Thursday 5 September 2024

Extinction Rebellion Clowns Lay Siege to Windsor Castle

Extinction Rebellion eco-clowns lay siege to Windsor Castle as they deliver letters urging King Charles to help save the planet

Extinction Rebellion activists descended on Windsor Castle to deliver letters to King Charles, urging him to help save the planet.

Over 500 eco-zealots turned up at the royal residence, with a pink box full of letters asking the monarch to 'intervene in the worsening climate crisis'.

But the King is unlikely to receive them, as he currently residing 300 miles north for his usual summer visit to Scotland.

Traffic near the castle was halted as activists carried apocalyptic post boxes with 'last collection times' as well as times for other disasters, such as 'running out of food at 9am'.

Other boxes some of King's own quotes on the environment, including his words in 2010: 'This is a call for revolution. The earth is under threat. Revolution is a strong word and I use it deliberately.'

Extinction rebellion protesters descended on Windsor Castle today to call on the King to 'intervene' in the climate crisis

Extinction rebellion protesters descended on Windsor Castle to call on the King to 'intervene' in the climate crisis

Activists carried a pink postbox bearing apocalyptic messages as well as previous quotes from Charles on the environment

Protesters on the Long Walk in Windsor with banners reading 'Massembly' and 'Upgrade democracy'

Protesters on the Long Walk in Windsor with banners reading 'Massembly' and 'Upgrade democracy'

Police removing the pink postbox topped by a yellow bird, placed by XR protesters outside the royal residence

Police removing the pink postbox topped by a yellow bird, placed by XR protesters outside the royal residence

Activist Catherine Edminson, 61, a NHS business support worker, insisted that the protesters weren't 'freaks' but were 'from all walks of life'.

Climate activists have also erected tents and marquees in Windsor Home Park without permission, as XR entered its second day of action in the Berkshire town.

Police were seen forming a line as Morris Dancers performed beneath Queen Victoria's statue. 

Among placards on display was a message to the King reading: 'Speak up for nature Charles! We can't hear you!' 

Protesters also planned a 'massembly' - a large gathering - on the Long Walk of Windsor's Great Park.

XR does not have permission to be in the park, but has been 'liaising' with local authorities, said spokesman Etienne Stott, 45, who won a gold medal at the London 2012 Olympics in the canoe slalom. 

The group hopes that storming the castle will help boost their profile through publicity of the stunt and enhance their demands for a Citizens Assembly to be established to tackle the climate crisis.

A placard raised by activists with a drawing of the King and the words 'Speak up for nature Charles! We can't hear you!'

A placard raised by activists with a drawing of the King and the words 'Speak up for nature Charles! We can't hear you!'

XR activists unveil a pink postbox with the words 'upgrade democracy'

XR activists unveil a pink postbox with the words 'upgrade democracy'

XR protesters wave green flags and bang on drums outside Windsor Castle

XR protesters wave green flags and bang on drums outside Windsor Castle

On Friday XR activists wore business suits and dressed as oil barons

On Friday XR activists wore business suits and dressed as oil barons

Activists dressed in all black participate in  a funereal demonstration at Windsor Great Park

Activists dressed in all black participate in  a funereal demonstration at Windsor Great Park

A protester brings his four-legged friend to the climate demonstration, wearing a pink and green coat with XR badges

A protester brings his four-legged friend to the climate demonstration, wearing a pink and green coat with XR badges

Officers watch over a protest by XR demonstrators outside Windsor Castle on Friday

Officers watch over a protest by XR demonstrators outside Windsor Castle

The group marched through the town dressed as oil barons to spread their message. 

Catherine Bartlett, of Extinction Rebellion UK, said: 'Windsor Castle has been chosen as an embodiment of a broken and unjust system where our message will resonate powerfully.

'The general election has neither fixed our broken system nor addressed the urgent action needed to tackle the climate and nature emergency.

'Aristocrats, oligarchs and corporate interests have infected and distorted our politics and media for their own benefit and at our expense.

'Our politics is failing us from top to bottom. It's time for a democratic upgrade.'

The eco-activists also plan to cause mayhem in Windsor town centre by targeting hotels and restaurants as well as shutting down roads, MailOnline reported

The eco-activists also plan to cause mayhem in Windsor town centre by targeting hotels and restaurants as well as shutting down roads

The action was planned to take place even after other XR leaders including co-founder Roger Hallam were jailed for causing disruption and criminal damage

XR leaders including co-founder Roger Hallam were jailed for causing disruption and criminal damage

MPs have backed the lengthy jail terms handed to five Just Stop Oil protesters despite protests. Pictured (left to right): Lucia Whittaker De Abreu, Cressida Gethin, Louise Lancaster, Daniel Shaw and Roger Hallam, who all received four year sentences besides JSO founder Hallam, who was given five

MPs have backed the lengthy jail terms handed to five Just Stop Oil protesters. Pictured (left to right): Lucia Whittaker De Abreu, Cressida Gethin, Louise Lancaster, Daniel Shaw and Roger Hallam, who all received four year sentences besides JSO founder Hallam, who was given five

Labour's Luke Pollard MP, the Armed Forces Minister, also backed the judge, and told LBC : 'What Just Stop Oil have done has been ridiculous. Their protests have been pathetic'

Labour's Luke Pollard MP, the Armed Forces Minister,  backed the judge, and said : 'What Just Stop Oil have done has been ridiculous. Their protests have been pathetic'

Greta Thunberg has been taken away by police as they fired a water cannon at demonstrators protesting against fossil fuels in the Netherlands

Greta Thunberg being taken away by police after they fired a water cannon at demonstrators in the Netherlands

Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg (C) is carried away by police as she block the entrance to the A12 with protesters from Extinction Rebellion, in The Hague, on July 6, 2024

Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg (C) is carried away by police after she blocked the entrance to the A12 with protesters from Extinction Rebellion, in The Hague

Thunberg was speaking at an event in Helsinki organised by XR

Thunberg wearing Pally rags at an event in Helsinki organised by XR

Arrested protester following Pro Palestine and members of Just Stop oil breakout group "Youth demand" target Labour party HQ on Rushworth street in April 2024

Arrested protester after Pro Palestine and Just Stop oil breakout group 'Youth demand' targeted Labour party HQ 

Police at the scene in Essex after activists from protest group Just Stop Oil blocked the entrance to the Esso and damaged pumps at the filling station on the M25 in 2022

Police at the scene in Essex after activists from protest group Just Stop Oil blocked the entrance to the Esso and damaged pumps at the filling station on the M25

JSO campaigners staging a protest in the Shell petrol garage in 2022

JSO campaigners staging a protest at a Shell petrol garage

NSW woman Deanna 'Violet' Coco, 33, has been charged with two counts of public nuisance after blocking two lanes of traffic on a major Melbourne freeway

NSW woman Deanna 'Violet' Coco, 33, was charged with two counts of public nuisance after blocking two lanes of traffic on a major Melbourne freeway

Two Extinction Rebellion protestors have been sentenced to 21 days in jail for blocking traffic

Two Extinction Rebellion protestors, including Cuckoo Coco, were sentenced to 21 days in jail for blocking traffic

The protest caused a traffic gridlock with three city-bound lanes blocked and delays stretching about 30 kilometres (pictured)

The protest caused traffic gridlock, with three city-bound lanes blocked and delays stretching about 30 kilometers

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