Tuesday, 16 July 2024

Democrat legislator compares Trump to the Devil

Dem lawmaker compares Trump to THE DEVIL after assassination attempt

  • Steven Woodrow represents Denver in the Colorado State House
  • He said Trump getting shot at meant people would have 'sympathy for the devil' 
Colorado lawmaker made a bizarre post that compared Donald Trump to Satan following the attempt on his life Saturday.

Steven Woodrow, who represents Denver in the Colorado State House of Representatives, made the post on social media shortly after the assassination attempt in Pennsylvania.

'The last thing America needed was sympathy for the devil but here we are,' he wrote, in reference to Trump. 

Immediately, he was swarmed with outrage, and people pointed to other posts he'd made comparing Republicans and Trump supporters to Nazis.

Steven Woodrow, who represents Denver in the Colorado State House of Representatives, has been forced to apologize for a bizarre post that compared Donald Trump to Satan following the attempt on his life Saturday

Steven Woodrow, who represents Denver in the Colorado State House of Representatives, has been forced to apologize for a bizarre post that compared Donald Trump to Satan following the attempt on his life Saturday

Woodrow was even slammed by his fellow Democrats, including the state Democrat party chair.

Woodrow has since deleted his account on social media platforms X and Instagram. 

Biology professor is slammed over sick joke about Trump's assassination attempt

  • Shoshanna Jacobs is a biology professor at Ontario's University of Guelph 
A Canadian biology professor shocked social media with her comment on the assassination attempt against Donald Trump

Noting how nearly Trump missed being directly hit, Jacobs - a professor of integrative biology - wrote on the social media platform X: 'When 4 inches really matters'.

Shoshanna Jacobs, a biology professor at Ontario's University of Guelph, received condemnation from all sides after quote-tweeting a video of the shooting, when noting how nearly Trump missed being directly hit

Shoshanna Jacobs, a biology professor at Ontario's University of Guelph, received condemnation from all sides after quote-tweeting a video of the shooting, noting how nearly Trump missed being directly hit

The professor, who has taught at the school since 2012 and uses they/them pronouns, was quickly vilified for her joke.

'Wow, you really are an awful person,' wrote one X user. 'People died today. But hey, you've got jokes.'

Another succinctly added: 'This only makes you look evil.'

More social media users tagged Jacobs' employers and asked that she be fired. 

'Do you support assassinations and murders @uofg? Why do you have a professor supporting criminality teaching at University of Guelph?'

Many noted the insensitivity given that retired fire chief Corey Comperatore, 50, was killed in the gunfire, attempting to save his family.

Comperatore died a hero as he shielded his young daughter and wife from the gunfire as he was killed by 20-year-old gunman Crooks.

His sister wrote on Facebook: 'The shooter claimed the life of my brother, Corey Comperatore. The shooter took the life of the one man we loved the most. He was a hero who shielded his daughters.

'His wife and girls just lived through the unthinkable and unimaginable. My baby brother just turned 50 and had so much life left to experience,' she continued.

Comperatore's daughter, Allyson, also wrote: 'He died a real-life super hero.'

During Sunday's episode of ABC's This Week Stephanopoulos (left) blamed Trump's own 'violent rhetoric' for the attempt on his life

During Sunday's episode of ABC's This Week Stephanopoulos (left) blamed Trump for the attempt on his life

Trump's Vice President pick J.D Vance noted that Biden's rhetoric led to the attack.

'Of course, President Trump and his supporters are responsible, as well,' Stephanopoulos said, blaming Trump. 

'Absolutely, George,' Raddatz agreed.

Viewers on social media were quick to condemn the comments, calling for Stephanopoulos to be fired. 

'It took ABC News and George Stephanopoulos exactly 12 hours to blame Trump. Disgusting,' Marc Cox said on X. 

David Asman slammed Stephanopoulos for shifting blame to the Republicans.

Even for a former Clinton operative, this is a new low, he said. 

'Trump was inches from getting killed and George blames him for it,' another wrote.

Another called for Stephanopoulos to be 'fired immediately'. 

FBI staffer is in hot water over vile posts about Trump's assassination attempt

An FBI staffer posted a vile message where she expressed regret that Donald Trump was not killed in an assassination attempt on Saturday.

The lady, who works at the FBI'S research identity department, posted an image of the grim reaper trying to pick a Trump doll from a claw machine.

The caption read: 'Awww so close.'

She appears to have deleted her social media accounts. 

In the wake of the failed attempt on Trump's life, Jack Black has also been accused of being distasteful after his bandmate made a joke about the shooting on stage.

The actor's comedy band Tenacious D was on stage in Sydney, Australia, on Sunday when Black brought a birthday cake for bandmate Kyle Gass and asked him to make a wish.

Gass, 64, replied: 'Don’t miss Trump next time.'

Progressive Seattle journalist is slammed over warped post about Donald Trump assassination attempt

A Seattle journalist is being condemned for her tactless tweet over the attempted assassination of Donald Trump.

Shortly after the attack, Ashely Nerbovig, a journalist for Seattle's alternative biweekly newspaper The Stranger, posted a shocking message on X.

'Make America aim again,' Nerbovig said.

Critics have slammed Seattle journalist Ashley Nerboving for posting 'Make American aim again' in the wake of the attempted assassination of Donald Trump

Critics have slammed Seattle journalist Ashley Nerboving for posting 'Make American aim again' in the wake of the attempted assassination of Donald Trump

Critics immediately began to slam the journalist across social media for her revolting remarks.

'As a member of the media, this was not responsible or even okay,' said one person.

'Absolutely disgusting. And unforgivable,' said Seattle radio host Jason Rantz.

'This woman needs fired. I encourage everyone to let your thoughts be known to her and her employer. Regardless of who your candidate is, you can’t be a journalist and say this kind of s**t,' a third person said. 

'Who employs this evil hate filled person? She needs to be fired immediately. This behavior is unacceptable and cannot be tolerated,' another said.

Nerbovig was previously arrested in Montana for breaking into her ex-boyfriend's house and trying to steal the dog they once shared

Nerbovig was previously arrested in Montana for breaking into her ex-boyfriend's house and trying to steal the dog they once shared

Nerbovig was previously fired from her job at the Montana Television Network after she was arrested on felony burglary charges.

Maryland public university professor writes article claiming black people hoped 'evil' Trump would be killed

Maryland college professor has claimed black people were 'tantalized' by the prospect of Trump's 'evil' being eradicated in Saturday's near-fatal shooting. 

Morgan State University Professor Dr Stacey Patton has penned a controversial piece comparing the penultimate president to Hitler while speculating that the future would be brighter if he had died during the Pennsylvania assassination attempt.  

Dr Patton aired her views in a Newsone article titled 'Is He Dead?’ Why Black People Are Not Grieving The Failed Assassination Of Donald Trump on Monday. 

'Black people are wishing for the death of evil. We are longing for the prevention of evil,' Patton wrote. 

'For a moment on Saturday, we held our collective breath. We were suspended in uncertainty, caught between desperation and hope, asking: What if?

'Is it immoral for us to be tantalized by the siren songs of alternate histories?'

Morgan State University Professor Dr Stacey Patton has penned a controversial piece comparing the penultimate president to Hitler and speculating that the future could be brighter if he had died during the Butler, Pennsylvania shooting on Saturday

Morgan State University Professor Dr Stacey Patton has penned a piece comparing the penultimate president to Hitler and speculating that the future could be brighter if he had died during the Butler, Pennsylvania shooting on Saturday

Democrat mayor of Washington city makes stunning claims about Trump assassination attempt

Democrat mayor has sparked outrage online - and among his own constituents - claiming Donald Trump faked the assassination attempt at a rally Saturday that left a bystander dead.

The mayor of Washington's Aberdeen, Douglas Orr, went so far as to claim the former president, who is currently running for a second chance at the White House, was inspired by tactics used at pro wrestling matches.

Orr posited that Trump may have cut his ear as part of the stunt, and is asking that independent doctors review his injury.

The Democrat claimed: 'Ears bleed alot [sic]. I hope they check to make sure it wasn’t just a self inflicted scratch. The shooter is dead so we will never know if it was staged.'

Aberdeen's mayor Douglas Orr said he is standing by his belief that Trump may have cut himself, and is asking that independent doctors review his injury

Aberdeen's mayor Douglas Orr said he is standing by his belief that Trump may have cut himself, and is asking that independent doctors review his injury

Orr, who works as an artist, went on to explain that he was questioning the assassination attempt because 'he spent his life growing up watching World Wrestling.'

Orr won his election for mayor by just four votes after two hand recounts in 2023. He is the first openly gay mayor of Aberdeen, which leans Republican

Orr won his election for mayor by just four votes after two hand recounts in 2023. He is the first openly gay mayor of Aberdeen, which leans Republican

President Biden defends saying it's time to put Trump 'in the bullseye' and says he meant 'focus on him.'

President Biden defended saying it's time to put Trump 'in the bullseye' 

Left-wing Australian commentator Mike Carlton (pictured) has come under fire for writing 'Not my thoughts...' under Kevin Rudd's statement regarding shots fired at Donald Trump

Leftist Australian commentator Mike Carlton has come under fire for writing 'Not my thoughts...' under  Aussie Ambassador to USA Kevin Rudd's statement expressing relief that Trump was safe.

'Sometimes it's better to keep your thoughts to yourself,' one viewer wrote.

Carlton refused to show any remorse as he doubled down on his views.

'The Trump shooting has sure brought out his demented Australian acolytes - anonymous, insignificant little dips***s from Woop Woop Creek'

Mike Carlton was slammed by critics for dismissing Kevin Rudd's statement, which expressed a hard stance against violence in politics and relief at Trump's safety

Mike Carlton was slammed by critics for dismissing Kevin Rudd's statement, which expressed a hard stance against violence in politics and relief at Trump's safety

"Trump has been uniquely responsible for stoking the violence that apparently grazed his ear,” The Nation’s Joan Walsh wrote.

[note the ear-truther's use of the weasel word 'apparently' -AA]

“Is Trump’s bandage covering evidence that he wasn’t shot? Still waiting for confirmation from credible sources that he was actually hit by a bullet rather than hit by glass or other debris,” Steven Beschloss, a professor at the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism

[lol, another ear-truther. Note that high velocity glass can also be lethal, even if that scenario was plausible.]

[from Daniel Greenfield article: https://www.frontpagemag.com/rise-of-the-ear-truthers/]