Tuesday, 13 June 2023

Just Stop Oiler Finds Life in Prison Unpleasant

Girlfriend of German Just Stop Oil eco zealot, 34, jailed for scaling Dartford Crossing bridge, sparking 40 hours of gridlock, says life 'isn't easy' for him in prison

  • German national Marcus Decker, 34, faces deportation after being jailed
  • He was jailed for two and a half years for climbing the Dartford Crossing

The girlfriend of a Just Stop Oil eco zealot jailed for scaling a bridge on the Dartford Crossing has said life 'isn't easy' for him in prison after launching a petition to stop him from being deported.

Marcus Decker, 34, was sentenced to two years and seven months in prison after causing a major traffic jam by climbing up the 275ft bridge in Dartford, Kent in October last year.

The stunt by Just Stop Oil caused 40 hours of gridlock as police were forced to shut the crossing to traffic amid safety concerns for him and his fellow protester, Morgan Trowland, 40.

The German-born activist - who was jailed in April - is facing deportation after he serves his prison sentence at Highpoint Prison in Suffolk.

Decker's girlfriend, Holly Cullen-Davis, has launched a petition calling on the Home Office to block him from being sent back to Germany

Marcus Decker, 34, (pictured) was jailed for two years and seven months after being found guilty of causing a public nuisance

Marcus Decker, 34, (pictured) was jailed for two years and seven months after being found guilty of causing a public nuisance

The climate protester caused 40 hours of gridlock after climbing up the Dartford Crossing

The climate protester caused 40 hours of gridlock after climbing up the Dartford Crossing

In an appeal, the mother-of-two said it 'isn't easy for Marcus in prison' as she said the 'double punishment' of deportation is devastating the couple. 

Decker was jailed for two years and seven months alongside fellow Just Stop Oil protestor Morgan Trowland, 40, of Islington, North London, who was also jailed for three years. 

The protest saw Decker and Trowland spend 37 hours sleeping in hammocks while suspended above the 275 foot tall Queen Elizabeth II suspension bridge, which links the M25 in Essex and Kent. 

Their protest caused 40 hours of gridlock as police closed the road beneath them, before arresting the pair of protesters the following day. 

The two men came down from the bridge with the help of police and a cherry picker on 18 October. 

The climate protestors were later jailed after being found guilty of causing a public nuisance at Southend Crown Court. 

Any foreign national is normally automatically deported if they have been sentenced to more than 12 months in prison.

Decker and Morgan both denied causing a public nuisance. 

Just Stop Oil supporters later led a protest that brought central London to a standstill, while claiming the pair were 'wrongly jailed'. 

The protest saw hundreds of Just Stop Oil supporters make a slow march from Parliament Square to the Home Office last April in support of Decker and Morgan. 

The German national now faces deportation after serving his sentence

The German national now faces deportation after serving his sentence

The Just Stop Oil protestors brought traffic to a standstill after climbing up the bridge over the River Thames

The Just Stop Oil protestors brought traffic to a standstill after climbing up the bridge over the River Thames

Just Stop Oil protestor Morgan Trowland (pictured) was jailed for three years for his part in the protest

Just Stop Oil protestor Morgan Trowland (pictured) was jailed for three years for his part in the protest

Decker's girlfriend, Ms Cullen-Davis, has now launched a petition to save the Just Stop Oil protestor from being sent to Germany 

In a public appeal for 50,000 signatures, Ms Cullen-Davis said that Decker has become a devoted stepfather to her two children since they first met three years ago.

The petition, which currently has 35,834 signatures, describes Decker as a 'passionate singer and climate activist' who lives the 'most modest life possible'.  

'My partner Marcus Decker is being threatened with deportation - because he joined a peaceful protest against the government's inaction on the climate crisis,' the petition says. 

'Please help us and sign this petition calling on the Home Office to stop his deportation.

'Marcus and I fell in love three years ago. We were brought together by our joint passion for music and for protecting our planet. He became a wonderful stepfather to my two children.'

'As a result of their protest, Marcus was sentenced to two years and seven months in prison. It isn't easy for Marcus in prison and it is desperately sad for my family. We miss him every day.' 

'The prison banned Marcus from speaking to the media making it even more difficult for him to speak about the reasons for his protest.

'But as if such a high prison sentence was not bad enough, Marcus, a German citizen, is now being threatened with deportation. This double punishment is devastating for us.

'If deported, he would be separated from us, his family, his home, his community and his adopted country.

'Marcus has already been separated from us for seven months and now he might never come home again.'

Marcus Decker, one of the Just Stop Oil protesters who scaled the Queen Elizabeth II Bridge and sparked more than 40 hours of gridlock, has revealed that he faces being deportation after his two-year jail term. He is pictured scaling the bridge last October

Marcus Decker, one of the Just Stop Oil protesters who scaled the Queen Elizabeth II Bridge and sparked more than 40 hours of gridlock, has revealed that he faces being deportation after his two-year jail term. He is pictured scaling the bridge

Decker (pictured) and fellow campaigner Morgan Trowland used ropes and other climbing equipment to scale the 450ft high bridge at the Dartford Crossing last October. They were handed sentences of two years and seven months and three years for the stunt
Pictured: Morgan Trowland

Decker (left) and fellow campaigner Morgan Trowland (right) used ropes and other climbing equipment to scale the 450ft high bridge at the Dartford Crossing last October. They were handed sentences of two years and seven months and three years for the stunt

Writing for Prospect in April, Decker said the climb was 'a desperate last resort after we have spent years trying everything else'. He is pictured during the protest

Decker pictured during the protest

The pair's protest caused massive disruptions to traffic (pictured) and shut down the bridge for more than 40 hours

The pair's protest caused massive disruptions to traffic (pictured) and shut down the bridge for more than 40 hours

Just Stop Oil activists held a protest in Westminster, London last month  (pictured)calling for Marcus Decker and Morgan Trowland to be freed from prison

Just Stop Oil activists held a protest in Westminster, London (pictured) calling for Marcus Decker and Morgan Trowland to be freed from prison

Decker blocked the important bridge for the best part of two days causing travel misery for thousands

Decker blocked the important bridge for the best part of two days causing travel misery for thousands

Morgan Trowland, 40

New Zealand born civil engineer

NEW ZEALAND: Morgan Trowland, from Hackney, east London, is in prison for scaling the Queen Elizabeth II Bridge at the Dartford Crossing last year

NEW ZEALAND: Morgan Trowland is in prison for scaling the Queen Elizabeth II Bridge at the Dartford Crossing

The 40-year-old, who originally hails from New Zealand, is a veteran of climate change protests

The 40-year-old, who hails from New Zealand, is a veteran of climate change protests

The civil engineer has bragged about building bamboo structures to be used at protests by groups such as Extinction Rebellion

The civil engineer has bragged about building bamboo structures to be used at protests by groups such as Extinction Rebellion


Arne Springorum, 50

Czech disrupter and geologist 

CZECH REPUBLIC: Geologist Arne Springorum helped shut the M25 near junction 13, Godstone, Surrey on November 7 after scaling the gantry above the highway, pictured

CZECH REPUBLIC: Geologist Arne Springorum helped shut the M25 near junction 13, Godstone, Surrey after scaling the gantry above the highway, pictured

The eco-zealot from the Czech Republic walked free of court after being handed a six-month prison sentence, suspended for two years for closing the M25 for a second time in a year after a protest with Insulate Britain in 2021. He is pictured outside Westminster Magistrates' Court

The eco-zealot from the Czech Republic walked free of court after being handed a six-month prison sentence, suspended for two years for closing the M25 for the second time in a year after a protest with Insulate Britain in 2021. He is pictured outside Westminster Magistrates' Court

Frieda Luerken, 24

German student activist

GERMANY: Frieda Luerken, the partner of Just Stop Oil activist Roger Hallam, outside Westminster Magistrates' Court, London

GERMANY: Frieda Luerken, the partner of Just Stop Oil activist Roger Hallam, outside Westminster Magistrates' Court, London

Roger Hallam, 56, (pictured) met German Frieda Luerken, 24, when she was a student at Cardiff University around four years ago where she graffitied its buildings because they invested in Shell and BP.
German Frieda Luerken, 24, when she was a student at Cardiff University around four years ago where she graffitied its buildings because they invested in Shell and BP

Roger Hallam, 56, (left) met German Frieda Luerken, 24, (right) when she was a student at Cardiff University around four years ago where she graffitied its buildings because they invested in Shell and BP

Roger Hallam, pictured being arrested at Heathrow in 2019, is a serial and prominent climate aggravator

Roger Hallam, pictured being arrested at Heathrow, is a serial and prominent climate aggravator 

LONDON: Police officers standing by and watching Just Stop Oil activists on the Strand

LONDON: Police officers standing by and watching Just Stop Oil activists on the Strand 

BERLIN: A specialist officer drills around a man's hand to remove him from the road

BERLIN: A specialist officer drills around a man's hand to remove him from the road

LONDON: Protesters blocking the Strand this morning

LONDON: Protesters blocking the Strand 

BERLIN: A climate activist being removed from a road in the German capital

BERLIN: A climate activist being removed from a road in the German capital

LONDON: Just Stop Oil protesters marching through central London on Thursday

LONDON: Just Stop Oil protesters marching through central London

LONDON: Activists holding signs reading 'End climate injustice'

LONDON: Activists holding signs reading 'End climate injustice'

Fury boiled over as one man is seen apparently pushing Just Stop Oil protesters during their latest slow march in London

Fury boiled over as one man is seen pushing Just Stop Oil protesters during their latest slow march in London

The male, wearing a white polo shirt and shorts, was seen ripping away orange banners from the climate change campaigners

The male, wearing a white polo shirt and shorts, was seen ripping away orange banners from the climate change campaigners

Ambulances were seen to struggle through traffic created by the protesters

One 21-year-old activist called Hannah (pictured, centre, speaking at Tuesday's rally) claimed to be from Melbourne, Australia

One 21-year-old activist called Hannah (pictured, centre) claimed to be from Melbourne, Australia

About a dozen police officers were pictured surrounding the latest group of Just Stop Oil protesters in London on Tuesday (pictured)

About a dozen police officers were pictured surrounding a group of Just Stop Oil protesters in London

Buses passed within inches of some of the eco campaigners as they marched in the middle of the road in London on Tuesday morning (pictured)

Buses passed within inches of some of the eco campaigners as they marched in the middle of the road in London 

Activists caused a fresh wave of misery for motorists this morning with their latest slow-march protest

Activists caused a fresh wave of misery for motorists with their latest slow-march protest 

Just Stop Oil brought traffic to a standstill twice through London, with protests in the City of London and now in Hammersmith and Kensington (pictured is the first march of Monday)

Just Stop Oil brought traffic to a standstill twice through London, with protests in the City of London and in Hammersmith and Kensington

One furious driver in a white fan was left outraged by the protest and demanded Just Stop Oil activists to be moved from the road

One furious driver in a white van was left outraged by the protest and demanded Just Stop Oil activists to be moved from the road

Eco zealots marched through Aldersgate Street, near the Barbican, in the City of London holding up buses and causing misery for motorists on Monday. This protest ended at 9.15am

Eco zealots marched through Aldersgate Street, near the Barbican, in the City of London holding up buses and causing misery for motorists

One Just Stop Oil campaigner called Ruth Lanser (pictured with a megaphone) travelled more than 400 miles from Glasgow to London to join Monday's protest

One Just Stop Oil campaigner called Ruth Lanser (pictured with a megaphone) travelled more than 400 miles from Glasgow to London to join the protest

Ms Lanser, who was cleared earlier this year of obstructing lawful activity after she and other protesters sat on top of a lorry at a fuel depot during a protest in Birmingham in 2022, was filmed leading a march through the City of London financial district.

Ms Lanser, who was cleared earlier this year of obstructing lawful activity after she and other protesters sat on top of a lorry at a fuel depot during a protest in Birmingham in 2022, was filmed leading a march through the City of London financial district.

Ms Lanser (pictured) was one of about 25 Just Stop Oil activists who took part in a series of slow-march protests in London on Monday morning, having travelled from Scotland

Ms Lanser (pictured) was one of about 25 Just Stop Oil activists who took part in a series of slow-march protests in London, having travelled from Scotland

Just Stop Oil protesters pictured marching through the centre of London on Monday, holding up rush hour traffic. They are pictured surrounded by police during their first protest

Just Stop Oil protesters pictured marching through the centre of London, holding up rush hour traffic.

A police officer arrives at the scene of Monday's protest as traffic begins to build (pictured)

A police officer arrives at the scene of the protest as traffic begins to build

Gridlock caused on the Dartford Crossing this morning by the Just Stop Oil protesters again

Gridlock caused on the Dartford Crossing by the Just Stop Oil protesters