Friday, 31 January 2020

CNN Is Concerned About ‘Diversity’ On Trump’s Coronavirus Task Force

Maybe after they find a cure for Coronavirus they can get to work on curing TDS.

CNN has an important Coronavirus update: President Donald Trump’s response staff is just too white.

Who are these experts? They’re largely the same sorts of white men (and a couple women on the sidelines) who’ve dominated the Trump administration from the very beginning.
Twitter has a few choice words for fake news CNN:
Wow CNN really hates America. Who in their right mind would condemn something to help control a world epidemic
See Ambrose Goode's other Tweets
Right. Because, of course skin color and gender are far more important than saving lives.
See kenzie45230's other Tweets
I have a dream that one day the people selected to protect my children from a deadly disease will not be selected based on their knowledge and talents but by where they sit on the Progressive Stack of Intersectionality.
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The Left would rather have “diversity” than actually find a cure for a deadly disease using the most qualified people on hand.

Yes, that’s right...they’d rather be dead than not be “woke.”👌🏻
296 people are talking about this
Because diversity is what people dying of this virus care about...oh there weren’t enough POC, women, trans, etc. on the panel, then no thanks, I don’t want the cure.
See Janna Hall's other Tweets