Wednesday 8 April 2020

Mainstream Media Echoing China's Talking Points On Corona Virus?

Talking about echoing things Laura and others on Fox News has been echoing all the data models as being wrong when it comes to the number of deaths predicted from the virus in their bids to get the administration to open up the economy or their own talking points of closing down the economy based on faulty data.  When we view what this expert on China has to say about the number of deaths in China it would indicate that a projection of one to two hundred thousand dying here in the US was pretty spot on.  A large percentage of those deaths would have came within the majority populated cities here where the virus would have been more easily spread.

At the height of the outbreak in China there were videos posted where people were forcible removed from their families and taken away kicking and screaming upon reports of them having the virus.  Tucker Carlson was talking the other night about implementation where Americans could be tracked with similar apps that China is using now whereas people's temperatures would be monitored and if found to have an elevated temperature they could be removed from their families and their devices used to track all those they had come in contact with.

The points being is we are not like China, we simply aren't that ruthless and people aren't willing to forego their freedoms to be tracked like that.  That's why the policies implemented to shelter in place were the right choices to make.  Once we implement programs that human lives are disposal at the whims of government and money we have lost our freedoms.  Freedom only works when we all work together to respect each others rights to them.

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