Thursday, 31 October 2024

Isla Vista: Rated Worst Small City in USA?

Central Calif. town ranked worst small city in the US in new study

The beach at Isla Vista (one of my favorite places in the 1970s and 1980s :)

As more California residents flee major metropolitan areas for other parts of the state, small cities are having a moment. But even small cities have their struggles, most notably their tendency to become increasingly less affordable when that was once one of their main draws. In a recent WalletHub analysis, the personal finance company ranked towns with populations between 25,000 and 100,000 across the country, and California’s didn’t fare well. 

Isla Vista, just north of Santa Barbara and home to UC Santa Barbara, ranked last on the list of 1,318 small cities. It had some of the worst affordability and economic health scores of all the cities ranked, with a high percentage of the population in poverty and one of the lowest homeowner rates. 

WalletHub considered 45 different metrics in the study, from housing costs to job growth to the number of restaurants per capita to determine the rankings.

Isla Vista had some of the worst affordability and economic health scores, with a high percentage of the population in poverty, and has some of the lowest homeownership rates

Beach at Isla Vista

Isla vista is almost entirely populated by students of UC Santa Barbara. that accounts for the low home ownership rates as students rent just for the four years they live there. Could also account for the low income (on paper) as many students don't work.

Isla Vista is where all the students live that go to UCSB. Did they not take that to account? Who made this awful list!?

You can’t count IV as a proper “town.” It’s an area that also encompasses UC Santa Barbara and most, if not all, of the housing is for college students, who of course are at “poverty level” (no incomes themselves) but have very rich parents. There is no “home ownership” as it is mostly apartment buildings. So this report is skewed. If you love beautiful beaches, weather, affordable living, and tons of college students biking everywhere and enjoying life, IV is the place to be!

Isla Vista is a party city for UCSB. My first girl was in my truck on Del Playa while others just walk by. But watch drink and getting close to the edge, many have died taking one step too far.

I’m no longer a fan of California given everything it has become, but I lived in Isla Vista and it’s a great little town. This list is ridiculous.

Isla Vista is a college neighborhood not a town. it's basically an unincorporated area. And it's almost all apartments occupied by students at UC Santa Barbara - the housing prices are indeed ridiculous.

California university is ranked top party school in the US

California university has been ranked the top party school in the U.S.  

The University of California at Santa Barbara (UCSB) has won first place for the '2025 top party schools' for the third straight year, according to the ranking site Niche.

The education research website annually compiles a diverse database, which includes more than 500,000 student reviews regarding their U.S. colleges.

The five categories that are used to create the ranking spots include bar accessibility, restaurant access, Greek life, school athletics, and student surveys. 

The school's sun-kissed glow, beachfront campus, and mountain views have been fittingly dubbed as 'Deltopia' by partygoers.

A California university has been ranked the top party school in the US

A California university has been ranked the top party school in the US

The University of California at Santa Barbara (UCSB) has won first place for the '2025 top party schools' for the third straight year, according to the ranking site Niche

The University of California at Santa Barbara (UCSB) has won first place for the '2025 top party schools' for the third straight year (shown: street party in Isla Vista)

A junior student remarked about the school in late July and noted: 'It is literally heaven on Earth for an 18-21 year old, as long as you don’t overdo it.

'You need to prioritize school over partying because the academic load is quite rigorous.'

Other students added that the 'party school' is 'stunning.'

Annually, the university hosts their 'Deltopia' street party, which often gets the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office heavily involved.

The event, which is located on Del Playa Drive in Isla Vista, usually brings outs thousands of attendees - many of whom get arrested, citations, or require medical help.

In 2023, police officers made 23 arrests, and issued 151 citations, according to the Sheriff's Office.

The education research website annually compiles a diverse database, which includes more than 500,000 student reviews regarding their U.S. colleges

Partying in Isla Vista

The five categories that are used to create the ranking spots include bar accessibility, restaurant access, Greek life, school athletics, and transparent student surveys

Near the Beach. The five categories that are used to create the ranking spots include bar accessibility, restaurant access, Greek life, school athletics, and student surveys

The school's sun-kissed glow, beachfront campus, and mountain views have been fittingly dubbed as 'Deltopia' by partygoers

The school's sun-kissed glow, beachfront campus, and mountain views have been fittingly dubbed as 'Deltopia' by partygoers

Authorities shared that their staff was 'inundated' with medical calls, and most of them were regarding alcohol poisoning.        

The annual Deltopia event began almost two decades ago.

Previously, the party was referred to as 'Floatopia,' because participants would celebrate at the beach, while they were in rafts and innertubes.

The student continued: 'You need to prioritize school over partying because the academic load is quite rigorous.' Other students added that the 'party school' is 'stunning'

The student continued: 'You need to prioritize school over partying because the academic load is quite rigorous.' Other students added that the 'party school' is 'stunning'

Annually, the university hosts their 'Deltopia' street party, which often gets the Santa Barbara County Sheriff¿s Office heavily involved

Annually, the university hosts their 'Deltopia' street party, which often gets the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office heavily involved