Thursday, 19 December 2019

ACLU calls for tampons in men's rooms in order to achieve 'menstrual equity'

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is calling for men's restrooms to include tampons in order to prevent discrimination against "every person who menstruates."
"While free menstrual products are not uniformly provided in women’s restrooms, they are almost never available in men’s restrooms, even for pay," the group said in a statement Tuesday.
"Men’s restrooms are also less likely to have a place to dispose of these products conveniently, privately, and hygienically."
The left-leaning legal group argued that it wasn't a "full or accurate portrayal" to say that women are the only ones who "menstruate, get pregnant, or breast feed [sic]."

"Menstrual stigma and period poverty can hit trans and non-binary people particularly hard," the post read.
The group linked to a legislative toolkit in which it advocated for regulation of menstrual products in public restrooms. The group also favors menstrual products in public shelters and schools.
"Menstrual equity is a basic equity issue," the report read. "Just as we have regulated the provision of toilet paper and paper towels in public restrooms, so too should we do the same for menstrual products."
This wasn't the first time the ACLU made a head-turning comment about gender. On "International Men's Day," the group declared that men could both get their periods and give birth.

"Men who get pregnant and give birth are men," the group tweeted in November.
The controversial organization has also defended Medicaid funding for gender dysphoria surgeries and allowing individuals to change the gender marker on their birth certificates. The group also sued a Catholic health organization over its refusal to cover gender-related surgeries, leading to a settlement in which the organization agreed to change its medical plan.
In 2015, the group intervened in a case surrounding gender and locker rooms. A blog post from the ACLU of Illinois claimed that "a transgender girl is female. She is a girl through and through -- not something in between."

The post opposed an Illinois superintendent's claim that their client had a "male body" and suggested the school district's position ran counter to science.
“The superintendent asserts that a girl who is transgender has a ‘male body’ and that transgender students are ‘of the opposite sex’ when defending the District’s position," the post read. “Such assertions are wrong as a matter of science and offensive because they serve to challenge and undermine the very core of a person’s identity."