Sunday, 19 January 2020

The Coconut's Fun Day Sunday!

The big ice storm never materialized  to the extent it was predicated last weekend which was a good thing.  Mother nature decided to make up for it and the lack of any real quantity of snow this year by dumping around eight inches of the wettest snow she could fine in less than twenty four hours.  It was around thirty pounds a shovel about back breaking!  Got that all cleaned up and it started snowing again and it's still snowing into the wee hours of this morning.  The weather lady said this will be the lighter fluffier type of which I think "enough for one weekend already!". 

Okay Peeps there's a bit of a ground rule for featuring comments on my post and that'd be no lame jokes allowed as featured.  I do, after all, have a reputation to uphold, or what's left of it I could say so I am not looking for any volunteers as I can create enough of my own train wrecks please and thank you.

Until next week everyone stay safe out there!

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