrow, west London, guilty of manslaughter and possession of a firearm with intent to endanger life.

He had previously pleaded guilty to two counts of possession of a prohibited weapon and perverting the course of justice.

Associate Mohammed Shakeel (pictured), from Barking, was found guilty of perverting the course of justice

Associate Mohammed Shakeel (pictured), from Barking, was found guilty of perverting the course of justice

Mohammed Shakeel, 29, of Barking, east London, was handed a total of five years and four months in prison after he was found guilty of perverting the course of justice.

Chiragh was handed a 20-year jail sentence with an extended five years on licence. Pictured: Isleworth Crown Court where the trial took place

Chiragh was handed a 20-year jail sentence with an extended five years on licence. Pictured: Isleworth Crown Court where the trial took place

Chiragh and his associates were about to embark on a 'ride-out' to attack rival gangsters when he accidentally shot his friend with the Agram 2002 submachine gun fitted with a silencer.

The weapon could be loaded with up to 29 bullets.

After 'Mohamed's body was dumped the car he was killed in was set alight as those involved tried to cover their tracks.

They falsely reported to an insurance company that the car had been stolen from them.