Tuesday 28 May 2024

Debasing the Electorate: Labour's Road to Tyranny

Keir Starmer speaks with staff, during a visit to C&W Berry builders merchants, in Leyland, Lancashire

Keir Starmer

Labour will give children aged just 16 the vote

  • The party's manifesto confirms it wants to lower the voting age from 18
Sir Keir Starmer has confirmed that he wants 16 and 17-year-olds to be able to cast a ballot.

The Labour leader has previously hinted at his eagerness to give children the vote.

The party leader told reporters: 'Yes, I want to see both 16 and 17-year-olds able to vote.'

The move to enfranchise younger voters is to benefit the party in future elections - with analysis showing that teenagers could flip as many as eight seats red.

Its rollout would mean around 1.5 million people would be given the vote in the biggest change since 1969, when the voting age was lowered from 21. Youngsters are ten times more likely to vote Labour.

Slamming the move, Conservative Party chairman Greg Hands said: 'This is nothing but a desperate attempt to rig the electorate.'

'Labour only want to lower the voting age for their own political advantage.'

Britain was the first major nation to lower the voting age in parliamentary elections, from 21 to 18 in 1969, under a Labour government.

Patrick English, director of political analytics at YouGov, told The Times: 'We would generally expect that lowering the voting age would be electorally advantageous to Labour, as younger people are significantly more likely to back them over the Conservatives, or indeed any other party.' 


Children aged 16 will be given the vote if Labour win the next general election (Pictured - Sir Keir Starmer)

Children aged 16 will be given the vote if Labour win the next general election (Pictured - Keir Starmer) 

Other controversial policies in the new manifesto include giving more power to union stewards - an idea that has survived from Jeremy Corbyn's time as party leader.

Mr Hands said: 'It's no surprise that Labour is dancing to their union paymasters' tune. He will say anything that suits him at the time.'

Labour also wants to reduce the minimum age for driving a train from 21 to 18.


And how much has Labour really changed? Jeremy Corbyn has gone but the hard-Left faction is still strong

How much has Labour really changed? Jeremy Corbyn has gone but the hard-Left faction is still strong

Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves says she would not increase income tax or National Insurance, but tax raids on pension funds, investments, businesses, and motorists have not been ruled out

Labour's Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves says tax raids on pension funds, investments, businesses, and motorists have not been ruled out

Pictured: Migrants crossing the English Channel on a small boat in March

Migrants crossing the English Channel on a small boat

Mr Sunak launched a highly personal attack on Sir Keir, swiping that the Labour leader had 'no convictions' and voters cannot trust him

The PM said that the Labour leader had 'no convictions' and voters cannot trust him

Four in ten private school pupils would be driven out by Sir Keir Starmer's tax raid

Keir Starmer pledged to charge 20 per cent VAT on independent school fees

In an otherwise narcoleptic interview with the BBC 's Mishal Husain last week, the Labour leader made one hard commitment: charging 20 per cent VAT on school fees in the independent sector would be 'a day one priority', writes Dominic Lawson

The Labour leader a hard commitment: charging 20 per cent VAT on school fees in the independent sector would be 'a day one priority'

Bridget Phillipson, Labour's Shadow Education Secretary, makes it clear where she is coming from, describing the policy as part of 'ending tax advantages for the super-rich'

Bridget Phillipson, Labour's Shadow Education Secretary, described the policy as 'ending tax advantages for the super-rich'. But it is not the 'super-rich' who will find an extra 20 per cent cost hard to cover. 

The policy was wisely rejected by Tony Blair as extreme, but eagerly espoused by Jeremy Corbyn (pictured with Starmer on December 2019) and the hard Left. Now it has become Sir Keir's signature policy

The policy was wisely rejected by Tony Blair as extreme, but eagerly espoused by Jeremy Corbyn (pictured with Starmer) and the hard Left. Now it has become Sir Keir's signature policy

At every opportunity, Sir Keir Starmer and his Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves (pictured) reiterate that they will fund an extra 6,500 teachers in state schools from the £1.7billion they hope to raise from this tax raid on 'the super-rich'

Keir Starmer and his Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves (pictured) hope to raise £1.7billion from this tax raid

Video circulating online shows the party's deputy leader speaking to voters in her Ashton-under-Lyne seat and thanking them for getting her 'over the line' at the 2019 election.

The Labour Party's deputy leader Angela Rayner begged Muslims for votes, promised to recognize Palestine as a state, rebuild Gaza, and arrest Netanyahu

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