Friday, 5 February 2021

Biden’s Chinada Challenge


Biden’s Chinada Challenge

Will “Big Guy” Joe Biden come through for the “not bad folks” of Communist China?

Lloyd Billingsley

Joe Biden is on record that the Chinese Communists are “not bad folks, folks,” and “not competition for us.” The Delaware Democrat, is facing a crucial decision on China, by way of Canada, that deserves careful monitoring.  

In December of 2018 in Vancouver, Canada arrested Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou on a U.S. extradition warrant. China responded by taking captive Canadians Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor. As Solarina Ho of CTV News reports, Trudeau has spoken to Joe Biden about the case and “should the U.S. withdraw its charges against Meng, it could give China a reason to release Kovrig and Spavor,” now in their third year of captivity.

While Biden thinks it over, a review of Canada’s response may prove instructive. As “the two Michaels” languish in a Chinese prison, the Trudeau government ignores the captives and steps up integration with the People’s Republic of China.

Secret intelligence documents obtained by Rebel News reveal that the Trudeau government invited the People’s Liberation Army to conduct a “winter survival training exercise” at the Canadian Armed Forces base at Petawawa, Ontario. Defense chief Jonathan Vance canceled the training when China kidnapped Kovrig and Spavor. As the documents reveal, Trudeau was more concerned about placating China than rescuing the captives.

The government documents name Meng Wenzhou, but not Kovrig and Spavor, who show up only as “consular cases,” with no reference to their status as hostages. The biggest revelation was the cooperation between the Trudeau government and the People’s Liberation Army of Communist China. That is strange behavior for one of the “Five Eyes” allies, Canada, USA, UK, Australia and New Zealand.

“That cold-weather warfare you are referring to is just one of 18 different joint projects the Canadian armed forces had with the People’s Liberation Army in 2019 alone, Rebel News founder Ezra Levant told Tucker Carlson of Fox News. “Canada is training one- and two-star Chinese generals in our war colleges, training lieutenants and majors, commanders. We’re sending Canadians over to China, we’re bringing Chinese — I think they are not just soldiers, I think they’re spies, as well, and I don’t know a single person in this country knew about it.”

Canadians may also be unaware that the province of British Columbia is training China’s police officers. As Graeme Wood of Glacier Media reports, “the Justice Institute of B.C. (JIBC) has accepted close to 2,000 Chinese law enforcement students, recruits and officials, plus dozens of Chinese state judges, to its purported education and training programs, since 2013.” The province’s international law enforcement studies (ILES) program “is offered to Chinese police academy students, who are China’s future police officers, border agents and prison guards — handpicked by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).”

JIBC boss Michel Tarko told Wood it was all about “promoting safer communities in a more just society, not just in Canada, but around the world,” and meeting BC’s rising demands for diverse and highly skilled workers.

“Why do we have to gather recruitment from international students?” wondered Ivy Li of Canadian Friends for Hong Kong. “Why can’t we just get the recruitment from our own citizens?” For Michel Juneau-Katsuya of Canada’s Security Intelligence Service, the Chinese police academies represent an espionage threat.

“First of all, they will be handpicked and have the duty to report on everything happening and everyone they are meeting,” Juneau-Katsuya told Wood. Simon Fraser University criminologist Rob Gordon, a former Hong Kong police officer, explained, “These would be young men and women, mostly men, who have been selected for their ideological purity to come to Canada and pick up some information and then trot back with it to the People's Republic.”

Prime Minister Trudeau has no problem with it. In 2013, Justin Trudeau expressed his “level of admiration for China,” because “their basic dictatorship is allowing them to actually turn their economy around on a dime.” In similar style, his father, Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, was also a big fan.

In 1960, Trudeau visited Communist China in the midst of Chairman Mao’s “Great Leap Forward” that claimed millions of lives. In 1970, during the murderous Cultural Revolution, Prime Minister Trudeau recognized the People’s Republic. The next year, Pierre Trudeau pronounced the United States, Canada’s biggest trading partner and NATO ally, “a danger to our national identity.”

One might imagine the uproar if Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau had invited Soviet troops for cold-weather training in Ontario, or allowed provinces to train recruits of the Soviet KGB or East German Stasi. Son Justin is doing the equivalent with China, even as the Communist regime continues to hold Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor hostage. Canadians might wonder what Joe Biden thinks about it.

Biden claims to choose “truth over facts” but it’s hard to find any statement where he criticizes China for taking the two Canadians hostage. If Canadians thought Biden puts China’s interests above those of a close U.S. ally it would be hard to blame them.

The arrest of Meng Wanzhou took place under President Donald Trump, and job one for Biden is to reverse the Trump record. So the Delaware Democrat, who thinks the Chinese Communists are “not bad folks,” just might drop the charge against Meng Wanzhou. Watch also what son Hunter’s “Big Guy” does about China’s crackdown in Hong Kong and increasing Communist aggression against Taiwan and India.