Beijing’s Lies Matter
Chinese communists nurture BLM to destabilize America.
One year after George Floyd died in the custody of Minneapolis police, one year after riots ravaged the nation in his name, the founder of Black Lives Matter's chapter in nearby St. Paul quit.
“After a year on the inside, I learned they had little concern for rebuilding black families, and they cared even less about improving the quality of education for students in Minneapolis,” Rashard Turner said in a video May 26. One week later, Turner provided specifics in an interview with Fox News.
"When you call for a moratorium on charter schools, that is a direct attack on black families, on black children," Turner said. "We know that charter schools are creating opportunities. Anyone who is in opposition to school choice, charter schools, I would say they're racist.
"I was an insider in Black Lives Matter, and I learned the ugly truth."
That ugly truth goes beyond BLM's professional hypocrisy. It extends to an even uglier truth: BLM knowingly plays a pivotal role in China's quest to attain geopolitical and ideological supremacy by destabilizing the United States.
BLM's role is so pivotal that many of the group's leaders and affiliated bodies have relationships with organizations that are connected to China through fronts or diplomatic contacts.
"Black Lives Matter is a Communist organization 100 percent, tied to foreign Communists and directly to the Communist Party of China," said Trevor Loudon, an author and filmmaker from New Zealand who has studied Marxist movements for more than 30 years.
BLM embodies Mao Zedong's quest to foment revolution through race, as he succinctly stated:
"The evil system of colonialism and imperialism arose and thrived with the enslavement of Negroes and the trade in Negroes, and it will surely come to its end with the complete emancipation of the black people."
Mao took that approach because China had neither an industrialized working class nor an organized labor movement.
"So he really had to use race, ethnicity and cultural differences to start the revolution," Loudon said. "The best way to have a revolution is to utilize racial differences. In modern America, the Maoists all say, 'The people of color -- the black, Latino, Asian-American, Native American -- are being oppressed by the white, Christian, capitalist patriarchy.'
"The only way you can get rid of that oppression, get rid of that racism, is to overthrow the white, Christian, capitalist patriarchy. It's Marxist revolution based on color, rather than class."
Compare Loudon's and Mao's comments to remarks made by BLM co-founder Alicia Garza to a left-wing convention in 2015:
"It's not possible for a world to emerge where black lives matter if it's under capitalism, and it's not possible to abolish capitalism without a struggle against national oppression and gender oppression."
As FrontPage Magazine reported last year, Mao encouraged like-minded black activists, such as Robert Williams, who advocated violent revolution. Williams even visited Mao in 1966 in Beijing, where he gave an address.
After Mao's death, China used more sophisticated methods to gain increasingly pervasive influence in the West. The China-United States Exchange Foundation, founded in 2008, courts professors, students, government officials and reporters through tours, private discussions, dinners and joint research. The targets include historically black colleges and universities (HBCU), and the Congressional Black Caucus.
For the past four years, CUSEF paid an American consulting firm almost $670,000 to influence black students, professors and Congressional representatives. That firm, Wilson Global, also oversees the HBCU-China Scholarship Network.
Interestingly, President Barack Obama contacted China's government in 2014 about enabling black students to take classes there. As a result, the China Education Association for International Exchange made 1,000 scholarships available for students at historically black campuses.
But the CUSEF is linked to China's Communist Party through the United Front, a network of party organizations. The United Front works overseas "to co-opt and neutralize potential sources of opposition to the policies and authority" of the Communist Party, and encourages its targets "to take actions or adopt positions supportive of Beijing’s preferred policies," stated the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review.
Or as Jamestown Foundation fellow Peter Mattis said about the Chinese, "If they cultivate enough people in the right places, they start to change the debate without having to directly inject their own voice."
Black professors and politicians under Chinese influence make the perfect exponents of critical race theory and opponents of "white privilege," both of which came from Marxist intellectuals in the West.
James Cone, a professor at the liberal Union Theological Seminary, developed critical race theory. His Marxist pedigree includes visiting Fidel Castro's Cuba in 1984, along with Rev. Jesse Jackson and Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Obama's pastor in Chicago. Meanwhile, Theodore White and Noel Ignatiev developed the idea of "white privilege" as a Marxist construct. Both men joined the Maoist branch of Marxism when Marxist groups in the United States split over ideology.
But intellectual revolution needs street activism to reach the proletariat. Enter Black Lives Matter.
When a security guard killed Trayvon Martin in 2013, Garza joined with Patrisse Cullors and Opal Tonetti to create the organization through a hashtag, #BlackLivesMatter. All three belonged to Liberation Road, an ideological descendant of the Maoist New Communist Movement. Garza also belongs to Left Roots, a subsidiary of Liberation Road.
"It really was a scam from start to finish," Loudon said. "They came up with the hashtag, put it out there and all the Liberation Road front groups and friendly media all around the country re-tweeted it, elevated it and made it into a movement. There's nothing spontaneous about this whatsoever."
Garza, a native of the Bay Area, also had been working with the San Francisco chapter of the Chinese Progressive Association since 2012. The CPA provides funding for the Black Futures Lab, a BLM subsidiary that Garza created to create policies and organize blacks. BLM calls the Black Futures Lab "a fiscally sponsored project of the Chinese Protective Association."
One of Garza's close friends is Alex Tom, a fellow student activist when both attended UC San Diego. Tom not only led the Chinese Progressive Association. He organized delegations to China, "boasts of his close association with Chinese diplomats in San Francisco (and) boasts of defending China," Loudon said.
"This is basically a Chinese operation," Loudon called the CPA, "a Communist Chinese operation."
So were the riots in Ferguson, Mo. in 2014 after Michael Brown's death and in Minneapolis last year after Floyd's death. A group called Organization for Black Struggle organized the violence in Ferguson. Leading that group was Jamala Rogers, a long-time member of Liberation Road.
"They brought 10,000 people from out of town to burn down Ferguson," Loudon said. "They were visited by delegations of Left Roots and Liberation Road members, some of whom had just returned from a visit to Communist China, where they met with Chinese Communist Party members, by their own admission."
Most of the businesses they destroyed were owned by African-Americans.
"The revolution doesn't want prosperous black people," Loudon said. "They only want oppressed, poverty-stricken, embittered black people."
That explains BLM's opposition to charter schools. It also explains BLM's silence on the death of David Dorn, a retired black police captain who was protecting a friend's store when a young black man killed him during last year's riots in St. Louis.
The riots in Minneapolis came under the jurisdiction of that city's affiliate of the National Alliance Against Racist and Political Oppression, a group founded by a member of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization, another group of Maoists that split from Liberation Road.
Jess Sundin, who runs the affiliate, is married to Steff Yorek, the Freedom Road Socialist Organization's political secretary.
"Jess Sundin admits she started the riots," Loudon said. "She admits she did the organizing for this. I've got her on tape talking about her organizational role. I've got her on tape talking about the joy she felt when Precinct 3, the police station in that area, burned to the ground, and that the looting and rioting was an integral part of the movement.
"It wasn't peaceful demonstrators hijacked by radicals. It was radical right from the start. It was pro-China right from Day One."
Following Floyd's death, a BLM affiliate called the Movement 4 Black Lives, organized the ensuing mayhem nationwide.
"These are the people who coordinated riots and demonstrations all over the country for week after week after week," said Loudon, who identified them as "people directly affiliated to the Chinese consulate in San Francisco, people who travel to China to meet with Communist Party officials."
For Loudon, the implications are obvious.
"They are deliberately using America's racial differences to stir Americans up, to bring about a civil war, to weaken this country and destroy President [Donald] Trump," Loudon said about the Chinese. "This, to me, is an act of war."