Hillary Clinton Has Become Completely Delusional

There’s a book you can buy on Amazon called “Hillary Clinton in Wonderland,” a retelling of the Lewis Carroll classic with Hillary as the young heroine.
Sound far-fetched? It isn’t. It’s real, and it works because Clinton has been in a fantasy world since she lost to Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election.
In the months and years since her humiliating loss, she blamed James Comey, Russia, computer bots, WikiLeaks, Bernie Sanders, Facebook, Joe Biden, fake news, Twitter, voter ID laws, the vast right-wing conspiracy, sexism, Barack Obama, ageism, Anthony Weiner, white women, xenophobia, black people, the Electoral College, the DNC, misogyny, and women cowed by their husbands.
So you’ve got to wonder: What color is the sky in Hillary’s Clinton’s world?
It never ends. Clinton is still on TV all the time, and last week she came out with the most delusional statement yet, saying she could beat Trump “again.”
Uh, Hillary, we have some terrible news. Really awful news. See, nearly three years ago, when we held a national election, you, um, lost.
Unbeknownst to you, apparently, America has this thing called the Electoral College. It was designed by the Founding Fathers, in all their wisdom, and here’s how it works: Each state selects “electors” — by today, 538 in all — and to win the presidency, a candidate needs to have at least 270 electoral votes.
Here’s where the bad news comes in, Hill. Yes, more people voted for you, and you won the popular vote 65,853,652 to 62,985,134. But that doesn’t matter. Not in the least. In the Electoral College, you lost — really, really bad.
Trump pulled in 304 electoral votes, and you got just 227. See, you lost Michigan and Wisconsin and Ohio and Pennsylvania and a whole bunch of other states. In fact, Trump won 30 states, you won 20. And Trump won 2,626 counties while you won just 487.
Trump, in a helpful post on Twitter last week, showed the map: Nearly all states were red, with a few small blue splotches on the coasts and in the Midwest.
The president also posted a tweet in which he said he hoped Clinton would run again. “I think that Crooked Hillary Clinton should enter the race to try and steal it away from Uber Left Elizabeth Warren. Only one condition. The Crooked one must explain all of her high crimes and misdemeanors including how & why she deleted 33,000 Emails AFTER getting ‘C’ Subpoena!” he wrote.
Hillary, of course, had to respond. “Don’t tempt me. Do your job.”
But wait. She just said it — HIS job. So … he IS president. You didn’t really win after all.
Hillary’s lucidity was fleeting. The two-time presidential loser a short time later went on TV again to claim that Trump is “obsessed” with her.
“It truly is remarkable how obsessed he remains with me,” she said on the PBS “News Hour.” “But this latest tweet is so typical of him. Nothing has been more examined and looked at than my emails. We all know that. So he’s either lying or delusional or both.”
Then she said, “Maybe there does need to be a rematch.”
“Obviously, I can beat him again. But, just seriously, I don’t understand, I don’t think anybody understands what motivates him other than personal grievance, other than seeking adulation.”
“Beat him again”?
Some think Clinton is getting ready to jump into the race. Former White House aide Steve Bannon has predicted she will make a third attempt for the presidency in 2020. “Hillary Clinton is doing a whole thing,” he said on Fox Business. “She is running. She’s just throwing to decide how to fit her way in.”
BNL News said last week that Hillary is “thinking about” entering the race. “BREAKING: Hillary Clinton ‘thinking about’ running for President in 2020, according to multiple sources,” the site wrote on Twitter.
Rasmussen Reports also reported that Clinton performs well in an imaginary race against Trump, each garnering 45% with 11% undecided. “In a repeat matchup of the 2016 election, Clinton runs dead even with President Trump, but even most Democrats don’t want her to get into the race,” the polling site wrote.
Still, the news wasn’t all good for Hillary. “Just 18% think Clinton should enter the race for next year’s Democratic presidential nomination. Seventy-one percent (71%) don’t think she should run,” Rasmussen wrote.
But in Clinton’s delusional world, she’s already beaten Trump once.
Let’s hope she tries to beat him again.
*Joseph Curl ran the Drudge Report from 2010 to 2014 and covered the White House for a dozen years. He can be reached at josephcurl@gmail.comand on Twitter at @JosephCurl. A version of this article ran previously in The Washington Times.