Here's Your 'Red Pill' Moment About the Russia-Ukraine War
The 'story' just doesn't add up.

It's time for your red pill. Something smells rotten in Ukraine. The story is rotten, rancid, hinky; the story just doesn't add up.
President Joe Biden and the media desperately want you to believe Russia is the bad guy and Ukraine is a little angel. They want you to fall in love with underdog Ukraine. They want you to support America getting involved on behalf of Ukraine.
To get your support, they need the media to sell you a bill of goods. But it just doesn't add up. First, Biden is the one who funded Russia's invasion. Biden killed our pipelines, killed coal and banned drilling, which made us dependent on Russian oil — which made Russia filthy rich and arrogant. Biden paid for this war.
Second, if Russian President Vladimir Putin is the "bad guy," if Russia is evil, why is Biden continuing to buy billions of dollars of oil from Russia every day? Does this make sense?
Unless it's pure "commie theatre."
Connect the dots. Biden is a feeble, feckless old puppet with dementia. George Soros pulls Biden's strings. Soros is on the side of Ukraine. Soros recently said the whole world must support Ukraine. It's been reported Soros funded Volodymyr Zelenskyy and then installed him as president of Ukraine — one of the most corrupt nations on the earth.
Keep in mind, evil billionaire Soros is obsessed with hatred for America. He desperately wants to destroy our country. Soros has funded the invasion of our borders. He helps pay for illegal aliens (many of them criminals, MS-13 gang members and murderers) to enter America.
Soros also funded and elected all the horrible, communist district attorneys across America. Soros' DAs are hellbent on destroying America. They have turned our big cities into killing zones where murderers run free without even posting bail while law-abiding citizens are stripped of guns and persecuted for defending themselves.
Soros has paid for the destruction of America. Soros is one of the most evil enemies in our history. If Soros funded the leaders of Ukraine and put them in power, this has to be a trap. Ukraine must be a "bad guy."
Now we come to the mainstream fake news media.
Has the media ever told the truth in the seven years since former President Donald Trump came down that escalator? It's been nonstop lies, fraud and propaganda. The media tells you any lie that advances the cause of Democrats, Soros and the destruction of America.
Now after seven years of lies and propaganda, suddenly you trust the media? You believe this one time they're telling the truth? This one time they have America's best interests at heart? Even though (pure coincidence) Soros is on the same side as the media. They're all one big happy family on the side of Ukraine.
I'll tell what I think.
No. 1: I think this war is a WMD: a weapon of mass distraction to get your mind off the disasters Biden has created at home, including open borders, massive inflation, vaccine mandates crippling the economy, the worst crime wave in history, the worst retreat in U.S. military history from Afghanistan and $6-per-gallon gas.
No. 2: This is pure "wag-the-dog" theater to save Biden from the worst polls in modern history. Instead of hating Biden, they want you to hate Putin.
No. 3: This is all part of Soros and Klaus Schwab's "Great Reset." They want to make us all obedient serfs and slaves. They need World War III as a distraction while they destroy America and capitalism and take your freedoms away.
Here's my conclusion. I'm not "for" Russia. I'll never be a fan of Putin. He's out for only himself and a new dominant Russian empire. I'm not telling you to take Russia's side. They are "bad guys."
But I know if Soros is behind Ukraine, then Ukraine is also a "bad guy." If Soros wants us involved, I know this war is not in America's best interest. I know the media is feeding us a load of lies and propaganda — under Soros' direction.
Like Trump, I have only one dog in this hunt. I'm ONLY for "America First." This war is nonsense. It doesn't involve us. We should not be sending billions of dollars in aid or sending billions in military weapons to Ukraine. I don't want this to turn into WWIII. I don't want my kids or your kids dying over Ukraine. We need to stay a million miles away from this conflict.
This isn't war, it's commie theater. It's a WMD: weapon of mass distraction. Don't believe a thing you read or see coming from the fake news media.
Take your red pill and just say "NO" to this wag-the-dog moment.