Saturday, 14 December 2019

Berlin Crime: Muslim street gangs hang lady German judge from a tree

Germany vs. Muslim Criminal Clans

Welcome to the tearing apart of German social fabric.

It’s a story for which police have no solution.
Since the beginning of the year until last October there have been 237 police actions against mostly Muslim Arab and Kurdish criminal clans in Berlin alone. In the last one, 400 federal policemen searched clan members’ residences and business premises.
Clan criminality involves itself in Shisha-Bars, gambling offices and amusement arcades. But their more illegal activities concern protection money, bodily injury, extortion, drug dealing, money-laundering, control of the red-light scene, making false documents, murder and contract murders.
A senior state prosecutor stated that there are 20 to 25 clans in Berlin of whom seven to eight are criminal. All areas of Berlin are affected as well as all German states. Each clan also has hundreds of members with most living from welfare.
“Their male members play a considerable roll in drug dealing and red-light criminality,” stated a state prosecutor. “However, there are also family members who are quiet that support the criminal structure.
Besides their usual areas of illegal activity, clans commit sometimes spectacular crimes. One was the theft of a 100 kg gold coin from a museum. Another was the breaking into of 100 safety deposit boxes.
After these crimes, it came up that a brother, who lived on welfare, of one of the criminals bought several condominiums. This caused police to begin “an intensive investigation.”
The police are helped by a new law introduced in Germany in July, 2017. According to this law, the clans must prove they acquired property and wealth legally instead of the other way around. The police can now seize property believed to have been illegally obtained. Many properties have since been seized by the state. In Italy, this has proven to be the most effective method to fight the mafia. But clan profits are also invested abroad.
Last March, the cities of Ludwigshafen and Mannheim also experienced large raids by about 600 police, tax and customs officials against Muslim criminal clans at 70 different places. There were also raids in the states of Hesse, Baden-Wurttemburg and Rhineland-Westphalia. These criminal clans, like many others in Germany, are suspected of having criminal connections around Germany, in other European countries and internationally.But the German newspaper Die Welt states that little is known about their international connections.
In the state of North Rhineland-Westphalia alone, police believe there are 108 criminal clans, who committed 14,225 crimes the last three years. Among them are 6,449 criminally suspect persons of whom 300 are responsible for about a third of the crimes. Every fifth suspect is also a woman, according to Die Welt.  In the smaller North German city of Bremen live about 2,500 clan members who commit 900 crimes per year, about 3 per day.
The clans stem mostly from Lebanon and their “core”members came to Germany about 30-40 years ago during the civil war there. They smuggle boys, called “little bullet boys,” in from their “expanded” clans in Lebanon, who must sell 10,000 Euros in heroin to cover the cost of their smuggling. The boys are 12 to 16 years old and their parents go along with it because they send money home.
“Because they are so young, they don’t go to jail. That is their value. If they are convicted, there are enough reinforcements,” says writer Yassin Musharbash. “For the string-pullers, it is almost risk free – and the profits are tremendous.”
The greatest advantage the clans have and “their most important capital” is their sticking together. That is “the knowledge that one can, in no matter what life situation, rely on one another.” Clan members never testify against one another, states one report. They would rather incriminate themselves. 
“They know what one can do with this. Breaking the law is easier and the fights against rivals more effective when one can count on one another,” states German writer Werner von Berber. 
According to Die Welt, the clan problem “has grown enormously the last ten years.” One of the reasons is the high clan birth rate. Each woman has about eight children, some 10 to 15, in some cases 19.  
“Before the mother has her last child, she is already a grandmother,” states a story in North German Radio. “For this reason, clans grow at breath-taking speed.”
In her book ‘The End of Patience,’ former youth court judge Kirsten Heisig states that these clans are also very dangerous. 
“When the drug or other illegal business is disturbed by another clan from another ethnic background, then the problem is solved by killing, or at least trying to,” Hiesig wrote. One story states the young men of these clans “again and again” have fought one another.
Even when one wants to remove an abused child from a clan home there is danger.
‘One cannot take by force a child from an Arab clan,” Heisig states. “The families will shoot those who try.”
Sending these families back to their country of origin is also a “dead issue,” according to Heisig. She states there are already second and third generation members in Germany.
Heisig was found hanging from a tree in a Berlin forest. The police ruled her death a suicide but her colleagues believe Muslim criminal clans may have been responsible because she was giving harsh sentences to their young members. Several judges and prosecutors in Germany live under police protection, fearing clan revenge.
Clans have also tried infiltrating the police. One member of the police academy was accused of having contacts with a criminal clan while a student of Arab background doing an internship at a police station was caught photographing files of a Muslim clan she sent to an unknown recipient. The police union has warned of “targeted infiltration” of the public service.
“They attempt to keep certain family members from criminal acts in order to bring them into public service,” stated Die Welt.
The challenge to the state based on the rule of law by these Muslim criminal clans is a large and growing problem. No mafia organization, as is well known, respects the state based on laws.
Udo Ulfkotte wrote in his book ‘Beware! Civil War’ that the problem with the Muslim criminal clans, and with Muslim immigration in general, is that Islamic culture has simply different civilizational standards. This has caused, he writes, “a fall of values that leads to the state order not being accepted anymore.”
The president of the police union of Essen goes even further and states that the Muslim criminal clans see the German state only as “prey.”
Everyone realizes, however, that the clans represent a total failure at integration. Essen’s police union president says integration has “driven direct into a wall” here, saying many members don’t want to integrate. They live in their own parallel criminal societies and have little to do with German society.
“They destroy the trust in the legal state and undermine state structures…,” stated one politician.
Many Germans believe the apparent powerlessness of the state against these Muslim criminal clans is “shameful.”
“What kind of a state, based on law, is that where such families can do what they want,’ posted a commentator to the North German Radio story.
Unfortunately, no solution appears in sight to this tearing apart of the German social fabric, although German politicians of all parties are very concerned about the problem.
“The police union has scarcely any hope for a solution of the problem,” states Die Welt.