Sunday 9 June 2024

Israel News: Did the holder of Israeli hostages work for Al Jazeera and US-based charity?


Did the holder of Israeli hostages work for Al Jazeera and US-based charity?

Abdallah Aljamal, an Al Jazeera worker, was named as one of the ‘victims’ during the IDF rescue operation, raising yet again concerns about so-called ‘civilian’ involvement in holding hostages.

In two tweets on his personal X account, Abdu named Abdallah Aljamal, a 36-year-old “journalist,” and his wife Fatima, as some of those killed by the IDF forces during their incursion into houses in Nuseirat where the hostages were held.

However, further research has shown that Aljamal worked for the Palestine Chronicle, a pro-Hamas outlet led by ex-Al-Jazeera official Ramzi Baroud, operating under the auspices of the People Media Project, a 501(c)3 organization registered since 2012 in Olympia, Washington State, whose IRS filings were not found online.

A description of Abdallah Aljamal on Al-Jazeera. (credit: screenshot)Enlrage image
             A description of Abdallah Aljamal on Al-Jazeera. (credit: screenshot)

Unclear whether hostages held in Aljamal's home

Likewise, Aljamal was found to have written for Al Jazeera, the mouthpiece of Hamas leaders haven, Qatar, as well as serving as spokesperson for Hamas’s Ministry of Labor.

It is unclear whether the hostages were being held at the Aljamals’ very home or in their vicinity, though Abdu’s tweet did mention an IDF incursion using a ladder into their window. When asked about the prospects of the Aljamal family hiding Israeli hostages in their home, Abdu claimed that “this should be addressed by Israeli officials,” claiming that at least seven other homes were documented as subject to the Israeli incursion.

This is not the first time in which alleged Gazan civilians were involved in keeping hostages in their homes on behalf of terrorist organizations, as other freed and released hostages have recounted their being held captive in civilian homes around the Gaza Strip.

On Sunday morning, Al Jazeera denied that Aljamal had been employed by the organization. It stated the rumors were untrue and baseless.      

Israel rescues four hostages in Gaza raid, reuniting families and leaving casualties 

Pud says we are now at war and must give our support to the IDF to do it's job and prepare to take the fight to Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran and the Antisemites of the Left worldwide.

And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed, Genesis 12:3

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