Saturday, 21 December 2019

'Snow-globing' is the awful new holiday dating trend

“Snow-globing” is the latest dating trend to look out for this winter — and it happens when the magic of Christmas makes a relationship seem more serious than it is.
We’ve all heard of “cuffing season,” where you find some to snuggle up with over the colder months, only to dump them when summer and your social life return. In contrast, “snow-globing” refers to a much shorter period of time, covering Christmas and New Year.
You better watch out — you better not cry if you find yourself the victim of "snow-globing," the latest terrible dating trend to make headlines this Christmas season.
You better watch out — you better not cry if you find yourself the victim of "snow-globing," the latest terrible dating trend to make headlines this Christmas season. (iStock)

It typically happens when you meet someone just before the festive season kicks off and your dates tend to include cozy Christmas markets and ice skating. That’s not to mention the work Christmas party, and any New Year’s celebrations planned.
Plus if they end up getting you a present, it can end send the wrong signals if it’s just a fling.
During the early stages of a relationship, the magic of Christmastime can trick people into thinking the romance is much more serious than it is.  
During the early stages of a relationship, the magic of Christmastime can trick people into thinking the romance is much more serious than it is.   (iStock)
The magic of Christmastime during the early stages of a relationship can trick people into thinking it’s much more serious than it is.
And when everyone goes back to work and everyday life resumes, suddenly the relationship — which looked like it was heading for something serious — suddenly disappears.
Turns out you’ve just been “snow-globed,” according to Cosmopolitan.

Couples therapist Gary Brown told Cosmo why people do it – and how to spot the signs: “One may be that they simply don't want to be alone, or they don't want to be seen as being single during the holidays.”
"Feeling embarrassed about not being in a relationship can be so painful, that people will make romantic gestures as a sort of 'short fix' so that they don't have to feel the pain of loneliness,” he explained.
"Feeling embarrassed about not being in a relationship can be so painful, that people will make romantic gestures as a sort of 'short fix' so that they don't have to feel the pain of loneliness,” one relationship expert commented of the trend.
"Feeling embarrassed about not being in a relationship can be so painful, that people will make romantic gestures as a sort of 'short fix' so that they don't have to feel the pain of loneliness,” one relationship expert commented of the trend. (iStock)
And if you weren’t sure whether your date was just “going through the motions” with you, Brown had some words of advice on how to spot a real relationship.

“If you notice beforehand that they are talking about you with their friends, family, and co-workers, then that may be a sign that they're truly interested,” he claimed.