Friday, 22 September 2023

Excellent Imitation of Screeching F-35 About to Crash

Retired paper mill worker, 72, hilariously imitates screeching sound of F-35 jet as it hurtled towards the ground after pilot ejected in rural South Carolina

  • Randolph White recalled hearing a strange sound in Williamsburg County 
  • The $100M fighter jet crashed in a nearby field

A retired paper mill worker who heard the missing F-35 jet crashing near his home has imitated the sound it made in a hilarious TV appearance.

Randolph White, 72, described the sound as 'between a screech and a whistle' and then launched into a shrieking sound to help viewers understand.

He was shaving in his bathroom when the $100million fighter jet crashed near his rural home in Williamsburg County on Sunday afternoon. 

The pilot was able to eject but the whereabouts of the missing plane were unclear - sparking a frantic 28 hour search. It wasn't until the following night when helicopters were flying above that White learned the screeching sound had come from a missing jet.

'I was in the bathroom, taking a shave, and I heard a screeching. Between a screech and a whistle,' the retired paper mill worker told Fox 59. 'I said, what in the world is this? And I heard a boom! Then my whole house shook.' 

Randolph White, 72, described the strange sound he heard from his home in Williamsburg County on Sunday afternoon

Randolph White, 72, described the strange sound he heard from his home in Williamsburg County on Sunday afternoon

The $100million fighter jet crashed in a field 80 miles from its base following a frantic 28-hour search

The $100million fighter jet crashed in a field 80 miles from its base

White did not notify the authorities at the time because he had no idea what the sound was, he added.

'The first thought that came to me… I said well, did a meteorite come from outer space or something? 

'And I said, well if it was an airplane it needs to be reported because that thing was flying just too low. I didn’t give it any other thought. I knew it was low because my house is pretty solid, and it shook,' he told the local outlet. 

The following night White notice helicopters fling above the area as they searched for the missing aircraft, but he figured they must have been looking for something else.  

'Somebody must have robbed a bank... Killed some people or whatever. So, I walked up there, and they told me it was about the plane,' he said.

Military officials appealed in online posts Sunday for any help from the public in locating the aircraft

Military officials appealed in online posts Sunday for any help from the public in locating the aircraft

The jet belongs to the most expensive weapon system program in the US Department of Defense.

Former Marine Dan Grazier, who works at a Defense watchdog and has warned about F-35 safety issues for years, said a software glitch or cyberattack could have caused the missing jet to malfunction.

He told : 'There are thousands of weaknesses in the entire enterprise that a hacker could access.'