Tuesday, 6 August 2024

Muslim Migrants Misbehaving on German Trains

Muslim Migrants and German Trains

The delicacy of Jihad by travel.

Here are five stories, each more shocking than the next, about Muslim migrants and trains in Germany. One is from Dec. 2022, one from July 2023, and three from Jan. 2024. Expect similar stories to come more frequently.

#1. An Afghan Migrant in Germany Masturbating On Train Tracks Halts Rail Traffic 

“Germany: Afghan migrant masturbating on train tracks halts rail traffic across Kassel region,” by John Cody, Remix News, January

An Afghan migrant who was masturbating on a train track outside the German city of Kassel was arrested after halting rail traffic across the region.

The migrant, who lives in Niest, shut down the Kassel rail system on Jan. 16, but the story was only published by German newspaper Bild on Jan. 22.

“Because of him, the driver of a RegioTram in the direction of Kassel had to brake quickly in the area of ​​the Kassel-Jungfernkopf train stop,” said a police spokesman. The 30-year-old was lying in the middle of the tracks and was masturbating when the conductor was forced to halt quickly to avoid hitting him.

The train was stopped right in front of the man, but police say the man just kept masturbating. Witnesses began filming the man, with some of the footage leaking online.

The Afghan’s actions caused 13 trains to be late before police arrived and arrested the man. No one was injured during the incident. The Afghan has been charged with interfering with train traffic….

Different strokes for different folks, I know, but really, couldn’t that Afghan wait until he got home? Trains have enough trouble arriving on time as it is.

#2. Muslim Migrant Exposes His Buttocks to Train Conductor, Shuts Down Traffic

From the same news article as the one above:

Just days after this incident, on Jan. 18, three Moroccan migrants were loitering near a parked freight train near the city of Wolmirstedt. A train engineer noticed the men and stopped the train. He told the suspects, aged 26, 30 and 32, to leave the area, as their lives were in danger at the rail crossing.

Instead, they approached the train, insulted the driver, and threw stones at the train. One member of the group lowered his pants and showed his behind to the driver.

The interruption halted train traffic in the area for half an hour….

#3. Street Cleaner Nearly Beaten to Death in Berlin by Palestinian and Tunisian

And again from the same article:

On Jan. 19, a trial began in Berlin for Tunisian migrant Beshir S. and “fashion designer” Tarek S., a Palestinian from Syria, who nearly beat a 60-year-old street cleaner to death on the subway tracks. The man had told the defendants, who were speaking loudly on their phone, to lower their voices, as it was 4:30 a.m. The victim was on his way to work.

The men then rushed toward the victim, beat him, and pushed him onto the train track. He was pulled out by another passenger, who saved the man before a train arrived. The German victim had severe injuries to his genitals, suffered a fractured arm, and remains on sick leave until this day.

The Tunisian has been charged with attempted murder for the May 29, 2023, attack. He said in court: “I had the impression at the time that the obviously German man thought he was superior to my friend. That’s why I hit the German, even one or two punches too many.”

#4. Afghan Migrants Severely Beat Conductor Trying to Stop a Fight

“VIDEO: German train driver beaten by Afghan migrant teen,” by Thomas Brooke, Remix News, July 

A 50-year-old German train driver was attacked by a 15-year-old Afghan national at the Lauter train station in the state of Saxony in eastern Germany on Wednesday evening.

According to a local police report, the train driver attempted to intervene in settling a dispute between two passengers when he was set upon and severely beaten by two individuals.

Footage circulating on social media from another passenger on board the train showed the train driver being punched and kicked in the head as he lay on the ground next to the station platform before the two attackers fled the scene….

Eyewitnesses provided authorities with a description of the attackers; one suspect was identified as a 15-year-old Afghan national. The second attacker has not been identified.

#5. Muslim Nigerians In Essen Beat Conductor Unconscious

“2 Nigerians beat German train conductor unconscious,” by Dénes Albert, Remix News, December 13, 2022:

Two Nigerians beat a train conductor in the German town of Essen to the point of hospitalization after he asked one of them to clear the door area so the train could continue on its journey.

According to police, the migrants choked the man and beat him unconscious over the weekend.

Sources say the reason for the altercation on Sunday night began because the 41-year-old train conductor had asked a 36-year-old Nigerian to step out of the doorway of the train.

The immigrant allegedly handed over a child he was holding at the time to his partner and stood in front of the railroad employee in a threatening manner, according to Germans newspaper Bild.

After the altercation broke out, a 37-year-old Nigerian male rushed to the attacker’s aid and rammed the train driver with an empty baby carriage. Together, they then allegedly severely beat the conductor, with one man choking the victim as well, according to witnesses.

Had enough? Of course you have. And the incidents above are just a small sample of what has been happening on trains, buses, and subways in Germany, where Muslim migrants have been treating infidels — “the most vile of created beings” — as they deserve to be treated.

Former Chancellor Angela Merkel told Germany, when she opened wide the gates to 2.14 million mostly Muslim migrants in 2015, that “Wir schaffen das,” that is, “We can do this.” No, Angela, neither Germany, nor any other country in Europe that has let in massive numbers of Muslims, has been able to handle the unsettling presence of so many Muslims that, for Europeans, has led to a world of woe. Let me repeat, for the hundredth time, what the Muslim invasion has meant for Europe: The large-scale presence of Muslims has led to a situation that, for the indigenous peoples of Europe, is more unpleasant, expensive, and physically dangerous, than would be the case without that large-scale presence.