Could this be the reason for the urgency over climate change and the proposed Global Carbon Tax?
The United Nations is facing a “severe shortage of cash” and may not be able to continue carrying out its work – because some member states aren’t paying their bills.
UN chief António Guterres warned the organisation was facing the worst cash crisis in nearly a decade and runs the risk of not being able to pay staff and suppliers.
Of the permanent members of the UN security council, only the USA has failed to pay.
US President Donald Trump has often complained about the amount the US contributes towards the UN budget, with the country recently paying around 22% of the operating budget, and 28% of the peacekeeping budget.
A UN spokesperson said 129 of the 193 states have now paid their annual fees, but the rest need to pay “urgently and in full”.
“This is the only way to avoid a default that could risk disrupting operations globally.”
The Secretary-General further asked governments to address the underlying reasons for the crisis and agree on measures to put the United Nations on a sound financial footing.”
A statement from the secretary-general said major disruptions had been averted thus far, but warned this “annual crisis” can now only be solved if more money comes in.

Extinction Rebellion (XR) boasts it’s a grassroots international movement with 650 groups in 45 countries following its foundation in October 2018. In truth, its own records confirm it’s a project directed and funded by the City of London-centered financial oligarchy through interests such as the George Soros-sponsored Tides Foundation.
XR cofounder Dr Gail Bradbrook, a confessed user and advocate of psychedelic drugs, who spoke at the 16-18 August “Fifth International Conference on Psychedelic Consciousness”, exactly 50 years after the Woodstock Festival, in London, rambled on about drug-induced trances and civil disobedience mirroring the youth corrupting machinations of the “Colour Revolution” author Gene Sharp, whom XR openly endorse in their campaign to overturn society as we know it.
Gail Bradbrook, co-founder XR.
XR claims it’s open and transparent with respect to its funding, with the “majority coming from crowdfunding”. This is ostensibly true, albeit the confidentiality of crowd-sourced donations makes its benefactors impossible to identify. But in any case, XR’s own records confirm funding from some significant institutional donors. Furka Holdings, a little-known Swiss asset management company owned by Bank of Georgia director Alasdair Breach, contributed a handsome £50,000. From 1998 to 2002, Breach was an economist at Goldman Sachs, based in Moscow.
The Rockefeller Brothers Fund-sponsored European Climate Foundation chipped in £20,000; the Soros-sponsored Tides foundation, £7,455; and Greenpeace, £10,000. Aside from an anonymous £137,000 PayPal donation, XR’s single largest contribution was £121,140 from the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF), an outfit co-founded by British billionaire Sir Christopher Hohn, which has contributed more than US$25 million to the Clinton Foundation.
I was always told that, if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and walks like a duck, it is probably a duck…
However, when it comes to the stupendously rapid rise of Greta Thunberg and Extinction Rebellion, I am to believe that even though it’s funded by establishment banking concerns, it’s helping the UN instigate a global tax and George Soros is behind it — I am supposed to swallow the line that Extinction Rebellion is a “Grassroots” organisation…
I know, I know.
Silly me.
“Shut up and pay your taxes.”
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