Thursday, 4 February 2021

Tokyo Olympics Committee President Will Restrict Speaking Time of Annoying Women Who Talk To Much

The president of the Tokyo Olympics organizing committee sparked rage from Western feminists this after reportedly stating that if new female members were added to the to the committee they would need to have their speaking times restricted because “when you increase the number of female executive members, if their speaking time isn’t restricted to a certain extent, they have difficulty finishing, which is annoying.”

The remarks were made during an Olympic committee meeting on Wednesday by committee president Yoshiro Mori.

“We have about seven women at the organizing committee but everyone understands their place,” Mori reportedly stated.

Mori also noted, “When you increase the number of female executive members, if their speaking time isn’t restricted to a certain extent, they have difficulty finishing, which is annoying.”

The committee president’s remarks appeared to be based on personal experience, as he added, “Women are competitive, when one person raises a hand, others think they need to speak up as well. That’s why everyone speaks.”

Mori’s remarks incited outrage and alarm among Western corporate media publications, though his statements don’t appear to have gone caused as much of an uproar in Japan.

The committee president has also stated that “The education ministry has been very insistent about choosing female directors. But a board meeting with plenty of women will make it drag on.”

The Tokyo Olympics committee has also drawn media ire for resolving to hold the Olympics in 2021, regaardless of hysteria related to Covid-19.

“We will make sure the Games will be held no matter how the Covid situation will be. We go beyond the discussion of whether we hold (the Games) or not hold,” Mori said Tuesday. “We are to come up with ‘new’ Olympics.”