Here are five exercises to start your day
You just woke up, and you can’t be bothered to train hard today? Don’t worry, it happens to everyone. Here are five things you can do instead of a full workout
By Walla! SEPTEMBER 23, 2021
Man exercises (illustrative) (photo credit: INGIMAGE)
In our dreams, we wake up early, jump out of bed straight into our
sneakers and sports shirt and begin a serious workout, starting our day
on the right foot - all before our first coffee.
reality... well, it’s definitely less than picture-perfect. We can’t
get up every morning with the motivation or strength to move rigorously,
many can’t exercise in the morning and sometimes we’re just too tired.
days like these, when you get up without energy, you really can’t think
about working out. So, don’t push yourself. There are alternatives that
won’t take away your limited strength, and they’ll help you feel ready
to start the day. In fact, although morning workouts have a lot of
health benefits, if you’re very tired and unfocused, you won’t benefit
that much from exercising. So, what are some choices?
1. Stretching
Light stretches gently stimulate the body and brain to gradually
awaken. Stretch your arms over your head and look up, then bend down
slowly, vertebra after vertebra, until your fingers touch the floor or
your toes. Let the head and neck be relaxed downwards. Gently bend one
knee and straighten the other, then switch between them. Repeat this
several times for a deeper stretch of the back thigh muscles.
2. Warm-ups
we understand that full training is too much this morning. So, it’s
possible to make do with warm-ups. Do a few minutes of resistance
exercising with your body weight, at a moderate intensity and at a
leisurely pace - squats, for example.
you do them at a moderate pace, you’ll work out the thigh, buttocks and
core muscles. If after you finish them you feel that you can do more,
perform exercises that will help warm up your nervous system, which is
responsible for the synchronization between the brain and body. Quickly
run or jump in place for a few minutes.
3. Movement
good way to start the day is with movement exercises - rotating your
hips, pelvic thrusts, or squats. Also, perform movements that expand the
range of motion, such as gradual hand rotations in wrists, forearms,
and shoulders. Afterward, your body will feel less “creaky” when you get
out of bed, and in addition, improving your range of motion will also
enhance your performance in future training and reduce the risk of
4. Yoga
is a light and friendly workout which can be adapted to different
levels of intensity and skill. It works on the whole body and includes
breathing and concentration exercises. Yoga is liked by many fitness
trainers who consider it a perfect morning workout. It stretches the
muscles, works on the body’s range of motion and also on the connection
between the brain and body - so it checks all the crucial areas when
your day starts. On a morning devoid of energy or time, you can totally
settle for a few repetitions of downward dog or sun salutation.
5. Walking
Grab a bottle of water and headphones and go for a short walk around the
neighborhood. Even if you don’t burn a lot of calories, you’re still
moving your body, helping to start your blood pumping into your veins
and stretching bones and muscles.
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