Sunday, 5 May 2024

Kim Jong Un and the 25 Virgins

The sex life of Kim Jong Un: Virgins hand-picked for his 'pleasure squad', a train packed with strippers, 'porn star' ex-girlfriend and staff meetings with dancers providing sexual services

  • Teens are plucked from classrooms if they are 'tall, beautiful, and virgins'
  • The 'Squad' is taught to 'serve Kim, give him massages and please him sexually'
  • A singer who was 'executed by firing squad' in 2013 was seen with Kim in April 

Kim Jong Un is notorious for being one of the world's most repressive leaders, his grisly execution methods - and his seemingly adoring posse of women.

From having his personal and handpicked 'Pleasure Squad' of '25 tall and beautiful virgins' to owning a disturbing 'Pleasure Train'  packed with stunning 'lady conductors' the North Korean dictator is rarely without his squad.

Images of the despot surrounded by wailing women have been widely shared, showing the tubby leader donning his usual black get-up in the middle of dozens of women who are seen desperately clinging onto him.

One piece of unsettling footage shows Kim's young 'army of beauties' bursting into a perfectly choreographed cheerleading routine in the South Korean city of Gangneung, as they sport matching red outfits and grin into the camera. 

But according to defectors in the totalitarian state, there is a dark and twisted truth behind the images of smiling doting women as they claim girls are plucked from classrooms and subjected to medical tests to check they are virgins before being forced into a life of sexual servitude as part of Kim's 'Pleasure Squad'.

The sleazy despot, who despite having a long-suffering wife, continues to flaunt himself surrounded by screaming women on camera, seemingly unfazed by rumours of a current mistress and past relationships with an adult film star.

North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un  (centre) is often seen surrounded by large groups of women as he hand-picks his personal 'Pleasure Squad' of 'beautiful virgins'. (Pictured: Kim with members of a women's company, November 2019)

North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un  (centre) is often seen surrounded by large groups of women as he hand-picks his personal 'Pleasure Squad' of 'beautiful virgins'. 

The cheer squad wore matching red outfits, performed their routine and sung in unison at the 2018 Winter Olympics. It later emerged that the group of women were referred to as an 'army of beauties' and that each woman underwent three months of ideological training to ensure their loyalty to the regime

The North Korean cheering squad wore matching red outfits, performed their routine and sung in unison at the 2018 Winter Olympics. It later emerged that the group of women were referred to as an 'army of beauties' and that each woman underwent three months of ideological training to ensure their loyalty to the regime

North Korean cheering squads arrive at the Inje Speedium Hotel in InjeNorth Korea cheering squads arrive for the PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympic Game, Inje, South Korea

North Korea cheering squads arrive for the PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympic Game, Inje, South Korea

Kim Jong Un is surrounded by weeping members of the Korean Children's Union. Some schoolgirls (not pictured) are picked from classrooms to join the so-called 'Pleasure Squad' that serves the country's elite

Kim Jong Un is surrounded by weeping members of the Korean Children's Union. Some schoolgirls are picked from classrooms to join the so-called 'Pleasure Squad' that serves the country's elite

It was revealed in May that Kim takes time each year to hand pick 25 virgin girls to personally provide entertainment to him. 

Yeonmi Park, 30, said that officials 'visit every classroom and... even go to school-yards in case they missed someone that was pretty' in their gruesome hunt for young women.

The women are then forced to undergo intimate medical examinations to ensure they still retain their virginity and then must 'learn how to please men - that's their only goal,' she added.

Park claimed the despot's officials select women based on their social status and attractiveness, who would be recruited into the vile squad of entertainers, maids, and concubines.

The most beautiful of those who were picked were reserved for Kim himself.

Yeomi Park recently claimed that Kim takes time each year to select 25 virgin girls to entertain him personally in his disturbing 'Pleasure Squad'

Yeonmi Park said that Kim takes time each year to select 25 virgin girls to entertain him personally in his 'Pleasure Squad'

The 'less stunning members' are ordered to serve his cronies - the lower-ranking generals and politicians, Park added, in scenes that bear terrifying resemblance to the dystopian Margaret Atwood novel, A Handmaid's Tale. 

In 2020, The Sun reported that the dictator's pleasure squad was more than just a group of entertainers, but rather a 2,000-strong harem of sex slaves who were forced not only to 'sing and dance for the nation's elite - but also take part in sexual games and orgies'.

Some members are said to have been as young as 13 when they were taken out of school and forced into sex work. 

Following North Korea's 2018 Winter Olympics, it was reported his cheer team, who had performed a creepy song and dance in front of a mesmerised crowd, were being used as sex slaves, according to a defector at the time.

Lee So-yeon, a former military musician who fled to South Korea in 2008, said dancers and singers were forced to strip and provide sexual services at parties held every day for the country's Central Politburo.

The brave woman revealed in a horrific account to Bloomberg: 'North Korea's art troupe came here and performed with fancy dances and songs, but not only do they have to be in charge of Kim Jong-un's propaganda, they also have to go to parties and provide sexual services.

'These parties are held every day for the Central Politburo. And even if they don't want this they have to serve with their bodies, a human rights infringement.

Kim pictured surrounded by young women. The women picked by officials to become part of Kim's 'Pleasure Squad' are forced to undergo intimate medical examinations to ensure they still retain their virginity and then they must 'learn how to please men - that's their only goal', according to a North Korea defector

Kim pictured surrounded by young women. The women picked by officials to become part of Kim's 'Pleasure Squad' are forced to undergo intimate medical examinations to ensure they still retain their virginity and then they must 'learn how to please men - that's their only goal', according to a North Korea defector

Following North Korea's 2018 Winter Olympics, it was reported his cheer team, who had performed a creepy song and dance in front of a mesmerised crowd, were being used as sex slaves

Following North Korea's 2018 Winter Olympics, it was reported that his cheer team, who had performed a creepy song and dance in front of a mesmerised crowd, were being used as sex slaves

Mobbed: Kim Jong-un smiles as he walks alongside members of North Korea's women's national soccer team

Mobbed: Kim Jong-un smiles as he walks alongside members of North Korea's women's national soccer team

Happily married? Kim Jong-un is photographed with his wife Ri Sol-ju in Pyongyang in July 2012

Happily married? Kim Jong-un is photographed with his wife Ri Sol-ju in Pyongyang in July 2012

'The women there, when they attend, they have to undress. They are asked to undress like objects. That's the physical pain they have to go through.'

A former member of the cheer squad, Han Seo-hee told the BBC that the group of women were referred to as an 'army of beauties' and that each woman underwent three months of ideological training to ensure their loyalty to the regime.

With more recent and rare insight into the notorious 'Pleasure Squad', Park went on to reveal that the group is split into three divisions.

One is reserved for giving massages, another in providing entertainment through song and dance, and the third are kept aside to be 'sexually intimate with the dictator, and other men'.

Park narrowly escaped the cruel regime as a teenager and fell victim to human trafficking in China before 'escaping hell' to reach America.

The woman claimed she had avoided selection for Kim's gruesome harem due to her 'family status', suggesting 'they eliminate any girls with family members that have escaped from North Korea or have relatives in South Korea or other countries'.

But due to the dire conditions of life in the repressive country, many mothers settle for allowing their daughters to become part of the nightmarish squad in the hopes they will enjoy a better quality of life.

The brave defector, who has spoken out on her time within Kim's brutal regime, said the luxury lifestyle often associated with being one of the tyrant leader's girls is short-lived, with women thrown out when they reach their mid-twenties.

Some will be married off to Kim's personal bodyguards while rumours have swirled that the dictator's wife, Ri Sol-ju, was once part of the ghastly 'Pleasure Squad'. 

'Pleasure Train'

Kim's group are not restricted to his residence, however, as reports have swirled of strippers being packed into his vile 'Pleasure Train'.

The green locomotive, used last year to transport the dictator to a meeting with his pal Vladimir Putin, is operated by dozens of beautiful 'lady conductors' - taken from the ranks of Kim's 'Pleasure Brigade'.

The tyrant's train reportedly hosts parties where the leader is said to be surrounded by 'tall and beautiful virgins'.

Kim, alongside his guests, are serenaded by the 'lady conductors' as they serve food and entertain those on board.   

According to a 2020 report by DimSum Daily, the young women are generally aged between 13 and 25 and must be taller than 1.65metres.

Those who have had boyfriends are normally disqualified while the girls and women who are deemed worthy enough of boarding the 37mph train receive around 20 months of training, study foreign languages ​​such as English, Japanese and Chinese, and even sexual service and contraceptive knowledge.

Kim's green 'Pleasure Train' is packed with beautiful 'lady conductors' - taken from the ranks of his disturbing 'Pleasure Brigade'. (Pictured: North Korean leader Kim Jong Un waves at the Dong Dang railway station in Dong Dang, Vietnam, on March 2, 2019)

Kim's green 'Pleasure Train' is packed with beautiful 'lady conductors' - taken from the ranks of his disturbing 'Pleasure Brigade'. (Pictured: North Korean leader Kim Jong Un waves at the Dong Dang railway station in Dong Dang, Vietnam, on March 2, 2019)

The North Korean dictator, 39, inherited the armoured locomotive from his father

The North Korean dictator, 39, inherited the armoured locomotive from his father

The average reported salary of group is reportedly between £1,500 to £3,100.

In 2017, a woman who had witnessed the sheer brutality of Kim's regime after experiencing a public execution, revealed to The Mirror that the while North Koreans are forced to eat bark and grass to survive, the leader dines on delicacies such as bird saliva soup and caviar that is served by his teenage sex slaves.

Hee Yeon, whose name was changed by the newspaper to protect her identity, recalled regime officials touring schools and other public spaces to pluck the girls 'with straight legs' for the purpose of working at one of his 'hundreds' of mansions.

The girls were taught to serve Kim, give him massages and please him sexually, she said.

'Yes, they have to sleep with him and they cannot make a mistake or object because they could very easily simply disappear,' she said.

Yeon chillingly said she did not know what happened to girls who become pregnant with Kim's babies, and fears they too 'disappear' like anyone who crosses Kim.

The courageous woman claimed she was pulled out of school for six months, aged 19, to learn choreography for an all-female soldier parade.

The female soldiers were just students, Hee Yeon said, who were forced to practice for 12 hours a day in advance of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea's Party Foundation Day.

The North Korean leader, clad in a black coat and matching fedora, met with Kremlin officials at Russia's Hasan train station near the border between the two countries, April 24, 2019.

The North Korean leader, clad in a black coat and matching fedora, met with Kremlin officials at Russia's Hasan train station near the border between the two countries, April 24, 2019.

Kim, alongside his guests, are serenaded by the 'lady conductors' as they serve food and entertain those on board. (Pictured: The dictator is welcomed as he arrives in the Russian border city of Khasan, Russia, 24 April 2019)

Kim, alongside his guests, are serenaded by the 'lady conductors' as they serve food and entertain those on board. (Pictured: The dictator is welcomed as he arrives in the Russian border city of Khasan, Russia, 24 April 2019)

A man fixes the red carpet on a platform at Hasan train station where Kim arrived in 2019 while meeting his pal Vladimir Putin

A man fixes the red carpet on a platform at Hasan train station where Kim arrived in 2019 while meeting his pal Vladimir Putin

'It was exhausting, but I am glad we did so much training,' she said. 

'We could not make the slightest mistake in the routine or we'd be severely punished.'

'Executed porn star ex-girlfriend'

In April this year, a North Korean pop star was spotted out with Kim amid rumours that she is his secret flame and birthed his love child.

Having left her role in North Korea's premier girl group, the Moranbong Band, Hyon Song-wol now works in the dictator's personal secretariat after being appointed a top job after 'coming back from the dead'.

A decade ago, Song-wol reappeared on North Korean television after she was believed to have been executed by firing squad in 2013.

Reports from the time claimed she had been one of a group of musicians arrested and then gunned down after charges of pornography were brought against her.

According to the reports, the singer, along with a number of other band members of the Unhasu Orchestra, the Wangjaesan Light Music Band and the Moranbong Band were accused of filming themselves having sex with one another and then selling the recordings.

Song-wol was thought to have been dead for almost a year before she reappeared smiling and talking on television, praising Kim for his work in helping the arts community in North Korea.

Hyon Song-wol (left) was spotted out with Kim Jong-un last month  amid rumours that she's his secret flame and gave birth to his love child

Hyon Song-wol (left) was spotted out with Kim Jong-un last month  amid rumours that she's his secret flame and gave birth to his love child

The North Korean pop star (circled), and former 'porn star' was rumoured to be dead in 2013, but suddenly made an appearance on TV a year later

The North Korean pop star (circled), and former 'porn star' was rumoured to be dead in 2013, but suddenly made an appearance on TV a year later 

Hyon Song-wol stands behind Kim Jong Un and his daughter Kim Ju-ae at a recent New Year's event in Korea

Hyon Song-wol stands behind Kim Jong Un and his daughter Kim Ju-ae at a recent New Year's event in Korea

The country had always denied reports that she had been executed - dubbing them 'unpardonable' and saying the rumours were the work of 'psychopaths' in the South Korean government.

Song-wol was a well-known pop star in Korea before she disappeared from the public eye -  during which time she is said to have had a relationship with Kim after they met nearly 10 years beforehand.

Last month she was spotted with Kim in Pyongyang  as she trailed behind the leader while frantically taking notes on her phone.

A retired spymaster claimed that their relationship is more than professional, and that she and the despot have a love child. 

Choe Su-yong, formerly of the National Intelligence Service (NIS) in neighbouring South Korea, said the child was named Kim Il-bong.

Choe recently told the Korea Times that Kim Jong-un also has a legitimate son with his wife, Ri Sol-ju, but the boy is too 'pale and thin' for public life. 

According to the ex-spy, Kim Jong-un met Hyon Song-wol when he was still at school in Switzerland.

Choe said that Hyon served the future tyrant and his sister, Kim Yo-jong, as a nanny-cum-caretaker, but a relationship formed and continued on their return to North Korea.

Kim's father and predecessor, Kim Jong-il, disapproved of the match and ordered him to break it off, according to a South Korean report from 2012.

But after his father's death, 'the son is thought to have rekindled the relationship' the report said.

This picture taken on February 8, 2023 and released from North Korea's official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) shows North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un (right), his daughter Ju Ae (centre) and wife Ri Sol Ju (left) attending a military parade celebrating the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Korean People's Army

This picture taken on February 8, 2023 and released from North Korea's official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) shows North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un (right), his daughter Ju Ae (centre) and wife Ri Sol Ju (left) attending a military parade celebrating the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Korean People's Army

History  of the 'Pleasure Squad'

The Pleasure Squad, known as Kippumjo in North Korea, began during the reign of North Korea's founder, Kim Il-sung, who is still considered the country's Eternal President, despite dying in 1994.

Il Sung 'had a more traditional taste in women', while Kim tends to opt for more 'slender', taller and 'western-looking' women.

In the late 1970s, at the height of Il Sung's power, he sent out his officials to scour the nation for its most attractive young women and girls to act as singers and dancers - a move that Kim has mirrored and retained during his rule.

Some worked as maids, but the most sexually attractive were ordered to become 'comfort women' for powerful officials.

Il sung especially liked virgins because he believed having sex with them allowed him to absorb the girls' 'ki' or life-force.

Authorities would tell the girls' parents their daughters were on an important mission to serve Il sung, and they had no say in the matter.

Kim pictured surrounded by women, reacting as he joins a photo session with the participants in the second meeting of Korean People's Army

Kim pictured surrounded by women, reacting as he joins a photo session with the participants in the second meeting of Korean People's Army

The girls would then be kept in party leaders' mansions and had to obey the instructions of their superiors as part of their role as an entertainer to the leader.

Later, officers in the North Korean military often took the women as wives after they were 'retired' from their sexual duties in their 20s. 

A sushi chef who worked for the Kim family between 1989 and 2001, told NK News that Kim Jong-il's brother, Jang Song Thaek, would 'audition' girls for the dictator.

'If they were singers, they would sing right there,' Fujimoto said. 

'There would be separate auditions for dancers. The panel would ask them to raise their legs and all that.'

The cook said in order to get the auditions, girls would have to have sex with Jang Song Thaek first.

He was later executed in 2014.