Friday 12 July 2024

False Accusations by Black Muslim Student Against her Jewish Roommate

Muslim student lied that her Jewish roommate threatened her with a knife following dispute about October 7 Hamas attack

A Muslim student who lied that her Jewish roommate had threatened her life following a dispute about October 7 will not face any repercussions.

University of Washington student Isha Hussein claimed that her roommate made Islamophobic remarks and threatened to stab her with a knife as she prayed.

The roommate denied the allegations but was removed from her dorm and moved out due to the hostility she faced.

However, a campus police report concluded it could not establish probable cause, after a witness contradicted Hussein's account.

In a viral post which garnered almost 44,000 likes, Hussein claimed her roommate had made racist remarks to her when they moved in together in September 2023.

Muslim student Isha Hussein who allegedly lied that her Jewish roommate had threatened her life following a dispute about October 7 will not face any repercussions despite a probe finding 'no probably cause'

Muslim student Isha Hussein who lied that her Jewish roommate had threatened her life following a dispute about October 7 will not face any repercussions despite a probe finding no probable cause

'My roommate noticed I was a black Muslim and started making comments such as, 'My family and I don't like black people', 'That's why my religion is better than yours' and 'Muslims are suicide bombers',' the Muslim wrote in the post.

Their relationship came to a head around the time of the October 7 attack after the two clashed during a discussion about Israel's response, according to both parties.

During one exchange Hussein's roommate said to her that she would, 'pull a knife on her while praying [...] then grabbed a knife from the kitchen drawer', a campus police report states.

The report was filed on October 24 when officers were called to the dorm to reports of harassment. 

Both students' names have been redacted, however the allegations match those made in Hussein's Instagram post. 

At the time of the alleged knife incident, Hussein told campus police during an interview she did not want to assist with prosecution, but just wanted the incident to be documented, the report states.

She also complained to the university, who she accused of failing to take her concerns seriously in the Instagram post shared in February.

Her statement further alleged that one of her other roommates went on to assault her in November as the fallout continued.

'As a black Muslim woman, the University of Washington Housing and Food Services failed to protect me on the multiple occasions described,' Hussein wrote. 

Her claims sparked a huge backlash, with a 'Justice for Isha Hussein' rally held by the Somali Student Association the following month.'

University of Washington student Isha Hussein claimed that her roommate made Islamophobic remarks and threatened to stab her with a knife as she prayed

University of Washington student Isha Hussein claimed that her roommate made Islamophobic remarks and threatened to stab her with a knife as she prayed

Hussein accused university officials of failing to take her complaints seriously

Hussein accused university officials of failing to take her complaints seriously

However, the police report states that officers conducted an interview with a third roommate, who 'did not witness any threats of open hostility towards the victim from the suspect.'

'Based on the interview with only named witnesses I could not establish probable cause,' the report reads. 

The accused roommate has strenuously denied the allegations and stated that the two had been avoiding each other in the wake of October 7 due to 'awkwardness'.

Her account to police details her surprise at receiving an email from college officials informing her she had to leave her apartment following a report about her alleged threatening behavior. 

'I was thrown out of my campus dorm with no due process based entirely on a false accusation,' she said in her statement.

She said she was eventually allowed to move back to her dorm after an interview with university director Amanda Roy who found no evidence of any violation, according to her statement. 

'I never wished to be any part of [the Muslim hoaxer's] false and harmful narrative, not now and not in October when she started her journey of made-up stories,' the roommate said.

She speculated that Hussein may have fabricated the event in a bid to bolster her campaign to become student body president.

Hussein's allegations sparked a 'Justice for Isha Hussein' rally the month after her post went viral

Hussein's allegations sparked a 'Justice for Isha Hussein' rally the month after her post went viral

However, the UW campus police probe found 'no probable cause' and no action has been taken against either student

However, the UW campus police probe found 'no probable cause' but no action has been taken against the Muslim hoaxer

'To my knowledge, there were no repercussions for [the Muslim hoaxer] for making false and defamatory claims against me which resulted in my temporary loss of housing and permanent need to relocate and which caused considerable stress and strain on my academic schedule and emotional wellbeing,' the accused roommate said.

The Muslim hoaxer who was allegedly threatened was interviewed by UW police and declined to assist with any potential prosecution.

No repercussions, imagine that. The consequences would be different if it was the other way around.

The University of Washington is one of the most left-wing American universities (and that's saying something).

Muslim culture encourages its members to lie whenever it furthers their cause.

Swedish authorities are forced to deny they are 'kidnapping' Muslim children and forcing them to eat pork

  • Muslim videos claim Muslim children are being put in Christian homes with paedophiles, forced to drink alcohol, and eat pork
Islamic influences and radical imams have been blamed for a fake news campaign in Sweden where authorities have been forced to deny they are 'kidnapping' Muslim children. Pictured: Protesters demonstrate against Swedish social services in Gothenburg, February 13

Islamic influencers and radical imams have been running a fake news campaign in Sweden. Authorities have been forced to deny they are 'kidnapping' Muslim children. Pictured: Protesters demonstrate against Swedish social services in Gothenburg

Videos began appearing on Arabic-language social media sites in late 2021 of real interventions by child welfare services, showing crying children being separated from distraught parents. Pictured: Protesters are seen in Malmo on February 19

Videos began appearing on Arabic-language social media sites in late 2021. Pictured: Protesters are seen in Malmo

Pictured: Protesters demonstrating aginst the Swedish social services in central Malmo, Sweden, February 19

Pictured: Protesters demonstrating against the Swedish social services in central Malmo, Sweden

Barclay Primary School in Leyton, east London, told parents it might have to 'revert to online learning' because it received bomb threats over the headteachers decision to ban students from wearing pro-Palestinian badges.

Barclay Primary School in Leyton, east London, received bomb threats over the decision to ban students from wearing pro-Palestinian badges.

Video footage showed parents gathering outside the school with pro-Palestinian flags

Parents gathering outside the school with pro-Palestinian flags

A parent at the protest criticised the school for not allowing a student 'to wear the badge of his homeland'

A parent at the protest criticised the school for not allowing a student to wear a Pally badge 

Labour MP Tanmanjeet Singh Dhesi and others insisted that Boris¿s column last year defending the right of Muslim women to wear the burka (a column his opponents deliberately misrepresented) in fact caused a ¿spike¿ in anti-Muslim hate crimes. They claim that such hate crimes rose 375 per cent in the week after his column

Labour MP Tanmanjeet Singh Dhesi claimed there had been a ‘spike’ in anti-Muslim hate crimes. 

Convicted terrorist Brusthom Ziamani (right), 25, and fellow inmate Baz Hockton (left), 26, have been convicted at the Old Bailey of attempting to murder a prison officer in an Islamic terrorist attack at top security Whitemoor jail in Cambridgeshire on January 9

Convicted terrorist Brusthom Ziamani (right), 25, and fellow inmate Baz Hockton (left), 26, have been convicted at the Old Bailey of attempting to murder a prison officer in an Islamic terrorist attack at top security Whitemoor jail in Cambridgeshire

A handout photo from CCTV showing the aftermath of the alleged attack by Ziamani and Hockton on the prison guard at Whitemoor jail in Cambridgeshire

A handout photo from CCTV showing the aftermath of the attack by Ziamani and Hockton on the prison guard at Whitemoor jail in Cambridgeshire

Another hate crime hoax: Muslim Michigan student 'made up' claims man told her to remove her hijab or he would set her on fire

  • A Muslim student at University of Michigan said a drunk man told her to take off her hijab or he would light her on fire
  • The police, FBI and University of Michigan investigated the matter
  • Through surveillance video and inconsistent stories of the woman, police concluded the story isn't true
The Southern Poverty Law Center said more than 200 incidents of 'election-related harassment and intimidation' had been reported in the three days after Donald Trump's victory

Ahmed Mohamed shows the clock he built in a school pencil box to reporters after a news conference in Dallas on Monday

Clock Boy Ahmed Mohamed shows the clock he built in a school pencil box to reporters after a news conference in Dallas. Clock Boy later moved to Qatar.

Mohamed was arrested at school after he brought this homemade clock to class last year. His English teacher thought the clock was a homemade bomb  

Mohamed was arrested at school after he brought this homemade clock to class last year. His English teacher thought the clock was a homemade bomb  

Ahmed was invited to the White House by President Obama, when it was revealed that the box was a harmless clock 

Ahmed was invited to the White House by President Obama

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