Sunday, 7 February 2021

The effect that farm murders have on minors is brought to the attention of the UN


South Africa: The effect that farm murders have on minors is brought to the attention of the UN


The effect that farm murders have on minors is brought to the attention of the UN
The effect that farm murders have on minors is brought to the attention of the UN

The civil rights organisation AfriForum on 5 February 2021, sent a comprehensive letter to the UN in which the devastating effect that farm murders have on minors in South Africa is discussed.

This follows after AfriForum on 4 February 2021 attended an online information session on childhood following atrocities. The session was hosted by the Outreach Programme on the Holocaust and the Civil Society Unit of the United Nations Department of Global Communications.

“The government’s indifferent attitude towards farm attacks and farm murders has far-reaching consequences for all those who are living on farms. All survivors of these attacks – parents, children, extended family and workers – may have to live with the emotional scars left by these attacks for many years,” said Jacques Broodryk, AfriForum’s Manager of Campaigns.

The shortcomings of the government and the psychological effect of the trauma on minors in particular are emphasised in this letter. Dissociation, depression, learning and concentration problems and self-harm are only some of the challenges experienced by minors following such an attack and trauma.

AfriForum founded the Wilmien Potgieter Fund in 2019 to support victims of farm attacks.

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