'Never seen it at this level': Texas rancher forced to defend home after migrants enter property
'They're coming to our houses at night,' says Sewell
Texas rancher says 12 migrants entered his property: ‘They’re coming to
our houses at night’
A Texas ranch owner, John Sewell, said Thursday that he has "never seen"
a migrant surge as serious as the one that has developed in recent months under
the Biden administration, after defending his home from 12 migrants.
JOHN SEWELL: "I’ve been [in Texas] for about 25 years so I’ve seen this under
many administrations, I’ve seen lots of trouble. But I’ve never seen it at this l
evel and I’ve never seen it with this quality of people.
[The migrants] are more confrontational. They have something to lose. I don’t
know if it’s because of human smuggling. You know my problem is I’m 40 miles
from the border. So, it’s not like I’m sitting at the edge of the border and all these people
are coming across the river to me.
The smugglers are bringing them here, dropping them off and they’re coming
through my property and that in turn has caused lots of heartache for us. Not to
mention they’re tearing down our fences, they’re coming to our houses at night.
I have a daughter I won’t let walk on the driveway to jog or exercise because of
this without having a dog with her. We’re kind of being left down here and the
Border Patrol, their hands are tied."