Tuesday, 9 February 2021

Escape from Egypt🐪🗻 moment on The Coconut Whisperer: Hitler’s toilet expected to fetch up to $15K at auction


Hitler’s toilet expected to fetch up to $15K at auction   

By Kate Sheehy, New York Post, February 2, 2021


The toilet seat from Hitler’s bathroom at his Bavarian retreat is set to go on the auction block — and leave its New Jersey seller flush with cash.

The white wooden former throne to the dictator was taken by a US soldier as the Americans bore down on Berghof, aka “The Eagle’s Nest,’’ in the waning days of World War II, according to liveauctioneers.com, which is peddling the perch.

The evil loon’s loo could fetch up to an estimated $15,000, said the site, which set the opening bid at $5,000.

According to the Maryland auction house in a historical description of the toilet, US Military Policeman Ragnvald Borch was told by his superiors at the retreat at the time to “get what you want” as they took over the home.

Borch grabbed a World War I armored vest on display, two oil paintings — and the toilet, the site said.

Adolf Hitler's toilet seat could fetch £15k at auction, The Atlantic, Feb.1, 2021

“What are you doing with that toilet?” another MP reportedly asked Borch.

Borch quipped back, “Where do you think Hitler put his ass?’’ the auction house says in its descriptive blurb.

Borch arranged to have the toilet shipped back to the US — where it has been on display in the basement of his family’s New Jersey home since and is now being sold by his son, the site said.

“One can scarcely imagine the plotting the tyrant undertook while contemplating the world from atop this perch!” the auction house writes, adding that it has documentation that the toilet was Hitler’s, including photos of Borch at the home at the time and a signed letter from his son attesting to the details.

The auction ends Feb. 8. There were no bids as of Tuesday afternoon.


🐪🗻 This has been an Escape From Egypt  moment on The Coconut Whisperer blog in honor of the former Escape from Egypt channel on the Disqus channel  network 2018-2019 with 34K followers and was the absolute weirdest, wackiest and strangest news channel ever on Disqus !🐪🗻

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