Monday, 25 November 2019

Recipes - Salami & Eggs

Salami & Eggs

 By Kosher Guru / December 24, 2017

Sunday nights was always a time to get together with grandparents. That also meant that dinner needed to be served.
I meant what’s a Jewish get together without food right? Most of the time it was deli sandwiches for dinner but once in a while it was salami & eggs. I actually remember it was my Dad who made them, he cracked the eggs, cut up the salami, and cooked it all up to a salami & egg scrambled to perfection. Now we still get together with grandparents and now it’s me who is in charge of making dinner, and therefore the salami & eggs. Now I too cut up the Meal Mart bullet salami, and crack those eggs, and sauté it all into a perfectly cooked salami scramble.
  1. Meal Mart bullet salami cut into small pieces
  2. 6 eggs
  3. Pepper to taste
  1. In a sauté pan take salami and sauté until oils are released and some color develops on the salami.
  2. About 1-2 minutes then take out of the pan and set aside.
  3. Spray pan so that the eggs don’t stick.
  4. Take the 6 eggs and crack into a glass to make sure there are no blood spots and whisk until uniform.
  5. Pour eggs in the frying pan and add the salami on top.
  6. With a spatula keep moving the eggs around the pan to scramble and cook the eggs.
  7. It will be ready when it’s no longer translucent, don’t overcook or it will be rubbery. Serve right away and try not to turn your back on them, the kids will gobble them up before you even have a chance to get anything else on the table
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