Friday 22 November 2019

World Music Quiz

Harvard University Quiz

added by CC

This experiment is being conducted by researchers at Harvard University. Before you decide to participate, please read the following information.

We study how the mind works. Specifically, in this research we are investigating how people make sense of music they hear. We will play you some sounds. You can use speakers or headphones. We will ask you questions about what you hear. The experiment takes less than 10 minutes.

We will ask you to answer questions concerning your emotions and behaviors, your preferences and beliefs about music and the arts, your engagement with musical activities, your personal history of musical exposure and training, and some demographic information about you and your family. We will also ask you to look at pictures or words and respond to them. This helps us to understand a bit more about how you are feeling. For example, you might feel especially happy or sad while playing our games, and this task helps us to measure how happy or sad you feel.

This research has no known risks or anticipated direct benefits. You will not receive compensation for participating in this experiment. Your participation in this research is completely voluntary. You can end your participation at any time without penalty.

Your participation is completely anonymous. Your responses will be stored securely on a server at Harvard University under password protection. Your experiment data may be shared with other researchers. The results and data from this experiment will be shared with the public. After the experiment, we will explain several ways to be informed about the research. If you have questions or problems, you can contact us at By proceeding, you agree to participate in this experiment.

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