Wednesday, 30 June 2021

Kevin McCarthy: Democrat Party Has Not Evolved from Its Days of Slavery, Jim Crow, KKK, While It Supports Critical Race Theory


Kevin McCarthy: Democrat Party Has simply replaced the racism of the Klan with the racism of Critical Race  Theory


House Minority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarty (R-CA) proclaimed on Tuesday that the Democrat Party has not evolved from its days supporting slavery, Jim Crow laws, and the Ku Klux Klan, because today, the Democrat Party supports Critical Race Theory.

“Democrats are desperate to pretend their party has progressed from their days of supporting slavery, pushing Jim Crow laws, and supporting the KKK,” McCarthy tweeted.

“But today, the Dem Party has simply replaced the racism of the Klan with the racism of Critical Race Theory,” the congressman added.

Included in McCarthy’s tweet is a video of him addressing Congress, in which the representative elaborated on how Democrats have not stopped endorsing racist ideas.

“Just a few years ago, then Vice President Joe Biden praised Democrat senator Robert Byrd. He was the Exalted Cyclops of the Ku Klux Klan,” McCarthy said. “In his eulogy for Byrd, he said, ‘For a lot of us, he was a friend, a mentor, and a guide.'”

“Another leading Democrat who praised Byrd at the time was Speaker Pelosi. She called Byrd a friend, a great person, and a great American patriot,” the congressman added.

McCarthy went on to say that today, the Democrat Party has only “doubled down” on their “shameful history,” by “replacing the racism of the past with the racism of the Critical Race Theory.”

“They continue to look at race as the primary means of judging a person’s character,” McCarthy said.

The congressman also mentioned the Democrat Party’s support for Ibram X. Kendi’s books, which is also being pushed in the U.S. military, and academia.

Kendi’s vision for America — as he proposed in his book, How to Be an Antiracist — McCarthy said, is “that the solution to past discrimination is present discrimination.”

The congressman added that by advocating for Critical Race Theory, Democrats “continue to fuel hatred and division across the country.” He went on:

America must reject Critical Race Theory for this simple reason: state-sponsored racism is wrong, and always will be. It was wrong when it was segregated lunch counters of Jim Crow, and it was wrong when it was segregated classrooms of Critical Race Theory.

Critical Race Theory is an academic movement transpiring at schools across the country teaching children the U.S. is fundamentally racist, and that they must view every social interaction and person in terms of race or color in order to be “antiracist.” Concerned parents, students, and teachers have been pushing back against the agenda, in an ongoing feud with the left-wing elite.