Sunday, 16 July 2023

World News: When defenders of Gaza terrorists and French rioters are strangely silent


When defenders of Gaza terrorists and French rioters are strangely silent

The defenders of Gaza and French revolts are silent on massacres of Christians - or blame them on climate change.

by Giulio Meotti Jul 16, 2023, Arutz 7 Israel News

Giulio Meotti

The West that feeds on Third Worldism, decolonization, the myth of banlieues and "Black Lives Matter" does not care about the genocide of Christians, indeed it even tries to deny it. For our NGOs, UN, media and governments, the killers do not shout "Allahu Akbar", but "we want a carbon free world".

But what about the last 150 Christians killed. "Some Christian victims were burned alive in their homes", refers the Motning Star.

Now a Nigerian bishop raises his voice condemning the Islamic persecution and “Western propaganda”. Bishop Wilfred Chikpa Anagbe of the diocese of Makurdi, Nigeria, said: “If you saw the video, you would cry. They came and slaughtered everyone”. “They say it's about climate change; this is not true,” he stated. Explaining that the goal of making Nigeria an Islamic state began in the 1980s, Anagbe said what is happening in the country today is a result of the program outlined then by Islamic leaders. “In 1989, there was the Abuja Declaration that Nigeria should be established as an Islamic state; this is what we are seeing today”.

Flowers lie on caskets during a funeral Mass in the the parish hall of St. Francis Xavier Church in Owo, Nigeria, June 17, 2022. The Mass was for some of the 40 victims killed in a June 5 attack by gunmen during Mass at the church. 52,250 people have been killed over the last 14 years in Nigeria only for being Christians, a new report published April 10 revealed (OSV News photo/Temilade Adelaja, Reuters

50,000 Christians have been massacred in fourteen years in Nigeria. In just one Nigerian state, Benue, 591 Christians killed in 140 attacks since the beginning of the year. But from the president of Ireland (a former Catholic country), Michael Higgins, to Amnesty International and the US State Department, our élite cites climate change as the cause of the persecution of Christians.

                   Burnt church in Maiduguri, Nigeria  (Copyright: Aid to the Church in Need)

While gun attacks in the United States always make headlines, very few of our media outlets carry the facts, stories, and numbers of Christian genocide. Why in the West are the defenders of Gaza terrorists, the singers of good intentions and the fanatics of the fight against "Islamophobia", so silent in the face of the crimes committed by Muslims against Christians?

Commissioner UN human rights officer Volker Turk criticized Israel for its counter-terrorism operation in Jenin, a city from which most of the Palestinian bombers come. It is useless to seek Turk's condemnation of the bloodbath of Christians.

Jumping off the Pont Mirabeau, the great poet Paul Celan said: "La Shoah n'est plus l'affaire des Juifs". The genocide of Christians is definitely not our media's business.

Climate change at fault? If there were no hurricanes, no melting glaciers, no polar bears wandering alone and the African desert was a field of flowers, would there be fewer murdered Christians? They have blamed capitalism, inequality, depression and now the climate. Everything except Islam. As in the burbings in France: the police, the discomfort of the suburbs, Algeria, never the rejection of the West or Islam.

Tens of thousands of simple Christians killed or a girl burned alive do not deserve the slightest protest march or communication campaign. We must believe that only Europe's denunciation of racism, Israel and "police violence" is worthy of Western emotion.

If only these Christians lived in a Parisian suburb, were decolonized Muslims rather than Christians colonized by Islam and were called Nahel instead of Deborah, the girl burned alive because she was a Christian in Nigeria, dozens of people attacking her body, setting it on fire among shouts of joy and devotion to Allah. So yes, as they used to say, they would "enjoy good press".

Giulio Meotti is an Italian journalist with Il Foglio and writes a twice-weekly column for Arutz Sheva. He is the author, in English, of the book "A New Shoah", that researched the personal stories of Israel's terror victims, published by Encounter and of "J'Accuse: the Vatican Against Israel" published by Mantua Books, in addition to books in Italian. His writing has appeared in publications, such as the Wall Street Journal, Gatestone, Frontpage and Commentary.