Before DVDs and streaming services people watched movies & TV shows on Video Home System (VHS) tapes. The first tape was created by the Victor Company of Japan in the early 70s, but they weren’t released in America until August 23, 1977.
After its arrival in the United States, VHS tapes became the most popular media platform of the 80s and 90s. Since these tapes aren’t made anymore, some people were smart enough to hold on to this outdated piece of technology. These VHS tapes are now worth a lot of money.
The list is extensive, some bringing a few hundred dollars a piece to one's fetching thousands. It's not just Disney movies, though according to the article if you have a black diamond edition of Aladdin in good shape it is supposedly worth up to one million. Lol, I know everyone will be diving to look at their old VHS tapes today, I know I will.
Click on link that will take you to the list. Even weird old bizarre sounding labeled movies one never heard of are listed.