Thursday, 15 July 2021

BREAKING: Tucker Reveals Biden Regime Is Using The Military To Secretly Fly Illegal Immigrants Into The U.S.

Military email instructed uniformed military personnel to hide what was happening on the base from the country they're sworn to serve: "Do not take photographs, and refrain from posting anything on social media."

Fox News host Tucker Carlson revealed on Wednesday that a whistleblower had provided him with emails proving the U.S. military cooperating with the Biden regime to secretly transport illegal immigrants across the country and into American cities.

“This show has confirmed that the Biden administration has enlisted the U.S. military to move illegal immigrants secretly around our country,’ Carlson stated during the opening of his show on Wednesday. “That is happening at Laughlin Air Force Base in Texas. We know it’s happening there because a man called Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Burrows sent his subordinates an email spelling it out very clearly.”

Carlson then quoted from the email, “‘Over the next few days, weeks or months you may see passenger aircraft on our ramp transporting undocumented non-citizens. Please review the attached public affairs guidance on the issue.’ Burrows’ email then instructed uniformed military personnel to hide what was happening on the base from the country they’re sworn to serve. Quote, ‘do not take photographs, and refrain from posting anything on social media.'”

“Now, Lt. Col. Burrows offered no justification for keeping any of this secret because there is no national security justification for keeping it from the rest of us,” Carlson continued. “He just told the people who work for him not to talk. Now we got his email from a whistleblower, and at first we doubted it could be real . . . and yet, according to this document, here was the very same U.S. military leadership at the pentagon helping the Biden administration with maximum enforced stealth, with secrecy, to subvert this country’s core immigration laws.”

Carlson noted, “It was hard to believe that could be happening, but it is happening. The Pentagon has confirmed it to us. Spokesman Chris Mitchell described the flights from Laughlin as ‘non-citizen movement,’ part of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement mission. He then told us to direct any further questions to ICE. So we did. We called multiple times. ICE did not deny they were using Laughlin Air Force Base to relocate large numbers of foreign nationals into the interior of our country, and do it secretly. The question is, where are all these people going? Several times ICE promised us additional details, but we never heard back.”