Sunday, 21 March 2021

Biden's Border Crisis is as Unexpected as Offering Free Beer and Having Drunks Show Up


Biden's Border Crisis is as Unexpected as Offering Free Beer and Having Drunks Show Up

Surprising. Unexpected. Caught off guard.

Those are some of the terms that the Democrat media is using to describe the border crisis. None of those terms apply.

Illegal migration, like all immigration, is a matter of supply and demand. What the United States supply offers in this arrangement is obvious. Increasing enforcement can spur illegal migration by those rushing to get in under the wire. That happened in the Trump era. But enforcement can then deter the surge. But permissiveness after a period of enforcement creates a tremendous surge. Especially when combined with promises of amnesty.

So there's nothing unexpected here.

Biden and the Democrats campaigned on amnesty for illegal aliens, for ending restrictions in asylum requests, and for treating underage migrants. e.g. 'unaccompanied children', and their traffickers differently.

A whole bunch of illegal aliens, asylum requests, and allegedly underage migrants showing up is the least surprising thing ever. 

It's like offering free beer and being surprised when your living room and patio are full of drunks by the morning. 

The media is dealing with the bad polling on the border crisis by digging up its old trope from the Obama era of pretending that its pet politicians are surprised by the rise of ISIS, yet another surge of illegal aliens in response to DACA, or the rising number of crimes in response to decriminalization.

This is spin. And nothing more.

The surge of illegal aliens is a political inconvenience. Republican open borders guys like Senator Lindsey Graham can't join an immigration sellout if there's a crisis. And he's said as much. Even Romney and Collins might find it a little awkward. That and their old sales pitch that Latinos won't vote for Republicans without amnesty fell apart in the Trump era when he scored more Latino votes than Romney did while running on immigration enforcement.

RINOs need the border crisis to go away so they can sell out. Democrats need it to die down a little so they can focus on their agenda items. But illegal aliens have no reason to stop. And considering the SuperDACA incentives, they have every reason to keep sending underage or allegedly underage migrants our way, while our enforcement system collapses. Supply and demand. The Democrats don't really care much. Every illegal who gets over the board is a political boon to their plans to flip Texas and other states. 

But they have to pretend to care. And be shocked at all the illegals showing up at their open border.