Tuesday 1 October 2024

Nasrallah Assassinated by Genies

Iranian cleric: 'Jews have had access to genies since Davidic times'

Cleric claims in televised interview that Israel was able to eliminate Hassan Nasrallah by employing the aid of supernatural creatures and advanced technologies the Jews have had for 3,000 years.

As Israel continues to demonstrate impressive intelligence capabilities by eliminating much of the leadership of the Hezbollah terrorist organization, some of its enemies are reportedly attributing supernatural powers to the Jewish State.

Iranian opposition news site Iran International published a recording from a televised interview given by an Iranian cleric close to the Ayatollah's regime accusing the Jewish people of trapping and employing djinn, or genies, for three thousand years, as well as using science fiction technology.

Iranian Shia seminary teacher Mostafa Karami claimed, "Considering the Zionists' history of subjugating genies, they carry out many of their missions through this means, and demons are their secret army."

"They [the Jews] have had access to genies and cosmic science since the time of David and Solomon," he added. "Historically, they have always used genies, their documents and traditions proved that. They have used genies and demons for warfare and intelligence operations throughout history."

Karami detailed his magical conspiracy theory in response to the elimination of Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah last week.

There have been varying reports in the media as to how Nasrallah was located prior to his elimination in Beirut. According to some Arabic media reports, he shook the hand of someone who placed a substance on his hand that allowed Israel to track him. Meanwhile, Western media has attributed the tracking of the Hezbollah leader's location to more mundane old-fashioned intelligence work.


Existence of another figure from the Bible may have just been proven - after discovery of 'genie' stone

An ancient stone seal has been discovered in Jerusalem that may be linked to a warrior mentioned in the Bible.

The black dime-sized relic was likely worn as an amulet around the neck of a man who held a senior position in the holy city some 2,700 years ago.

This one bears an engraving of a winged 'genie' or 'demon' that has never been seen before in Israel.

Two names are also inscribed on the seal - 'Yehoʼezer' and 'Hoshʼayahu' - which are both mentioned in the bible. 'Yoʼezer,' the abbreviated form of Yehoʼezer, was the name of one of the warriors of King David, the king of Israel at the time.

Archaeologists discovered an ancient stone seal in Jerusalem

Archaeologists discovered an ancient stone seal in Jerusalem 

And the name Hoshʼayahu is a parallel form of the name ʼAzariah ben Hoshʼaya,' which is mentioned in the book of Jeremiah. 

'It is not impossible that perhaps it was Yehoʼezer himself who engraved the names on the object,' said research partner Ronny Reich from the University of Haifa in a press release. 

During the first temple period, when this seal was made, Jerusalem was subject to the Assyrian Empire.

The artistic and cultural influence of this ruling power is reflected in the seal, as it bears an engraving of a winged protective figure.

Figures of winged demons are known in the Neo-Assyrian art of the 9th-7th Centuries BCE, according to the press release. 

But the two names inscribed on either side of this figure are written in Hebrew script.

The seal was discovered near the Southern Wall of Temple Mount in the City of David National Park.

The seal was discovered near the Southern Wall of Temple Mount in the City of David National Park.

The researchers found the seal near the Southern Wall of Temple Mount in the City of David National Park.

They believe that the seal was worn as an amulet by a man named Hoshʼayahu, who held a senior position in the Kingdom of Judah's administration.

They based their conclusion on the presence of a hole drilled through the piece, likely to allow it to be worn on a string, and the high artistic level required to produce the piece. 

'The seal, made of black stone, is one of the most beautiful ever discovered in excavations in ancient Jerusalem,' the researchers said.

The figure depicted on the seal is striding towards the right and raising one arm forward with an open palm, 'perhaps to suggest some object it is holding,' the press release stated. 

The researchers believe that the relic was originally owned by a man named Hosh¿ayahu. When he died, his son Yeho¿ezer carved their names into the seal.

The researchers believe that the relic was originally owned by a man named Hoshʼayahu. When he died, his son Yehoʼezer carved their names into the seal.

An inscription in Paleo-Hebrew script is engraved on either side of the figure. It reads, 'LeYehoʼezer ben Hoshʼayahu.'

The name Yehoʼezer appears in the bible in its abbreviated form, Yoʼezer, who was one of King David's fighters.

And in the book of Jeremiah, which describes the time period during which the seal was made, the name Hoshʼayahu appears in a parallel form: Azariah ben Hoshʼaya.

The two parts of the biblical first name are written in reverse order to the seal owners name, the researchers explain. The second name is the same, but it appears in its abbreviated form on the seal.

Therefore, the writing form in these biblical texts fits the name inscribed on the newly discovered seal, offering more evidence that it was made during the first temple period.

'This singular find joins the list of countless archeological discoveries in the City of David - the historic site of Biblical Jerusalem - affirming Jerusalem's Biblical heritage,' Ze'ev Orenstein, director of International Affairs for the City of David Foundation, told Fox News Digital.

'It similarly serves as yet another affirmation of the thousands-of-year-old bond rooting the Jewish people in Jerusalem - not simply as a matter of faith, but as a matter of fact.' 


When Hosh’ayahu died, his son Yeho’ezer inherited the seal, and he “added his name and his father’s name on either side of the demon,” in an effort to “directly appropriate to himself the beneficial qualities he believed the talisman embodied as a magical item,” 

real life genie lamp found in Jerusalem

Genies, or jinns, in the Middle East are serious business. 

Now, right out of the legends, archaeologists in Israel have discovered a rare find –– one of only a few of the world’s rarest existing genie lamps. 

The bronze oil lamp, shaped like a grotesque face that is cut in half, was recently discovered in the City of David National Park.

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